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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, February 25, 2006
无奈者 posted at 1:36 PM | 0 Noticed Me

overall, I was not feeling happy this week.. things that happened made me realise some facts.. abt myself n abt other ppl.. but thankfully, it also made me discover that I do have lots of ppl ard me concerned abt me.. these ppl frm now on will be my motivation.. I really hate to disappoint them..

firstly, I apologise.. sorry, friends.. for making u all worried and having to tolerate my mood swings.. ni men xin ku le..

ppl who i want to thank:
ls, u have been nice enuf.. stop thinking u aren't gd enuf ok? I am really contented with who u r now.. and the support u had given me all along really makes me very gan dong.. u always noe when I need u and surely, u will always be the first to lend me ur ear and ur shoulder.. I dunno if I have done the same to u, but my ears and shoulders will always be there for u 24/7 forever..

sh.. we had known each other abt more than one year le.. but recently then get to noe each other better.. wanna say this, u r really a nice friend.. and my ou xiang too!! You have the ability to make ppl feel comfortable when they r with u.. and you really made me feel special when u r up there on the stage, playing the piano for me..thanks really.. it cheered me up a lot that day.

to our clique:
ppl, thanks for gg to the beach and watching the sunset with me.. and for realising the sunset to me is impt..
angel, thanks for gg even when u r unwell..u must take care k? hope ur cough better le..

jes, dun worry, u can still try ur luck throwing shells/stones into the water.. one day, u will be able to make 5 ripples in a row with it.. : )

yt, thanks for everything u had given me.. be it our friendship or advice.. actually, u r remarkable u noe that.. want to add u to my ou xiang list..I admire ur way of thinking.. stay that way k?

vera, I love ur character the most u noe.. maybe u didn't realise.. but ur 洒脱ness really is what I 望尘莫及 de.. but nvm, 有你这个女人做朋友,我 知足了.

constance, suddenly realised I know u better le.. no matter what, try to retain 你最初的想法 ok.. there's nth wrong in living in our own world cos everyone does that.. if not, they aren't humans in the 1st place..

sl, thanks for entertaining me these few days.. u r a true entertainer, never failing to perk ppl up no matter how down they are..sometimes, ur words really makes a lot of sense.. but I dun tink I can do it.. but.. I will still rmb them de.. yupps.. haaz.. I am fine now.. I suppose.. I had come to a decision and my mind is no longer in a whirl.. so let's all jiayou!

mx, thanks.. for everything ba.. for coming to cg 2505.. for joining our clique.. for bonding the clique.. for being the entertainer together with sl.. for the 地板动作, for all ur gd advice, and lastly, for being the stone that we all noe.. really hope u will still be in close contact with us after u leave..

today.. marks the end of everything.. tomorrow is truly a brand new day.. a brand new start.. yupps.. I know I can do it..

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
无奈者 posted at 6:51 PM | 0 Noticed Me

taking a break frm maths.. haaz.. completed my revision for ap gp I guess.. moving on to DE..
life is getting sianer and sianer.. and it will get worse in the mths to come.. argh!!
my sunset, my beach.. when can I go??

Monday, February 20, 2006
无奈者 posted at 1:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

有时, 得不到的东西永远最美..

Saturday, February 18, 2006
无奈者 posted at 3:02 PM | 0 Noticed Me

无奈者 posted at 2:34 PM | 0 Noticed Me

have u ever feel that there are so many things on ur mind that ur mind becomes blank and what is left behind is only sadness??

attention ppl, back off for the next few days if u see me.. i seriously warn u k.. dun come and irritate me cos I may not noe what I am doing..so.. just take my advice.. SHOO!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
无奈者 posted at 11:18 PM | 0 Noticed Me

u may say it is ok, u understand.. but actually, u don't.. it really makes me sad to see us drifting away.. I can only listen to you talk and share but no longer share with u my happiness and troubles.. when this comes, what does it implies??

happy mixed sad valentine.. pure happiness.. that's so hard to achieve nowadays..

still, guys, happy valentine..

Friday, February 10, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:26 PM | 0 Noticed Me

this week.. seems like so slow yet so fast.. sometimes.. I wonder y troubles can't go away themselves.. and why do they need to keep coming in, interrupting my life??
I sometimes find it enuf.. I had troubled lots of my friends.. really too much that I dun wish to bother them any more.. but I am still sad.. I need someone to be there for me to seek advice, to tell me I can do it.. to encourage me to pursue what I believe in.. but sometimes, it is just so difficult to find that somebody..

Monday, February 06, 2006
无奈者 posted at 10:22 PM | 0 Noticed Me

我的天空今天有点灰, 我的心是个落叶的季节..

Sunday, February 05, 2006
无奈者 posted at 7:59 PM | 0 Noticed Me





Thursday, February 02, 2006
无奈者 posted at 3:03 PM | 0 Noticed Me

mom nagged at me last night and this morning.. she nagged at me for being home so late recently.. she don't used to do this in the past..

can't say I am irritated.. but dunno y.. all of a sudden, I feel sad.. I can feel my mom's confidence in me wavering.. she trusted me in my 17 years of life.. but now.. it seems that it isn't so.. my mom had gave me lots of freedom then.. but suddenly, I feel that she is suddenly taking back all the freedom she had given me..