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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, May 30, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:59 AM | 0 Noticed Me

will be going to camp tomolo.. although looking forward to it, I am a bit sad now.. cos scared will be homesick..ahh..how ar? hope the camp will be real fun..so my homesickness will be lighter..
just packed my bag.. it is really heavy.. put all the clothes in..then the food in..already very full..I actually want to bring a big bottle of Pringles there de..but then bag too full to put..hahaz.. so it has to be left at home.. all the things made the backpack looked big and bulky.. carrying it on my shoulders looks weird..but hahs..nvm lah.. who cares.. it is better to bring more than to bring less..hahaz.. my grandpa even brought out his mosquito killing ring?(don't know what it is called..).. ask me whether I need it anot..hahaz.. thanks for his kind offer.. I really appreciate it..
haiz.. I am currently waiting to download the Hello software so that I can post my SCG photo here.. I cut and paste it frm Sam's blog..haaz.. quek quek leaving.. so sad!!!! hope the teacher replacing him can be as good as him.. and as good to bully as him..Muahahahaz..jk jk..
Lingshan brought her sis to the scg outing yesterday.. aiya.. miss a chance to see her sis.. I want to see her sis badly.. and anyway.. since I got into TJ.. I had been realising my friends are all good elder brothers and sisters.. honestly, I think LS treats her sis like bao.. it is a pity that her sis is too young to know.. if I am her..I will feel so xing fu..hahs..but then if the roles are reversed..hahaz..I wouldn't be such a nice sis.. lolz.. this is what everyone knows.. lolz..
that's all.. really cannot think of anything to write le..kkz..
Finally! The scg pic is up.. a bit small.. ppl just click on it and it will open in another window.. great.. misson complete.. can blog off now..haaz..

Sunday, May 29, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:01 PM | 0 Noticed Me

quek quek + scg 2505.. sad..quek quek..y r u leaving? bao qi us.. Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 1:11 AM | 0 Noticed Me

cough cough.. I stayed at home instead of going to sch yesterday cos got fever and sore throat..now feeling better but still got sore throat.. don't think I can go for the library outing and my scg outing today..gonna stay at home for the whole day..
went back to take cert on Thurs.. and Mrs Yeo is like very very chio.. like a princess.. she is sweet and chio..she straightened her hair and she is not looking as pale as b4.. hahaz.. talk to a few teachers.. but cannot find some of the teachers.. after all went to Suntec with Puay Yee.. she says she wants to buy VCD..but then.. in the end she say she cannot find anything to buy..lolz..
That's abt it.. going to bathe le.. haaz..
I wonder whether our badminton won RJ.. hmm..

Friday, May 27, 2005
无奈者 posted at 12:13 AM | 0 Noticed Me

woo..must be wondering why I am so early today? hahaz..cos I didn't attend skool today..no lessons today..is sports carnival..btw, going back Chung Cheng for my cert later..with Puay Yee..she also pon..lolx..
today (or tomolo? not sure) got badminton finals..but dunno want go support notz.. see PY want anot.. somemore dunno where is the venue..hahaz..
there is nothing special happening these two days..except quek quek is leaving..sob..want to cry le..he is a good teacher..always let us bully him..lolz.. sad sad.. he will be post to MOE HQ after June hols.. why? he is one of the best teachers I had then he leaving so soon..haiz.. our whole class is so sad.. quek quek, all the best to ur new posting.. hahs..don't miss us..the most ke ai's class k? haaz..

Sunday, May 22, 2005
无奈者 posted at 5:07 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Let me proudly announce.. TJ is the national champion for Basketballs boys! We beat Hwa Chong with a score of 70 to 62 (I think)..hahaz.. we won them by 8 points..
It was a remarkable achievement for TJ.. It has been 15 years since we got into the finals..and 20 years since we got the champs..lolz.. TJ, we are proud of you!
This time round, there are a lot more supporters then the volleyball finals cos nearly the whole school is there.. hahaz.. it was really a great match.. At first, TJ was very aggressive.. that why's we scored first and lead them by 5 points before Hwa Chong scored their first ball.. for the first quarter, we are leading.. however, Hwa Chong managed to narrow down the difference to 3 points in 2nd quarter.. 33-30.. after that was the really exciting part.. In the 3rd quarter, our team was getting tired and didn't perform as well as before.. in the end, Hwa Chong managed to counterattack and lead us by a few points! The audience were anxious then but we knew it is possible to catch up with them..
In the last quarter, TJ put up a real tough fight..we scored the first ball in the 4th quarter. Although it is so, Hwa Chong scored after we scored.. thus we are unable to catch up with them. They are still leading. At 6mins, when our team managed to catch up with them slowly, suddenly, Hwa Chong scored a few balls and lead us by 6 points.. I was getting panicky at that instant.. cos it is only 4 mins left.. although I know it takes seconds to score but I am still worried cos while we are trying our best.. Hwa Chong is too.. Luckily, things went smoothly for us after that.. we managed to scored in a few balls and penalities and the marks were close.. on moment, we were leading by one mark, then next moment, Hwa Chong was leading.. in the last 40 seconds, it was really a miracle.. Lady luck was with us..our team scored.. changing the situation.. we were no longer leading by 1 mark but 3 marks instead.. As time was running out, Hwa Chong tired to fight back.. but the ball was in our players' hands most of the time.. then at this moment, our player scored again! We are leading ahead by 5 points! Then in the last few seconds, our player shot in a 3 points ball! Hurray! We cheered! It was a win win situation for us cos there was not much time enough for the opponent to catch up.. We began the countdown.. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..the whistle blew.. we won!!!! The whole stadium was filled with cheers and screams.. friends hugged one another at the spectator stand.. it is not hard to see the players beaming in the court.. it has ended and ended well.. Cheers were next..we were the champions, we were the champions, we were the champions we cheered.. when they present the trophy to Mrs Lim, she held it up in her hands proudly.. the stadium was filled with cheers and screams once more..Well done! TJ rocks!
I am not playing bias here.. but our team players really showed true team spirit throughout the match.. they had the bond between them and at times when they passed the ball to one another,we didn't expect some players to get the ball cos there were no signs beforehand but the players still got it.. thanks to them that they had brought TJ to greater heights.. Hip Hip Hurray!

Friday, May 20, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:41 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Just finished pi..not tired now..but relieved I guess..hahaz.. finally it is finished.. had a hard time deleting and adding words.. finally decided with 498 words..hahaz..
wah..I didn't know accessibility must write anything de leh.. aiyoyo.. need to edit again..nvm.. it is really the final one..haaz.. thanks lingshan..for waiting till now..u really sounded tired..lolz..have a gd rest k? haaz..gtg and zzz...
wait..hope tj can win the bball match against Hwa chong.. jia you! go go go!

Thursday, May 19, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:14 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Great! I am back here! hahaz.. just dealt with my com..it is virus free now! Wooh! Hahaz.. now then I realised having a usable com is so impt..hahaz..
I just threw a tantrum just now.. cos PI is driving me mad! U believe it? What I do and think..all my drafts are all rejected.. and I am supposed to pass up this Fri..eekz...freak out le.. ahh...
Next, I still got lots of uncompleted tutorials.. lolz.. esp tomolo got 3 periods of Chem.. speechless.. lolz..
Hmm....suddenly realised I am a bad friend.. haiz.. after what happened to Sam.. I really feel apologetic.. Sam, I am sorry.. really.. but, seeing u happier with Cindy they all.. we feel happy for u too.. maybe Lingshan and my styles doesn't suit you.. well..
haiz.. I just feel like surfing the net and forget abt my PI and tutorials! but i can't..that's it..lolz..
Btw, tell u something really hilarious..that sent me laughing.. my Bio spa today.. I flunked it.. is on food tests.. pls loh.. give us green bean and germinated seedlings.. lolz.. then the seedlings must be separated into cotyledons and radicle.. I actually missed that part! Aah.. then when the teacher come and ask me abt my Benedict's and Biuret's tests.. I still proudly showed him 2 test tubes each...when I am supposed to show 3..lolz..very funny.. some of my friends made the same mistake as me.. Vera says she feels sad.. but I feel funny though.. hahaz.. very careless of me.. lolz.. no wonder I feel so free today.. still got time draw table slowly..lolz..
Btw, this fri got bball and badminton match.. hahaz.. the whole school will be down to support both.. lolz.. I really think TK learnt their lesson from the volleyball finals.. Mrs Lim was there praising JJ and NY about their spirits.. hmm.. hope my class is arranged to go support bball..if not, we will still go for bball..don't care..hahaz.. I am looking forward! TJ rocks!

Youth belongs to the youth. - Lai Ling Shan :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:09 AM | 0 Noticed Me

My com cannot go online..means cannot blog..so sad.. I feel like blogging.. want to vent my frustrations all out.. I don't know why I feel so bek chek lately..haiz.. forget it..
In TJ now..later still got to teach tuition.. just finished my PI.. but then don't know how to print.. must wait for the technician to come and teach me.. but he/she is not in now.. so got to wait.. haiz..
Sad manz.. think got depression liao.. die le...ahh... JCT coming up.. feeling the heat.. all thanks to myself.. keeping ponning make up.. lolz.. now I seems to be far behind..haiz..
Sad sad sad.. how how how? Who can help me? Only 1.. I guess.. but that is impossible de lah..hahaz.. I am siao today... lolz..
Tomoo got vball match.. I want to go support man.. don't know they let anot.. hope will allow.. I will pon Civics if I go..

Monday, May 02, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Went Queenstown with Angel, Jeslyn, Lingshan..hahaz..2 doves and 2 peacocks..hahaz.. fair combination..lolz..at first tot Lingshan cannot make it de..in the end, she came..which surprised me though.. hahaz.. 3 of us bought shoes.. Angel bought a pair of very nice Asaics shoes for 80 dollars ..me and Jeslyn bought a pair of Nike walking shoes each..costs us 83 dollars each.. but our colors aren't the same..hers is white and blue..mine is yellow and brown..hahaz..mine is the last pair le.. but it is a pity Lingshan didn't get to see any nice shoes that she like.. so in the end she bought nothing..feel a bit ke xi.. but she feels a bit insecure buying without asking her mother for opinions.. hmm.. maybe she will feel happier and buy a really nice pair of shoes when she go with her mother ba.. I bought a bum polo tee too.. at a reasonable price..at only $12.70.. then Angel bought a pair of bum shorts for $10, both at around 30% discount..hahaz.. the things there are quite cheap.. maybe because of fierce competition?
After the shopping, we went IKEA for lunch cum tea..Hahaz.. Jeslyn and Lingshan didn't have lunch then.. so we went there to have a bite.. the chicken wings there are really nice.. it smells nice, looks nice, taste nice..hahaz.. and the chicken wings are juicy and piping hot! Yummy yum yum.. Lingshan and me actually ordered 1 each..but then it is too delicious that we ordered another 2 more..oops..hahaz.. we ate their chocolate mousse too.. and it is not bad..but too sweet..hahaz.. btw, I took a lot of cute pictures of Lingshan.. she looked so natural in the pics..a pity I cannot send the pics through email..if not, I can post it here..
Hmm.. this is around how I spend Labour's Day.. Today, I will be mugging at home ba.. (but can I? I don't know..lolz..) got 2 spas this week.. or isit next week? I am not sure..and got a lot of unfinished hw..hmm..hahaz..

If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, May 01, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:59 AM | 0 Noticed Me

ahh.. I a bit ji dong now..cos I just knew that TJ's volleyball had won the Thursday's match and will be playing against NY in the finals on 11th May! well, as a TJCian, I hope my school will win..hope my school can let us go watch..then hope can drag Vera and the 2 doves to go.. hahaz.. Angel and Jeslyn.. don't need to say..they are so enthu..sure go de..hahaz..heard that NY whole of J1s going to watch..wow..it just goes to show how they zhong shi this match.. reminds me of Chung Cheng Basketball boys finals..

The most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. - Pierre de Courbertin