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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:17 PM | 0 Noticed Me

singtel broadband! u r going to get it frm me.. I wasted 30 mins coming up with the entry and the com is auto disconnected.. erasing my entry!!
dun feel like saying anything anymore.. shall share again if I feel like it..
oh right, my room is still in a mess.. not that I mind, but I need to clean up fast if I want to start my revision fast.. time is running out.. it will be Dec in 2 days time lah.. haven't even touched anything.. not to mentioned Ivan Lim's homework.. OMG!!

Sunday, November 27, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:19 AM | 0 Noticed Me

went 6g outing yesterday.. 8 of us went.. it is considered successful compared to the last outing.. yeah!! haaz.. we had steamboat at marina bay first.. we went there pretty early so our dinner ended early as well..muahahahahaz.. then some of us proceeded on to Orchard to watch the festive lights on the streets.. I find last year better.. this year like very ma hu.. the lights only consist of a few music notes, music instruments or a few doves..
the dinner is successful.. cos I hated having steamboat with a whole gang of ppl.. cos u cannot really interact with everybody. I had a great time catching up with everybody.. realised that nobody changed.. yurong is still as 'cold' as ever'.. hanjie is still as bhb as ever.. wei ming is still as quiet as ever.. haaz.. so nice to be back again.. although I had not seen them for a long time, I still feel like I am part of the gang.. haaz.. realise quite a number of ppl dropped subjects.. Hanjie, Yurong and Wenxin dropped Econs I think.. I dropped LEP.. haaz.. seriously, I think 3 sub is better.. gives u more time to concentrate..
btw, next time, if u wanna save money, come late for the steamboat dinner..haaz.. cos we went first and Wei Ming came later.. lolz.. the ppl there are too busy to realise.. although Wei Ming didn't really ate much, we force him to.. but it is still worth it.. I mean can dun pay..lol.. we wanted to take ice cream for him de.. but then Mr Hanjie spoilt it all.. lol.. he spoke so loudly in front of the auntie..' help Wei Ming take one too cos nobody is watching..'lolz.. the auntie heard it loud and clear obviously.. then she was there staring at us when we took our ice cream.. so I cannot take an extra one for him..so, whose fault is it? lol..
we didn't really spend much time in Orchard.. but as Hanjie said, it is really cool going on the outdoor escalater in wisma I think.. is it wisma? the escalater leading to food republic. haaz.. first reason is because it is really outdoor.. I didn't think much of it at the first glance.. but it was really a fantastic view when u go up.. u can see the whole nightview.. it is fabulous.. my god.. haaz.. but nighttime take better.. nicer view.. I think is is nothing special if u take it in daytime..haaz.. after that, we went Wheelock Place's Apple Centre (but it is renovating!! grr!!) so we ended the trip with some ice cream and drinks.. : )
Thanks to:
Van for planning the outing.. so nice of her rite? Always planning for a get together for us..
Everybody who came.. and made the outing so fun! (",)
Me for coming up with the entry!! lol..

Saturday, November 26, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:15 PM | 0 Noticed Me

My legs are arching now.. but nobody wants to help me massage them.. both my mom and my bro rejected the task.. so hopefully it gets better tomolo.. I don't think I walk a lot but dunno y my leg aches..lol..
Lingshan went rebonding today..muahahaha.. and this time it is really 3 hrs at the Jean Yip salon in Chinatown.. last time Angel went Jean Yip's at Harbourfront and it is only half the time.. but Angel had 2 hairdressers attending to her while ls had one.. so the moment ls went in, I left my bag there and Angel and I started our shopping..muahahahaz.. leaving ls alone for 3 long hours..
Angel and I walked half the Chinatown, I suppose..before walking down to Clarke Quay.... so cool.. there are a lot of restaurants and bars there.. and most of them have outdoor dining areas facing the river lah.. and not to mention that the restaurants seem to know that the customers loved sofas.. and they got lots of sofas.. big one, small ones, comfortable ones, colourful ones etc.. how nice if we can eat there.. but of cos the food is ex.. a main course cost abt 16 dollars.. not to mention u will have to include appetitzers, soup, desert for a complete meal.. it is not compulsory of cos to have a full course meal, but it would be nice to lah..lol.. so next time, when I earn $$, I will surely go there de..lol.. I am earning now..but they are not enough to cover my expenses not to mention an extravagrant dinner like this..
oh ya, as we walked down the street, we saw 2 tourists trying out bungee jumping.. the lady screamed of course..but the guy wore a funny expression on his face.. he was staring at the girl and seems to be wondering whether there is a need to scream so loudly.. haaz.. funny scene..
after that, we went liang court's kinokuniya to browse thru the books before eating at Mac's..
Yeah!! I finally bought my kickers sandals le.. muahahahaha.. is red in color.. I wanted the orange de.. but no stock le.. furthermore, angel says red one is nicer..so I take that loh.. I am fine with any of the 2 colors actually..
after that, angel pei me go down to ps to buy the ipod charger.. cost me 38 dollars..lolz.. so I officially declare I am broke now.. I even spent today's wages lah..lol.. but.........I am still happi!! muahahaha.. cos I got the things I want..
stopping here.. guess my readers shld be bored now.. muahahaha..

Thursday, November 24, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:05 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I am here again!! haaz.. as u see.. I am really free nowadays.. so that explains my close to everyday entries..lolz..
went escape with sam and her sis today.. had a fun time.. btw, sam u already accompany me a lot de.. dun need to feel bad k? In fact, I shld thank u for asking me along.. heez..
then, when I left Escape, I discovered that my ipod is spoilt lah.. hang..then cannot switch on..OMG.. I knew it..I just knew it.. when angel say she cannot switch on hers.. I know my ipod will spoil soon.. it is that intuition.. lolz.. so I quickly get home, search the ipod webbie for the address of the service centre.. but then they dun have.. so I called their service helpline.. didn't noe they cost 49 bucks each! Gosh.. but luckily I dun need to pay cos the first 90 days after getting the ipod is free.. then I asked for the service centre address and telphone number and went down there.. in the end, they asked me to collect my ipod back 4 days later.. I am gonna miss my ipod!! ipod!! ipod!! lolz..

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:54 AM | 0 Noticed Me

eh, now ok le.. dunno y just now cannot access..haaz..
无奈者 posted at 8:52 AM | 0 Noticed Me

is it my com's prob or..?? I cannot seem to access my tagboard and links webpage.. hmm.. is it because I just signed up for another tagboard for my class blog? dunno.. wait and see ba.. see how..
btw, I am starting to like leo ku (ku ju ji) more and more.. his songs are nice lah..muahahahaz.. maybe go buy his CD if I got spare cash..haaz..

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:24 PM | 0 Noticed Me

another one.. dun be taken in by our broad smiles.. we had a hard time staying in our positions..those on the staircase had a hard time staying in their poses! haaz.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 10:21 PM | 0 Noticed Me

scg 2505 our chalet!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 21, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

hmm.. I behaved like a pig today.. wake up eat breakfast then catch the detective show on CH 55 then eat lunch at noon then go back to sleep again till now.. haaz.. but nan de lah.. cos today dun need to work..muahahaaz.. it is my free day.. my next free day will be..hmm.. let me see.. tues.. haaz..
I think I should start on my homework soon..lolz.. and of cos catch up on my revision.. hmm.. but b4 that.. le me get enuf sleep first!! feel like going back to sleep again..muahahahahaz..

Sunday, November 20, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:54 PM | 0 Noticed Me

quite tired now.. lingshan and li xuan, happi bdae!! haaz..
had an enjoyable time just now.. went plaza singpura to celebrate ls bdae.. haaz.. we actually planned to have pizza de but we ended up having long john.. cos it is relatively cheaper..haaz..
after that, we went into a swimwear shop to buy lx's present..haaz.. and kk and siu lun was outside waiting, too awkward to go in..lolz..
after that, we went to esplanade to enjoy the magnificant nightview.. haaz.. mingxiu joined us after his church activity.. kk was funny, I guess.. so high throughout the outing.. lolz.. think he can't sleep tonite!! haaz.. (btw, he bought a heart shaped cake for Shan-jie!! sweet right?? muahahaha)
when we finished all these, it was already 11.30pm.. luckily I can still catch bus 72 at Hougang Central.. think is the last bus.. 12.15am.. should be ba.. haaz.. cos I got no $$ to take taxi le..
Jes, Vera and Constance flew this morning.. without them, the gathering seem to be a bit quiet.. miss them.. keez..they should be in Beijing now.. and can u believe it?? Kar Keat the blur king mistook the flight to be 6pm instead of 6am!! Alamak!! hahaz..
I have an enjoyable time this week.. cos I am home late on almost every day.. and is real late.. 11 plus or 12 plus.. lolz.. but it is fun lah.. cos the gang really had a gd time.. : )

Thursday, November 17, 2005
无奈者 posted at 12:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

haaz.. juzt gao tim my blog song.. if u r here and cannot seem to hear any background music, stay longer.. cos it may take time to load.. and it take quite some time to load since the file is 3 plus MB..keez.. but it is a nice song.. love it.. so guys, enjoy it too!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
无奈者 posted at 5:14 PM | 0 Noticed Me

went bbq today again.. this time, ls and me made ourselves useful.. haaz.. we cooked the food ok!! haaz.. and as a result, we inhaled lots of smoke.. lolz.. unhealthy.. and the food tasted ok I think.. ls and me were deciding to set up a BBQ stall together when we grow up.. haaz.. but all our food were charred.. but at least it proved that they are fully cooked..lolz..
oh dear, angel's ipod spoil le.. so fast? but nvm.. luckily got warranty.. think she can get a new one..haaz..nice..
I know how to play mahjong le! a bit lah..haaz..Yeah!! although I didn't 'hu'.. I got 'peng'!! muahahaz..
y nowadays SBS have their last buses so early? I didn't manage to catch the last bus of 55 and have to rake taxi home la.. got midnight surcharge although I boarded the taxi at 11.58pm..lolz.. but the fare is ok.. 9.30.. acceptable lah.. I still tot I wun have enif money to pay..haaz..
btw, guess who I saw at the chalet today?? Egg Sim!! haaz.. lolz.. such a nice surprise to see him.. Van, where are we going to have our 6G outing? haaz.. inform me of the date k? lolz..
ending here ba.. just here to update on BBQ.. nice time.. today is more organised.. we prepared all the food then ate together.. like that better.. and we had marshmallows today!! Yupps! : )

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:00 PM | 0 Noticed Me

went to work in st hilda's today.. it is quite easy today cos there was not a lot of ppl who came to buy the uniforms.. hmm..btw, after that lingshan came find me and we went to our scg chalet!! haaz..
sometimes I really wonder.. is it becos we don't hold high expectations that things turn out better than expected? If that is the case, should we stop holding high expectations for everything.. that does not feel rite.. hmm.. I was actually not looking forward to the chalet de.. in fact, I even had the urge not to go.. but then if dun want to go also must pay 20 dollars.. might as well go..haaz.. so ls and me went..
wah.. the way from parkway to coasta sands is real long lah.. walk until my leg got blisters.. OMG! and me and ls kept grumbling along the way.. so funny.. we seem to be the only ppl grumbling as we walk..haaz..
Mr Lim and xu lao shi came to the BBQ.. so nice of them.. xu lao shi even gave us a lift and dropped us along the way..haaz.. cos he also live in hougang. Btw, the food today is average.. no marshmallows..but I know the organising committee put in a lot of effort le.. and spent lots of money..haaz.. so shouldn't grumble.. haaz..
yup.. in the end, it all turned out fun.. at least better than expected.. there are ppl which I didn't expect to turn up turn up.. haaz.. like KK.. and even got drunk.. OMG again!! haaz.. and imagine his face is red like tomato.. and still can play mahjong when he is drunk..lolz..
anyway.. stopping here..lolz.. gtg zzz le.. tomolo is a free day!! but lingshan and me are going back to the chalet to have another round of BBQ!! Yippee!! Bravo!! keez..

Monday, November 14, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:08 PM | 0 Noticed Me

today is my last day working at the petrol kiosk.. honestly although the work is easy, I couldn't help feeling relieved that it is my last day there.. dunno y.. will be going to sell uniforms tomolo.. at st hilda's sec..
today is an interesting day I suppose.. I expect myself to slack at home for the whole day but I didn't.. interesting eh?
oh btw, the hk drama 'da tang shuang long zhuan' is real nice!! Thumbs up! 5 stars.. Inside got 2 of my favourite male leads : Raymond Lam (Ling Feng, yes the guy in Yummy Yummy too..) and another one called wu zhuo xi I think.. but 2 very charismatic guys..haaz.. love that show.. but it is s sad ending.. so bad.. haiz..
and now then I realise that ling feng sings so well.. gosh.. he is really something.. got looks, got talents.. and came frm a rich family..lolz.. ok.. frm now on, ling feng and wu zhuo xi will be added to my list of idols.. wah..haaz.. : )

Saturday, November 12, 2005
无奈者 posted at 5:13 AM | 0 Noticed Me

well.. the house seems so empty now.. my auntie went back home le.. haiz.. miss her leh.. got her in the house I wun be so lonely.. everybody got to work this season except me.. so always left me and her at home.. really miss her knocking on my door asking what I want for breakfast etc.. but then as I was busy this week, I was always not at home all of the time, leaving her all alone.. feeling bad.. haiz.. but nvm.. I shouldn't be busy in weeks to come so I should start planning what to do..
Some things that are already on my schedule:

1. clean and pack my room.. ( it is in such a mess!!)
2. complete my Maths assignments (Ivan Lim wanna check!)
3. Try to do as much revision as I can
4. go Kbox with Ying and Van
5. go get my ipod charger
6. go get my Kickers sandals once I got $$
7. brainstrom what to get my friends whose bdaes are near.. keez.. (it is using up my brain juices u noe)
8. **go learn how to hand make earrings ( I am looking forward to it!)
9. coop up in the library to do more reading.. (GP!!)
10. watch more TV!! I am never tired of that..muahahaz..
so it is mostly my personal activities.. got nothing to do with sch except homework..haaz.. it is holiday time!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:03 PM | 0 Noticed Me

very pissed off now.. got my ipod but can't use.. my com is too outdated lah.. need window xp or 2000.. forget it, settle it later..
went COPE today.. it is a scheme organised by Leo Club.. Leo ppl are supposed to go to an old folk's home weekly to do some housework and keep them company.. so angel, vera, jes and me went.. er.. the po po quite nice.. keep wanting to tell us what she had done.. and she is nice lah.. bu she de let us do the housework.. keep saying she will do it herself.. haaz.. then Vera and me helped her sweep the floor and clean the windows leh.. so nice rite? I don't even do this at home..lolz.. but Angel did the most work.. she mopped the floor, wash the dishes.. haaz.. so nice of her rite? really an angel.. then we went to get batteries for the po po.. cos she got a sort of useless torchlight with no batteries in it..haaz.. so 3 of us left Angel at home mopping the floor and went down to get batteries for the po po.. we bought wrongly.. so had to make another trip down again.. when we came up, she offered us biscuits and grapes.. nice hor? haaz.. I feel that I didn't really do much to deserve it..haaz..
then went to ps to get ipod loh.. after that went to have yoshinoya before shopping for li xuan's present.. I finally bought Tray's present.. I bought for her one le.. but don't think she will really like it.. so buy another one.. this time, I bought something which she really will like I think.. muahahaz..
in the end, I bought 40 bucks and only left with 3 bucks at the end of the day.. Money just flies..lolz...
flying away now..to read other blogs..buaiz..

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:58 PM | 0 Noticed Me

haaz.. hmm.. juzt finished having my beauty sleep.. haaz.. energized now.. was very tired yesterday.. but had a great time yesterday..
we hand in our I&R and celebrated Jeslyn's bdae in sch.. I baked a cake for her! But dunno y this time cos use different brands of ingredients.. the cake doesn't taste as nice as the bake I bake for Ying.. haaz.. but still acceptable..
then had PW meeting before going to Sentosa.. our bdae gal wants to go there :) haaz.. we went Palawan Beach.. and had my first time swimming in the sea there.. really.. cos I don't like beaches honestly.. think S'pore seas are dirty and beaches very ma fan.. but nevertheless, still enjoyed my first time.. no doubt the water is dirty.. got lots of plastic bags, 3-in-1 coffee packaging.. and lots of yellowish bubbles floating on the water.. and the water is definitely saltly.. but I still enjoyed all of it thoroughly.. haaz..
it is my mom's bdae yesterday too.. then rush back to have dinner with her.. and cut cake.. (",) I was so tired by then and fall asleep in my comfortable without bothering to come online as promised..
yay, collecting my ipod nano today! yoohoo!