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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Friday, February 11, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:31 PM

Hahaz..I am feeling depressed yesterday yet I am here happy today..lolz...
I am sad yesterday cos we have lost Aunt Joe last year, she is not here to spend the Chinese New Year with us..and I tot my aunts will at least remember her and at least mention her..but they seem not to..the only thing they mention is that she did not use the handbag my other aunt gave her..lolz..but..maybe everybody has her in their hearts..who knows..as I say to her, we will love her always and she will be in our memories forever..
Today, I tot it will be a boring day..cos actually..every year we will go to my grandma's house to have vegetarian steamboat and at night, we will go to one of my uncles' house for another round of steamboat again..but this time is got meat de..hahaz..but it was suddenly cancelled due to some reasons..so I was actually not looking forward to today..but surprisingly, everything goes well and I have had an enjoyable day..
I am surprised I can click with my younger cousins..I didn't know I can..cos I always tot we have no common topics..hahaz..except for one or two..in the end, on the way to my god grandmother's house, we had a very great chat.. We mainly chat about our schools..hahaz..but since we are all from Red Swas, we were all gossiping about the teachers..how they used to be and what they are now..hahaz..I am surprised to hear that some of my teachers have retired.. Mr Singh and Mdm Lin had retired..haiz..and some of the trainee teachers in my time are teaching upper pri now and some of them are even married with kids..gosh..5 years..I have now realised the significance of it.. Hahaz..you know what I wish to do now? I feel like organising a primary school and secondary school outing..I feel like visiting our teachers again..as for sec school, I feel like going Sentosa or anywhere..I will be happy if there is an outing..the place doesn't really matter..lolz..
One more thing, should I go to school tomolo? I heard that Van and Soo Huay are both not going..how ar.. I also wich to go back to CCHS and see all those teachers whom I haven't get to see on Lunar New Year's Eve..hahaz..but then, again..I am scared of the LEP teacher..she sure will bark at me for my absence tomolo if I am absent again..so how? HaiZ..