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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, August 01, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:50 AM

Haiz.. haven't updated for a week.. well, there's nothing gd to share either.. it is really a depressing week for me, I guess.. and who is to blame? I obviously can't blame it on others.. it is COMPLETELY my fault..haiz..
well well well.. I have been getting into a lot of trouble recently.. especially with teachers.. haiz.. am I too noisy, too inattentive in class that they have a bad impression of me? I feel like I am the problematic kid of the class.. haiz..forget it.. I know I am noisy.. I will change.. and is already changing.. just hope things will work out fine..
went out with PY on Fri night.. it is really nice to confide in her.. cos she put on a 'black face' and did not console me.. even if she did, it sounded like chiding me..hahaz.. but all the mistakes she pointed out are true.. I couldn't defend myself at all..lolz..A quote frm her: If one says u r wrong, he/she may be wrong. If 2 says u r wrong, u may still be right. If all says u r wrong, then u r really wrong.. great.. what a great quote.. sent me thinking.. haiz.. before talking to her, I was really reluctant to admit my mistake.. I even find excuses for my wrongdoings.. A typical human being.. they tend to use excuses to cover up their wrong deeds.. haiz..
PY is right after all.. the teachers really have no reason to pick on me unless I am really in the wrong.. worse.. I feel bad too for dragging ls into it.. although she is ok with it.. but I still feel I have dragged her into the hot soup..
PY said that the impression that I gave her now is a very irresponsible person.. I only chose to do things I like and forget about what I don't like.. haiz.. is this really so? I am unsure myself.. but one thing for sure.. it really does affect me after hearing those words from her.. She is one of my close friends who really noe me well..
Went with Van and Ying to the library to do some research yesterday.. thanks to both of them.. they are really 2 friends I can count on.. gave me lots of consoling.. really made me feel better.. well, at this stage, I can only hope things will improve.. lolz..
stopping here, I guess.. gd luck to me for the coming week..haaz..