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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:57 PM

Hmm..just chatted with Tray on the phone..realised her dance syf is next Friday..so fast..going to wish her all the best and may her dance win gold honours..hehez
Watched tong hua mtv just now.. is a bit touching..but I didn't cry.. Angeline tell me her sister cried while watching the mtv and Vera says she is very touched..
Congrats to Ah Ma, Ferrari, Yurong, Wen Xin, Miao and Chee Hui for being selected to be LEP schloarship nominees..hahaz.. Shona also got it..wish they can get it..hehez..as for me, since the moment I chose TJ..I knew I would not get the scholarship..cos they are a lot of ppl with better results in TJ fighting for it..so naturally, I am not sad or disappointed at all.. in fact I felt really happy for all of my friends who got selected! Hahaz..and Xiao Ying told me there are 12 ppl in NY selected to go for the interview and 6 ppl are from 6G! Wow.. 6G so li hai..hahaz.. makes me go wonder also..if that Emperor Han take LEP..will he be in it as well? Hahaz..
I had a great day I suppose.. cos everything goes smoothly for me.. attended the lectures and tutorials smooth sailingly..hahaz..then go LEP room do some work and chit chat.. Vera very suan..complete the Maths tutorial de (me and Sam (short form for Samatha) have not) then come suan both of us..hahaz.. then after a while we went across the road to buy some snacks.. I bought jackfruit while Vera bought waffle and Sam bought mashed potato.. 3 different things.. hahaz.. Vera says the waffle is nice..maybe next time I will have it..cos I today too full le..cannot finish a waffle..hahaz..too bad..keez.. I keep want to have it de..cos it smells nice but then..always no chance..cos I am too full after lunch to have it..haaz..

" If you get knocked down, don't stay down...REBOUND!" - Gabriel Corchado