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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Thursday, March 31, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:38 AM

Haaz..suddenly I want to see Van and Ying in their uniforms..hahaz..btw, I think I look weird in my uniform..I prefer my polo tee..hahs.. I wanted to wear polo tee today..luckily I remember today is Wed..must wear sch uniform..hahaz..lucky lucky..
Btw, suddenly I realised I am so happy in TJC..today is a very nice day.. I don't feel so lost now.. although I lost my way finding LEP Building today..hahs.. I saw Hui Min today in the canteen early morning..then went over to chat and ask her to help me tie my tie..then went to meet Yuxiang..hahaz..he introduced me to 2 of his friends.. Jianxiong and Justin.. Jianxiong was extremely friendly..hehez..I was feeling better then..at least got ppl I know..hahaz..
Then..lesson time is ok.. I went for my lectures..I even went for Econs.. believe me.. I was extremely glad that I dropped it..cos it is really tough.. what MP, AP, MPP..I don't understand a word..hahaz..Maths was ok..at Functions..still can understand what the lecturer is talking about..hahs.. The LEP teacher is very cute! Then I have Civics.. my CT, Mr Chan is very nice.. treat the whole class to drinks..hahaz..then the period ended late and we have to go LEP room and fill in something..so basically..we don't have time for lunch.. I was so hungry when I reached home, I gobbled up my lunch..haaz.. and the most important thing.. I did not sleep in my lectures today! Not even in Econs lectures..hahaz.. are u all proud of me? I am so proud of myself..Keez..for those who noe me.. I fall sleep easily..lolz..
got to stop here now.. I guess..

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius