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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Friday, September 18, 2009
无奈者 posted at 10:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me

It has really been very long since I met someone with positive thinking, or rather a postivie-minded person who is so influential that I feel motivated simply talking to him. Dunno since when, due to our busy schedule, all my friends, we don't really talk about what has been bothering us anymore. Even if we talk about personal problems, it will be something negative. We will grumble to each other about our problems, we console each other that things will turn out better unconvincingly. But tat person I met really shed some light on some new perspectives. and importantly, I found the long-lost feeling of having someone believe in me. lols. I miss the secondary school and JC days where close friends will motivate one another on the life journey.

admist the busy academic stress, I am really glad team Tiwala! is formed and the group bonds so well together!:))

Sunday, August 30, 2009
无奈者 posted at 10:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Tomorrow is a Mon again, the beginning of a week. and another round of Tiwala! interviews.. I wish I can go on a trip with most of them.. but seems tat we can't take in much..

yx! I am touched tat u still come ard almost daily although I know I deserted this blog for ages.. but tks, really.




saw smth on a blog tat brings back the teenage past:



付出真心 才会得到真心
保持距离 就能保护自己

有时候 不是对方不在乎你

朋友就是把你看透了 还能喜欢你的人

就算是believe 中间也藏了一个lie

而是在一起 就算不说话


为你的难过而快乐的 是敌人
为你的快乐而快乐的 是朋友
就是那些 该放进心里的人

冷漠 有时候并不是无情

Friday, August 21, 2009
无奈者 posted at 7:49 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Actually, I'm not sure whether anyone still reads this blog nowadays.. lols.

I seldom read blogs nowadays. Busy with fb, ft n philippines stuff. But, surprisingly, tdy I went blog reading, and the blogs tat I read are of depth and I love them.

When I started this blog, I remembered blogging about daily rants which are really irritating and of no substance. As I progressed, I wanted my blog to have some depth, so I told myself, Xin Hui, blog abt stuff which u think is worth blogging. And there, slowly n slowly, as the critera gets more stringent, less and less stuff got posted. At first, ppl asked me to update, saying that I haven't blogged for ages, after that, no one bothers cos no one reads it anymore. lols.

but yet, tdy I realised something. Blogging is not about depth and substance, a blog that regularly update ppl on wat u r doing, shares meaningful life lessons learned once in a while is sufficient to keep friends entertained. :)

and yes, I read wai mun, jiamin, ruilong, hx mama and yt's blog tdy. All of substance and depth. lols. n I must say wai mun is leaving me a feeling of envy and 崇拜。我崇拜的是她人生的际遇,洒脱的个性和独具一格的勇敢。

and hx mama, I really feel like telling you this: maybe we weren't close during TJ days, but I managed to hear quite a lot of you frm angel and ls:) and after the first aid lesson, what saddens me is that how come I didn't get to know you better earlier but have to wait till u r leaving for hk soon.. and I was really really v touched when u r so concerned abt me when u saw my fb status!!!!! tat was really the max, I regretted and wish I shld have put in the effort to build our friendship back in 2505 days. and hx mama, pls dun be too 彷徨k.. I dunno whether this describes ur feeling but I tink is the best word I could find. We will be there for you, when u r sad, think of us with CPR faceshields and bandages:) When tired or feel like having someone to tok to, can drop me an email anytime.. I will reply once I see it k.. jiayous for the next 5 mths k.. our hx mama survive and survive well~

Friday, May 15, 2009
无奈者 posted at 10:14 PM | 0 Noticed Me

in a twitch of eye, haven't been blogging for 3 months..

went henderson waves with Jes, Angel and ls tdy.. its worth it!, although my legs are aching..:))

We had an enjoyable time walking thru the Alexandra Arch, followed by the Forest Walk, followed by hilltop walk, then to the henderson waves and lastly thru the marang rail!! :)

and once or twice in our conversations, we may touch on TJ days, our common memories.. Everytime we touched on the TJ memories, I do feel nostalgic, but at the same time, I feel that the memories are drifting further and further away.. dunno y.. although I know it will not come to a point that TJ memories may hold no imptance in time to come but the vividness, the importance of the memories seems to be fading away..

I want to hold on to the memories, but seems like it is not within my catch at all..

Monday, February 02, 2009
无奈者 posted at 10:57 PM | 0 Noticed Me

usually dun like to blog abt daily ramblings.. but dunno y.. feel so much so today.. so I am here.

tdy is weird. Supposedly unlucky things happened today in a row.. but not so unlucky after all.

Anyway, things will be settled somehow. And I'm glad we r still making it for the Pangkor trip. yups, waiting for jes's reply and we r ready to go.

$38 for a perfect holiday dream. Is it worth it?

Buying dreams.. if only dreams can be bought.

Saturday, December 13, 2008
无奈者 posted at 3:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Blogging on my touchy :)
无奈者 posted at 3:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Blogging on my touchy :)

Friday, December 12, 2008
无奈者 posted at 12:19 AM | 0 Noticed Me

was on the mrt several days ago.. and sitting on one side of the train, I was looking out of the window opposite me. Realise the red MRT line does has nice scenery too.. along the Sembawang and Choa Chu Kang direction..

Because I am sitting opposite, I can only have a limited view of the view outside. We passed by buildings, greenery, lakes, reservoirs. It came to mind vividly that when I was younger, I would just climb onto the seat, kneel and look at the full scenery outside the window. I remembered just a beautiful picture outside would make me happy. I dun really noe exactly wat was happiness and unhappiness.To me, during that time, I was happy because I get to eat a Mac ice cream cone/get to play in the playground. I was unhappy when I got a scolding. Simple as that. Happiness and unhappiness can be a line away. Give me a scolding, I will cry. But give me a balloon, and I will break my tears into smiles.

As ppl gets older, things change. We know more and expect more. We start making unrealistic demands of others and of ourselves, making it hard to feel contented and satisfied. When u r unhappy, it gets difficult to make u smile. But when u r happy, it is relatively easy for u to frown.

Likewise, longing to go back into the past is an unrealistic demand. I no longer envy all the young children nor do I long to go back into time. Cos wat has happened has already happened. In fact, I am really grateful that I still have these beautiful memories to keep. They will be the force to keep me going.