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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, September 26, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

dunno y.. recently I like to keep my blogs short.. too lengthy is.. haaz.. a bit troublesome.. cos need to read very long..
I am not going to sch recently.. I don't really intend to go.. but then again, friends around me think otherwise.. they find it a committment to go to school and we should fulfil this no mattter what.. well.. hmm.. I will seriously consider their advice.. since they sound so right.. 'righter' than me.. haaz..will be mugging in Mac downstairs.. too lazy to go library..muahahaz..

Friday, September 23, 2005
无奈者 posted at 12:04 PM | 0 Noticed Me

recently.. I seemed to be stepping on everybody toes.. it is not a good thing.. and I also realised I am stepping on my own toes sometimes.. haaz.. just pissed off.. know I have got a bad attitude.. gosh.. really need to do some evaluation.. in case.. I dun want to be hated by everybody!! argh!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:25 AM | 0 Noticed Me

bin, van, ying, tray.. I miss u all.. dunno y I always miss u all when I am unhappy.. of cos happy also got think of you.. know u all r working hard for Promos.. jia you ok? we can do it de.. go go jia you!
无奈者 posted at 9:14 AM | 0 Noticed Me

sometimes u have to act against ur wishes.. sometimes u know what u r doing is wrong but u went ahead with it.. sometimes u have to sacrifice things for things you think are more important.. sometimes this and sometimes that.. they add together to form 'all the time'.. I am feeling frustrated today..(no link..muahahaz)
I understand that people stand by different principles. There are different kinds of people in this whole wide world.. sometimes we really have to be more flexible and not classify people according to your critera alone. You can't just believe firmly in your principles and not care about the principles of others.. Sometimes, one who doesn't follow your way of doing things may not necessarily be a baddie.. he/she may has a different perspective from you. It is unfair to judge and sterotype people according to your critera alone.. this is bias.. can't u have more trust in that person? That person couldn't be that bad.. he/she may not have good conduct but he/she definitely knows when and what to do during important situations.. And you cannot imagine the hurt done to that person when u spell things out so clearly.. The person won't hate you for it.. but it won't do matters good either.. sometimes, life is far more complicated.. there are lot of things to learn..
Forget it.. stopping here.. btw, today is the first day of ice cream sales.. haaz.. I had quite an amount of ice cream.. ice cream become my lunch le lah.. find it a bit too milky.. haaz.. but they are still nice.. so do go support! : )

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I am so tired.. wah wah wah.. don't feel like doing my EOM now.. but have to hand in tomolo.. cos bu hao yi si zai tuo le.. Miss Wong already very gd, let us hand in draft 2.. haaz.. ok, Miss Wong, wei le ni, I do EOM!! not now.. but by tomolo..Muahahhaz.. want to go sleep le.. sweet dreams everybody..
P.S: Ying, if u reading this, sorry I will be late this Fri.. u go library wait for me first k? Help me chop seats.. muahaha..

Sunday, September 18, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:09 AM | 0 Noticed Me

wanted to finished the whole series of Full House yesterday de.. but didn't manage to do it.. haaz.. I only finished 19 episodes.. 5 more to go.. I am going to finish all tonight..so sad.. the VCD I bought got scratches on it lah..haiz.. need to go back and ask for exchange.. but nvm..before I exchange still can watch..haaz.. I recommend everybody to watch..cos very nice I think.. lolz.. Rain is very talented lah.. can sing and actso well.. Song Hui Qiao is also so cute inside..haaz.. and there are a lot of funny scenes in the show.. lolz.. cos they two are very childish.. like kids like that.. hahaz.. and what I like about the show is not scheming characters.. there are rivals of cos.. but they are quite guang ming zheng da.. hahaz..like that show then nice.. cos u dun need to hate the poor actor who acted the scheming role..haaz.. I heard that the house in the show is specially built for this drama.. sure not? haaz.. like so kua zhang.. but the house is really big and nice..
Actually.. I am actually quite worried abt Promos lah.. I know most ppl would think it is not a good time to watch VCDs now.. but.. is like the show is nice.. I think friends around me must be thinking that I am very slack. Heard from Angel that Siu Lun even said that I looked like Promos are over. I am upset from hearing that.. hmm.. maybe I should really work my hardest from now on. I want to be in J2 next year.
I realised that I love my class.. haaz.. SCG 2505 rocks.. Classes are made up of groups of people and there are different types of ppl in this world.. there are bound to be people in their small grps.. haaz.. but despite that, I still love my class.. I think my class is the only SCG that still stay back to play bball until 7pm when promos are near.. haaz.. but it is really fun.. although not all stayed back.. What surprises me is that KK also stays back lah.. although he stood there and watch us play with the ball.. hahaz..
Sometimes I think I went overboard.. I think I am very guo fen leh.. in the way I deal with things.. shan't say too much here.. but thinking back, I know it is no use telling ppl how u feel.. cos only u can help urself.. haiz.. so I am going to depend on myself..

Monday, September 05, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

went to the library with Angel today.. saw a lot of babies and children..haaz.. got one very cute little girl..haaz.. she is short short de.. is a mixed blood I think.. her father is an ang moh.. then she inherited her father's blonde hair but she got black eyes.. very ke ai.. haaz..then there's another baby.. Indian baby I think.. she got very big eyes.. and she is quite naughty.. like to bite anything she gets hold of.. haaz..
then after that, Angel went with me to Parkway.. on our way back, we saw a bus stopped at the Sweet Secrets bus stop.. the bus broke down I think.. then what is interesting is the bus uncle is sitting inside enjoying the TV! And what's funny is he laughs to himself while watching TV.. we can see his expressions from the transparent glass frames..lolz.. looks like a slack driver..haaz..
ending here.. very tired..gtg sleep le.. tomolo still got remedial and maths mock test..

Saturday, September 03, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:11 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I just watched Drink Drank Drunk with Puay Yee.. haaz.. if we are not going to watch the movie, I didn't know the movie has already been screened in cinemas for 2 weeks. haaz.. so lag!! but I dunno y leh.. I got watch TV and read magazines.. but dunno y I miss the adverts..haaz.. anyway the movie is nice, I think.. it features a relationship between Yang Qian Hua and Wu Yan Zu.. haaz.. Wu Yan Zu quite shuai lah.. keez.. and I think both leads acted really well.. they really brings the audience into the story with their natural and simple relationship.. haaz.. In the show, the female lead is a beer girl.. selling beer.. she doesn't get drunk easily.. the male lead is a French born Chi.. his ambition is to tour the world.. he loves cooking and set up a French restaurant in HK.. but as business was not good, he wanted to close down his restaurant.. The female lead then helped him by chipping in.. that is be his business partner.. then the female and lead lead cohabit.. haaz.. until.. haaz.. I shall stop here.. too lazy to continue.. lolz.. btw the show is funny too.. haaz.. send ppl laughing.. there's this guy (Fang Zhong Xin) who is the lead in Channel 8's ' Bo Ming Lao Gong Zhui Lao Po'.. I am impressed with his acting.. he acted as a beng.. but he is protective of Yang Qian Hua.. and all the shows that I have seen him act are all roles of nice men.. first time seeing him act as a beng.. lolz.. but he managed to pull off the role very well.. and I think he can be a comedy actor besides acting serious roles..
Enough abt movie, let's talk about others. I am selected for the Overseas Sri Lanka CIP Project! I passed the interview.. I tot I flunked it.. lolz.. it is my first time having an interview.. so jing zhang.. angel is in too..haaz..lolz.. and one funny thing is.. I tot I am not in for the project at first.. cos Angel Civics tutor (one of the interviewers) informed her that she is selected for the project.. then I was with Angel then.. I tot since the teacher didn't ask me to go for meetings, I am not selected.. After that, the teacher walked away.. haaz.. to help me confirm whether I am in the project, Angel ran after the teacher and helped me asked her.. I appreciate that. : ) Luckily her CT replied yes.. wow.. hehez.. it is simply a fantastic day today. keez..
I am so tired now.. got to go sleep le.. zzz..

Friday, September 02, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:57 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Woo.. I am happy for Weilian.. thinks he deserves it.. after all the effort and courage he had put in.. I was really worried for him at first.. cos his performance was really not up to standard today.. and in contrast to Kelly, the latter is better.. so I decided to make 3 calls and support him.. cos he really has a nice voice.. I know Kelly really performed well today.. but if we compared the courage and perservence put in, Wei Lian wins.. as a disabled person, it isn't easy for him to live his normal life not to mention take part in the Superstar contest.. for this, I salute him.. he is really brave and really touch us with his voice.. although he is not my first choice of a Superstar, but he gan dong le wo.. he makes me feel that since he has done so much, he had made a lot of first steps.. as audiences, all the more we should vote for him.. cos it is the least we can do to show him support.. and when the winner is announced, Wei Lian's eyes were filled with tears.. that scene is 100% touching.. honestly.. even the judges had tears in their eyes.. Wei Lian had done it. He is finally going to fulfill his dream of a Superstar.. he has proved all the others who looked down on him, who badmouthed him wrong.. and I am sure he can do it.. and today for the first time.. I find him dashing.. the white suit that he wore in the 1st round today.. he is actually quite shuai lah..
Actually, I hate ppl who badmouthed Wei Lian lah.. I mean all those ppl who think he is not fit to be a Superstar.. It is not Wei Lian's fault to be disabled.. and is there a rule saying disabled ppl cannot be a pop star? Why can't these stubborn ppl change their mindset.. nobody is perfect.. and just because a person is not perfect and he/she cannot have any rights to pursue his/her interests? Now that Wei Lian won.. hope all those ppl can really keep quiet.. and most importantly, hope Wei Lian can win over their hearts with his fantastic voice!! haaz..