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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Sunday, January 01, 2006
无奈者 posted at 6:38 PM

hmm..it is really too troublesome to blog in chi..so I shall type in english here..
recalling back the past 2005, my life had indeed changed significantly..
there are indeed very memorable ups and downs during the last 365 days but I am thankful for them..as they allow my thinking to mature and most importantly, be what I am today..(does this sound cliche? lol)

things to be happy abt: : )

-I got a great first 3 mths class in NY. Although not the whole class is bonded together, it is sufficient to have the few cliques that still hangs out together once in a while..

-posted to tj after that.. tj has always been the jc i wanted to get into.

-got a great class scg 2505..haaz.. I am really thankful for my class..luckily most of us has the same combi, if not, we won't be so clase knitted together at all..through the class, I got to noe a great bunch of friends.. sam, angel, shanjie, vera, jes, constance, mingxiu, siu lun, shan jie fu and all others..

- knowing justin and jianxiong.. they together with yuxiang and jinnie taught me lots of things..jianxiong always lend me his done tutorials.haaz..

-passing the interview for the sri lanka trip..haaz.. although it doesn't sound a great achievement, but that's my first interview.. I dreaded interviews.. if possible, I wun go for them..

-old friends still stick around and we often had gatherings..

-my impression of miss yee changing frm bad to gd.. (dun laugh angel..haaz..) I am willing to have her as my bio teacher..no matter what.. cos I think she had performed her duties well in the past year..to be frank, she had really give her best, think we shld give her a chance.

-getting promoted to J2. thankful for this

-watched quite a number of korean and hk dramas.. haaz.. it is indeed an indulgence.. my latest craze is comics..haaz.. I finished 4 bks of full house when I just rent them yesterday.. halfway thru the 5th bk!


- I failed to give most or rather all of my teachers a gd impression.. which is my fault.. but some of them are really too much.. shan't say who here.. it is really a blessing that I will not be seeing them next year.

- dengue incident..I learnt the most frm it.. we only lived once.. and really must live well and not take things for granted. but as a result, I had to give up OCIP trip but on the other hand, I also saw who r my true friends and the ugliest side of some ppl..they can really rub salt onto the wound..I HATE them.

so all in all, I am equally grateful for the ups and downs I had encountered last year. They had all let me realise impt things. I am real grateful that ppl ard me are safe and healthy. May them be blessed with gd health in the new year too!

My new year resolution:
- I am going to enjoy life much as I will work hard for it.
- I am going to put my school work as top piority above play. (yeah, I am serious, dun doubt my determination..lol)
- I am going to be a better person, nicer than b4, hardworking than b4, good tempered than b4, kinder than b4 and so on..
- I am going to save lots of money and be rich! hahaz..
- I am going to try to throw my beloved korean dramas aside and use the com less often so that I will not be distracted frm work. (so that means there will be less entires in the near future..keez..)

hopes and aims:

-I aim to work hard and do well in A Level!
-I can have a smooth-sailing year ahead.
-I can make more nice friends.
-I can have a shorter timetable and have lots of short days (glee..)
-I can burn midnight oil successfully.
-I can improve tremendously in GP.
-and also other subjects too. keez..
-wishes people close to me to have good health and good luck.

tat's all.. I am done. Hahaz.. Bye 2005!