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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:06 PM

I cut my hair le! Finally.. hahaz.. cos since this year or last year de Dec? cannot rmb..but then know I want to cut my hair short..but then drop the idea.. everytime I went into the salon, I wanted to ask the hairdresser to cut my hair short.. but then haiz.. I didn't say it.. until a month ago.. I made up my mind and tell the auntie I want my hair short..but then the auntie was like there persuading me not to cut it short.. keep asking me whether I will she de not.. lolz.. in the end, I still didn't manage to cut short.. only trim.. hahaz.. today, I went in and straightaway told the auntie I want it short.. short in the sense that I cannot tie..muahahahaz..end product.. I like it..I think it is better than the long hairstyle..but look likes a mushroom though..lolz.. like that then can fit the TJ image mah.. all mushrooms..hahaz..see the hairdresser yong xin liang ku..lolz..
had tuition before I went for my haircut..lolz.. only 2 people.. plus me 3.. haiz.. let them do compo.. then we played 'Payday'.. actually is not allowed de..but the person-in-charge not in..hahaz..so can.. lolz..
blogging off.. going to mug..ahh!!