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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, January 29, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:40 PM

Layer ONE: On the Outside
Name: Tang Xin Hui
Birth date: 22/03/1988
Current status: An 18-year-old girl, single, happy.. wondering how she is gg to survive in the society..
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Black
Righty or lefty: Righty
Zodiac sign: Dragon

Layer TWO: On the Inside

Your heritage: Chinese but strictly Hokkien..
Your fears: A's.
Your weaknesses: always pang seh ppl..
Your perfect pizza: Seafood Supreme

Layer THREE: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Your thoughts first waking up: Argh, today first day of work..
Your bedtime: 11pm?
Your most missed memory: School life..

Layer FOUR: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Macdonalds or Burger King: BK.. I am tired of Mac
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Addias, although Nike sneakers are nicer.. lol..
Lipton tea or Nestea: I dun like tea.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate maybe
Cappucino or coffee: Definitely Cappucino : )

Layer FIVE: Do you..
Smoke: No
Curse: Yeap, once in a while, but getting more and more frequent lately.
Gone to the mall: Have anyone not been to one?
Been on stage: Yup, a long time ago..
Eaten sushi: I have the craving for it just now..
Dyed your hair: No. And I wun ever do it..

Layer SIX: Have You Ever
Played a stripping game: No.. it isn't my kind of game.
Changed who you were to fit in: Huh?

Layer SEVEN:
AgeYou're hoping to be married: By 29, I hope.. After that, maybe I wun consider marriage.

Layer EIGHT: In a Girl/Guy

Best eye colour: Black
Best hair colour: Same as Eye Colour.

Layer NINE: What Were You Doing?

1 minute ago: Answering some other layers
1hour ago: Bathing
1.5 hours ago: Just reached home
1 month ago: Working in Gelare.
1 year ago: Just started school.. and in a festive mood..hehe

Layer TEN: Finish the Sentence
I love: Jo In Sung!!
I feel: tired.
I hate: nothing at the moment.. lol.. I dislike but dun hate. That's me.
I hide: my feelings
I miss: my girl.. muahaha.. and our clique.. Pls, have an outing together ok?

Layer ELEVEN:Tag 5 people anyone who's bored.
Cheryl, Xue Ying, Van, Jes, everybody.