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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, July 25, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:01 AM | 0 Noticed Me

A busy and eventful day today.. actually have to pei my mom go out whole day de.. but she cancelled her afternoon appointment suddenly..then Lingshan called to ask me pei her go Bras Basah.. cos she don't know how to go..so I went with Lingshan to Bras Basah Complex to sell her O Level's TYS.. Sorry Sam that I cannot go with u to the autograph sessions.. cos my mom going out later again..
After selling the books, we drop by the new National Library to do some quick PW research.. basically we found the library not too user friendly.. although it got 10 odd storeys.. only the books in B1 can be borrowed. The rest are reference books that cannot be borrowed! Gosh.. and is like when we just stepped into the place, we just went up and up by the escalator.. then when we reached the 7th/8th floor.. imagine who we saw?? We saw Miss Yee there lah! hahaz.. gave us a shock.. Lingshan was on the phone with her mom then.. then she was so shocked when she saw Miss Yee that she merely opened her mouth like a goldfish and point towards Miss Yee's direction.. I didn't saw Miss Yee then.. tot who she was pointing to.. hahaz.. then she says when Miss Yee saw us, it was like a student that saw her teacher outside..hahaz.. great..our roles are reversed..lolz..
And I realise I must really speak more English.. am I beginning to look very cheena? There is a mini fair outside the library.. I was thinking of buying a notebook for GP from one of the stalls. I think it was sort of like a charity fair by Republic Poly students with all proceeds going to a charity organisation. Then when we were looking at the various designs of the notebooks, Lingshan and me were merely communicating in Chi.. then dun understand y the guy suddenly say 'I am sorry.. I am not good at my Chi.. but I will try to speak Chi".. is like we dun look we don't understand Eng rite? U can still speak Eng.. we can still understand.. and I already said that I am buying a notebook for GP! Gosh..alamak.. so I think I must really speak more English from now on..hahaz.. oh ya, imagine Lingshan replied.."It is ok. Wre understand English" hahaz.. so funny lah..
Next, when we were waiting for our parents, Lingshan was waiting for her parents to fetch her to go and shop for furniture together..we encountered another funny incident again..
There was this man in his mid fifties.. I think he is a tourist.. He was trying to get to South Bridge Road, China Square I think.. When the bus came, he asked for direction from the bus driver. His voice was loud. His actions are big too.. He kept emphasizing that he wanted to go to China Square. I think the bus uncle replied that he don't know.. Suddenly he went mad and start scolding the innocent bus uncle.. "YOU ARE A SINGAPOREAN AND A BUS DRIVER SOMEMORE, HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHERE IT IS??" Gosh, he is so fierce lah.. the bus uncle so ke lian.. he is very gd tempered lah.. didn't scold the tourist back.. but then if it was me, I will scold back de.. " So what if I am a Singaporean? Does it mean I have to know every inch of the land well? Crazy fellow!" hahaz.. then the tourist uncle went on to ask the passengers on the bus.. "DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD IS?" hahaz.. no one replied him.. guess nobody dares to.. lolz.. at this moment, I am very scared lah.. scared he didn't board the bus and come to ask Lingshan and me for directions instead.. lolz.. luckily he didn't.. he still board the bus..angrily.. poor bus uncle.. have to tolerate this kind of ppl..haiz..

Sunday, July 24, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:13 AM | 0 Noticed Me

A small incident that happened in class yesterday.. sent me thinking.. haaz.. Lofthouse was late for class yesterday.. think she misread her timetable. When Li Xuan called her, she was already 30 mins late.. so when she came into the class, she was fuming mad. She scolded poor Li Xuan for not being able to notify her earlier. She was so fierce that Li Xuan shed tears. Hmm.. until here, we may think Lofthouse is being unreasonable but Lingshan told me that Lofthouse says that her child is in London and she is worried about his/her safety. No wonder Lofthouse is so mad at us. Guess she is really very worried. So, actually this is a case of misunderstanding. Lofthouse really does not mean the outbreak and it is also not Li Xuan's fault too.
I have finally tidied my file. The file here refers to the black ring file that I bring to school everyday. Now, 99% of my notes are all in place. I believe this will aid in my revision for Promos. I only got 10 weeks to Promos. Seems frightening.. I must start revising now.. cos I got to build my foundation day by day.. and 10 weeks seems so little! The workload seems never-ending!

Friday, July 22, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:14 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Wei Jian got in!!!! AHH!! I am so happy for him!! He deserves it man.. I am really touched by his singing yesterday.. really.. I think he improved the most out of all contestants.. In the past, the way he sang is like shouting at the top of his voice.. but yesterday, he sang with such a feel that it is so touching!! I feel so jing zhang for him juz now.. luckily he got in.. haaz.. ppl, must support him k? he is one cute guy..hahs.. I am sad Chanel didn't get in.. but I guess all the others have their own strengths.. Kelly must be pretty gd to get 40.5.. luckily my brother recorded their singing down for me.. so nice of him..haaz.. blogging off here.. got to rush Chem tutorial.. nite!

Monday, July 18, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:16 AM | 0 Noticed Me

just finishing filing my worksheets.. only left GP undone.. cos my GP file is in Vera's locker.. must collect it back one of these days.. now I am not afraid of Mr Lim checking my tutorials le!! haaz.. but some of the tutorial ard 4 of them are done halfway.. must complete them.. but I am not going to complete them now.. If he says he wants to check my file on Tues, I will do it that night.. anyway 5 out of the whole class.. the chances of me 'winning' the jackpot are pretty slim..
next, I haven't done any tutorials.. so need to go and do later.. weekends are important to me in the sense that I need to do most of my work by Mon.. cos I seldom do any work in the weekdays.. hahs..
gtg and bathe now.. then guai guai do my tutorials.. hmmz..

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:11 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Something embarassing happened to me today.. argh.. feel like an ostrich today.. can hide my head in the holes dug in the ground..lolz.. I was being caught with Yuxiang's tutorial during Maths lesson lah.. I didn't do the tutorial and the teacher want to check my work.. I held on to it persisently.. don't want to give him.. I noe it will be disastrous if I gave it to him.. but he insisted on checking lah.. I have to give it to him..haiz.. forget it.. luckily I didn't not get Yuxiang in trouble.. if not, I will feel real bad.. not that I don't want to do tutorial.. but I have poor time management..haaz..
tan pan zhuan jia is real nice.. yang guang and keren beri ke ai lah.. wonder if real life such couples exist..haaz.. gtg now.. having a headache.. still got to wake up later to do Maths tutorial.. hmm..

Saturday, July 09, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:07 AM | 0 Noticed Me

haaz.. Yu Le Bai Fen Bai just ended.. today was ok..not much interesting news.. but I realised I am beginning to like Jolin better.. her songs are really nice..haaz..
I have a scare for the first half of the day.. I tot I lost my wallet at the tuition centre last nite cos I cannot find it in my bag this morning and I tot I left it in the toilet..haaz.. then I was there worrying for the whole day.. keep grumbling to Vera, Lingshan, Angel and Jes.. thanks to them to listening to my grumbles.. but then my wallet is new.. bought it for less than a week.. if lost very ke xi mah..haaz.. Around late noon, my father called to say my brother found my wallet!! Woo~~ 3 cheers to him ya..haaz.. lolz.. so it is at home.. I didn't lost it.. keez.. but I still didn't mark attendence today.. then I am supposed to tell my Civics tutor but I didn't.. too lazy to..haaz..

Thursday, July 07, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:01 PM | 0 Noticed Me

woo.. just finished watching Xia Yi Zhan Cai Hong (Dream of Colours).. today's episode very nice lah.. Nick and Michelle became mentor and disciple relationship.. but dunno y I prefer to see them bickering or rather arguing..haaz.. then I also started to pity Ella.. dunno y.. cos she is having some probs with her family and wants to prove them wrong by creating a name for herself in the industry.. that's y she resorted to underhand means.. haaz.. but I luv Micheele the best..keez
hmm.. next to superstar.. the judges are gd lah.. esp wei soong.. cos he is my fave ying yue ren.. cos he and si soong are the ones who discovered Yanzi mah..haaz.. and the songs they wrote are nice lah..
as for the contestants.. the wei jian the cutest.. the youngest but then the most adorable.. he like full of life loh.. and the judges criticised him for his build.. but it is ok mah.. frm what I see.. Yida also like that.. thin thin de.. haaz..
then the 1st contestant.. Junyang is the best.. sang Jay's jie kou.. he has the most smoothing voice of all..haaz.. got to end here.. got to watch 'tan pan zhuan jia'.. (looks like I am really addicted to TV) it is a long day tomolo.. got PE..but the Nick in the Dream of Colors said this.. we must learn to shoulder our responsibilities..haaz.. so.. got to go sch tomolo.. and be a responsible person. Haaz..
无奈者 posted at 9:26 AM | 0 Noticed Me

do u all have a feeling that my blog music does not fit my blogskin? haaz.. for ppl who say yes, I also realised it..lala..but I did it on purpose de..haaz..
hmm.. quite a lot to update.. it is Sam's bdae today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GAL!! sorry I didn't bring ur gift today cos I tot is tomolo! oops.. heez..will u forgive me? keez..
the new maths teacher is so funny lah.. got a feeling it is his first lesson with us so he is fiercer with us so as to give us a 'xia4 ma3 wei1'..hahaz.. but it is really funny that I kept laughing away lah.. Vera says the way he mark attendance is like in army.. read out the whole name including surname.. lolz.. and Jes says that the way he read out her name is like wanting to picking a fight with her..lolz.. then Lingshan says he resembles quek quek in a way.. that is he sweats a lot too..haaz.. lolz.. haiz.. miss quek quek leh.. quek quek wun ask us to keep our tutorials in a file.. haiz.. btw, Kar Keat very pro lah.. got 76 for Maths.. in contrast, I got a pathetic 41.. it is a E!! haiz.. I hope they moderate..
I rushed home after the blood donating talk today to watch 'Xia Yi Zhan Cai Hong" lah.. I missed the episode last night..haaz.. in fact, Iwas thinking abt rushing home to watch this show the whole day lah..the show is really nice.. I have decided to buy the VCD!! heh heh.. must start saving money le.. but I haven't seen the VCD in Singapore leh.. maybe it is not released yet.. nvm.. that is better.. I can bian save then bian wait for the VCD to be out..haaz.. I hate Ella lah.. so scheming..but I luv Michelle! Hu Xing Er's acting is superb!! Luv her more since I watched the show.. the her brother also quite shuai.. but dunno his name..wait for me to check it out..haaz.. I think in the end Nick ended up with Michelle.. although I find Nick too old for Michelle.. but then I like to see them together..haaz..
blogging off.. can't wait to see Xia Yi Zhan Cai Hong later!! and also Tan Pan Zhuan Jia!! haaz..

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:11 AM | 0 Noticed Me

peeps, lyk like my new blogskin? Christmas is not round the corner but the pic gives a warm feeling.. hahaz.. very homely.. lolz..
didn't manage to stay over at jes's house.. Angel cannot.. Lingshan also cannot.. I am not feeling well.. so qiao.. haiz.. nvm.. next time ba.. sorry Jes..hehez..
Just finishing watching 'Xia Yi Zhan Cai Hong'..Hu Xing Er acted real well in the show.. (btw, she also acted the role of Wumei in 'Zheng Ban Qiao' screened in Ch 8) The plot is typical.. got wicked and good roles.. but I just love the fact they they focus on fashion designing.. lolz.. makes me want to go into fashion designing loh.. their work like all so fun.. reason why I like HK dramas: they focus on different jobs in their shows.. so as to let ppl understand the job's requirements and also develop the plot from there.. although it may not be so smooth-sailing in real life as in the show but at least it allows us to know more about a particular occupation.. maybe our local TV shld try this too..haaz..
Rmb last time I watch 'Chong Zhang Yun Xiao' I want to be pilot.. now I wanna be fashion designer..lolz.. but I know de.. it seems a bit too late for me to be a designer if I really want to.. cos if I am really interested, I shld have take up designing in Poly.. but I didn't..so that job out for me.. can only think.. somemore my art not good.. cannot even draw nicely.. always get C+/C- in pri sch days..haaz..
Sam, I agree with you.. 'Tuo qiang' is really nice..haaz.. now addicted to it le.. what's the outcome ar? Xiaosheng with Yingzi right? hahaz..
going for dental appointment later.. cannot figure what my dentist is going to say..hahaz.. cos I have not been an obedient gal.. not been wearing retainers regularly.. I wore them on and off..haaz..

Sunday, July 03, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:04 AM | 0 Noticed Me

just finished watching the movie "Mona Lisa Smile".. it is not new movie.. screened last year? I got the VCD for a long time.. actualy want to watch it after O's.. then in the end delay until now..haaz.. it is a nice movie.. cannot say nicer than I expected.. but it is certainly not what I had previously expected..hahaz..
I tot it would be a comedy.. or rather a romance comedy.. but then I am wrong.. It was in England in the 1950's..Julia Roberts played the role of Katherine Watson, a teacher teaching History of Art.. She was a new teacher in a traditional girls college.. students are taught to be married and raise children.. They are not supposed to pursue any ambitions..They can even get married halfway through their college education.. cool..hahaz.. but after marrying, gals have to stay at home to be dutiful housewives.. so Julia Roberts was there trying to convince her students that they can juggle with both ambitions and family.. it wasn't easy to change the gals' minds as they are brought up traditionally.. the whole show is basically about changing the perspectives of the gals.. in the mind, I think she succeeded..but she left the college for Europe.. cos she only managed to convince her students and not the college.. the college set a lot of restrictions for her to obey if she is to continue teaching in the school.. so that is the whole story.. hmm.. it left me thinking at the end of the movie but I dunno how to phrase in words..hahaz.. sometimes I just prefer English movies not just for their plot but also for the buildings and evironment in the show..
I have been staying at home for the whole day.. It feels great..hahaz.. can go online and watch TV without guilt..haaz..
I am currently looking for a new blogskin.. so look forward to any changes..lolz..

Saturday, July 02, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:45 AM | 0 Noticed Me

yoyoz.. let me proudly announce.. JCT is finally over!! hahaz.. happy leh.. cos I can really relax myself now..haaz.. gd gd.. lolz.. although the papers are difficult.. hahaz.. and not sure can pass not.. but then nvm.. I am going to enjoy myself on top of everything else..woohoo!! hahaz..
hmm.. haha.. Bio today like very difficult.. haiz.. and imagine I just covered all the Bio chapters yesterday? I didn't touched it in the hols lah.. lolz.. so much for last minute work..haaz.. imagine I was there rushing through the notes and unable to finish respiration in time and has to wake up at 2am to cover it.. lolz..
ok, enough abt study.. now I can finally watch TV with a peace of mind..muahahaz.. I have to miss HK dramas for a few nights.. and the shows are really nice lah.. HK dramas rox!! haaz.. and I looking forward to 'tan pan zhuan jia' on Channel U on Mon lah.. cos although it has already been shown on Ch 55..but then that time I didn't watch it..hahaz.. so going to watch it!! and Sun going over to Jes's house to stay over.. so far only confirmed me and Angel going.. haaz.. Lingshan haven't confirmed.. Vera cannot.. then somemore Mon is Youth Day holiday.. and Tues is an off day for fellow TJCians too! cos Mrs Lim wants to reward us for the great achievement of some CCAs in SYF and sports competition.. hahaz.. gd.. can enjoy thoroughly le! haaz.. I want go watch movie leh.. A lot like love and Initial D.. anyone interested? want to pei me? haaz..
great great.. today is really a great day and it will also be a great weekend coming up..haaz..