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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, June 27, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:58 AM | 0 Noticed Me

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PUAY YEE!! (although I know u don't read my blog..hahs..)
hmm.. depressed today.. cos exams are really near and my revisions for some subjects are not fully completed? I am really scared of Bio man.. cos I didn't really focus much on it.. is like I am less halfway through..got to mug for it for the next few days.. hmm..
Ending here.. feeling lost now.. dunno what else to say..

Sunday, June 26, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:33 AM | 0 Noticed Me

hahaz.. back frm my mum's cousin house.. hehez.. going for the banquet later.. in a ballroom in Riverview Hotel I think.. saw the newly wed couple's wedding photos.. wow..is so nice loh.. the ger pretty the guy also suave..hahaz.. and all my aunties and uncles are all there saying that technology nowadays are so advanced that even the wedding photos look so superb.. hahaz..
lolz.. ending here.. nothing more to add.. hmm.. btw, I am getting to like my little cousin, Amanda more and more.. has been seeing more and more of her lately.. yes, she is the one living in Seattle since birth..she is so ke ai..very innocent and u shld look at the way when she smiles.. makes ur heart melt.. cos u will feel like u r enjoying urself too.. so envious of her.. so carefree..most importantly..she speaks with an accent..so cool rite? hahaz.. how I wish I have that too.. lolz..

Saturday, June 25, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:35 PM | 0 Noticed Me

hahaz..thanks Huai Yuan.. hmm.. he has been a great help ever since I known him.. hahaz.. he always offered help whenever in help.. really appreciate it.. hehez.. he is knowledgeable and has never hesitate to share his knowlege when someone approaches him for help.. thanks ya again..
hmm.. PY's bdae 2 days away.. well.. haven't buy her a bdae present.. dunno what to buy for her.. lolz.. what shld I get her? hmm.. any suggestions? maybe going down Compass to buy if I have the time.. I just finished Sigma and still haven't revise Trigo, Sketching of curves and differentiation lah.. 2 of them are big topics.. gosh.. and I am not free tomolo.. my mom's cousin's wedding tomolo.. then have to be at her house since late morning.. and Maths is my earliest sub to be tested lah.. forget it.. going to revise le.. bye!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:19 PM | 0 Noticed Me

actually want to blog yesterday.. but was busy with some things.. hahaz.. so blog now..
went back to sch to do some revision with Lingshan and Sam.. a pity Vera cannot make it last minute..hahaz.. hmm.. b4 that went outram wait for Jeslyn to pass her the LEP notes..hahaz..Jeslyn is a bit late so I ended up late too.. In the end.. Lingshan is the earliest.. funny gal.. she is always the latest.. but dunno y she everytime ended up being the earliest..hahaz.. lolz..
for the study session.. lolz.. as usual.. I am blabbering away..lolz.. but still managed to do some work lah.. hahaz..
Btw, saw my cousin, Amanda frm Seattle.. she is cute.. with a mushroom hairstyle.. and she interacts well with my niece.. they are both 2 and a half and 3 years old respectively.. but then imagine my 3 year old niece has to call the younger gal 'auntie'..lolz.. kkz.. gtg mug le.. cya!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:15 PM | 0 Noticed Me

this is the pic which makes my heart ache.. just got it frm ricky.. very nice of him to send me this.. thanks ricky.. guys, does it make ur heart ache too? Does it remind u of the days we spent.. ; ( Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 5:41 PM | 0 Noticed Me

lolz..rmb in my previous 2 posts saying that I have become more and more adaptive.. just went to read Ricky's blog.. saw the row of pics he put up.. there's pics of food, Jon, KS, ZR.. and also a pic of the messy JT classroom.. my heart ache when I saw it..really leh.. my heart really ache.. cos I just feel sad.. JT days are over.. Chung Cheng days are over.. the fun that we used to shared in the classroom seemed to be over too.. we can only look back and it will never come back.. sob.. really feel like crying.. sob.. recalling the memories we spent in our classroom.. argh.. those days are so nice.. sob again.. now, we don't even have a fixed classroom.. so not fun.. all classrooms are like passing footprints.. no place to gather all our beautiful memories..
so much for contradicting..lolz.. (anti-climax)
lolz..this entry is used to tell frenz out there.. don't take my words seriously.. cos my mood changes.. frequently..
无奈者 posted at 5:15 PM | 0 Noticed Me

2nd entry today.. going to tell the world I cannot sleep.. shi mian le..haaz.. lolz..
It really pains me to see her sometimes.. behaving like that..really.. she is too clever for her age.. for someone else.. it may be a good thing.. but to her..maybe not..
nvm.. enuf abt her.. hahaz.. my uncle who just came back from Seattle for a holiday knows computer programming.. good.. then I can approach him on my PW..lolz.. he works in Microsoft Company..should know something abt PC ba..hahaz..
just finished watching yu le bai fen bai.. Xiao S is really pretty.. although she and Da S are twins.. I find her prettier and got more qi zhi than her twin..dunno y.. lolz.. I am actually happy for her since she is getting engaged.. lolz.. watch too much yu le bai fen bai le.. got influenced by her.. btw, I luv Fan Wei Qi! She rox.. I think she is the 2nd best female singer, after Stefanie.. hahaz.. her songs are very leng men.. but they are motivational.. to me, that is sufficient.. these days.. most of the singers are singing abt love love and love.. very few are as meaningful as Fan fan.. so I decided to buy her album once it is out in S'pore.. is it out ar? hahaz.. must go cd outlets and check le..lolz..
also.. I just realised Xiao Zhu quite cute.. Van told me long ago.. but I didn't really notice him till now..hahaz.. enough le.. going to check out some youth articles online now.. if not my GP..ahh!!
good morning everybody..lolz..

Sunday, June 19, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:21 PM | 0 Noticed Me

as usual.. haven't touched much.. only touched two chapters of Bio..haiz.. but thanks Sy.. for the motivational sms.. will keep on mugging..lolz.. it really perks me up..hahaz.. die..I seemed to be addicted to my blog.. hahaz.. maybe cos I like the new skin a lot? hmm..lolz..
Looking back.. I sure miss the days when our exams are b4 June hols.. It motivates us to study..cos then we can enjoy the holidays.. pri skool days are the best.. I don't even study at all for all tests round the year.. hahaz.. but.. the fact that JCT is after the hols cannot be changed.. thus we have to learn to adapt.. I guess, as we grow older.. we learn to be more adaptive to new environments.. it is no use grumbling I guess.. cos most of the time, u will lose all the time grumbling when u should be enjoying every moment of it.. when I went on to JC life, I did not miss secondary skool life as much as I expect myself to.. it is unbelievable.. cos I rmb when I was going on to Sec 3.. it took me a long time to get over 1/2 Gr..lolz.. I was there keep on comparing JT with Gr.. when everyone tells me they envy JT.. I even doubt their words.. hahaz.. now.. I finally rmb.. treasure every moment of life.. cos once it is over.. we can only look back at it.. haiz..
lolz.. dunno y.. getting very emotional recently.. so pardon me if I wrote too much da dao li here..lolz..
ending here I suppose.. going to start my revisions le.. best of luck everyone..

Saturday, June 18, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:01 AM | 0 Noticed Me

feeling not good now.. haven't touched Bio..except one chapter.. then Chem only study till Mass Spect.. then LEP haven't touched at all.. GP also didn't touch.. Maths until AP GP.. wondering what I am doing in the hols.. been slacking too much..haiz..
recently, I realised I am lucky..hahaz.. u have heard of office politics but what abt family politics? To me, family has always played an important role in my life .. I can have all the ups and downs in my life but without my family there for me, I will not be able to hold through every obstacle after all.. that's y I have learnt to treasure my family members lately.. I really feel sorry for her.. shan't say who she is.. she is a bubbly person, clever and cute.. I am surprised she is aware of the things happening around her at such a young age..and because of this, she had to learn how to defend herself at such a young age..is this in her control? She is the cuter out of the siblings.. but.. the love, care and concern showered on her seems to be inproportional to her personality.. haiz.. but hopefully she is still aware that they are people out there who care and love her.. haiz..
ok.. enough abt being emotional.. here's is something to be angry abt..lolz.. I lost 50 dollars lah.. think I lost it in Compass.. lolz.. I am not very sad.. but I really wish to know where I dropped it.. I can't really think of any place to drop the money.. except when I am buying comb..lolz.. but it seems impossible.. but that is when I last seen my 50 note.. haiz.. forget it.. spoil my day lah.. I was at Pastamania ordering my baked rice when I discovered I lost the money.. hai wo no mood to go eat my rice..hmph..
ok, ending here here.. I suppose.. going to revise le..

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:20 AM | 0 Noticed Me

hmm.. got only a few minutes to update my blog.. hahaz.. cos got to bathe and go give tuition soon.. supposed to have CIP today.. had to give it a miss cos I am not feeling well today..
went to NUS for Science Focus yesterday..had to go tomolo and Fri..hahaz.. the elective for Forensic Science is not bad..hahaz.. but as for Neuroscience and Drugs.. I am afraid I couldn't agree with it.. cos I simply fell asleep..cannot help..lolz.. oh ya, saw Fiona there in SF.. hehez..
what's there to update? not much more I suppose..hahaz.. to Van, saw ur blog. u mentioned only got 4 ppl went.. but really happy for u all that u all enjoyed urselves.. sad I cannot go.. but nvm.. Van, u and me can start planning the next 6g outing..keez.. make it on a day when I can go de..lolz..
want to change my blogskin de.. but after browsing so many.. realised some not very nice.. some ok only.. haaz.. so I shall not change mine till further notice..keez..

Sunday, June 12, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:55 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Happy Dumpling Festival!! Hahaz.. how many dunplings did u all eat today? I ate a lot.. really a lot.. 4 to 5 I think.. got big and small ones.. got vegetarian and meat de.. got nonya and salted meat dumplings.. all kinds also got.. hahaz.. I think I am going to suffer indigestion liao.. but then.. duan wu jie only one year once..so ok lah..hehez..
Just back frm Harvey Norman in Parkway.. lolz.. pei my parents and auntie go buy fridge to put in my auntie's house.. hehez.. then my family went into Aibi shop and bought a treadmill.. or rather running machine.. cos my family can use.. hahaz.. my mom says she needs some exercise.. actually she wants to go down walk walk de.. but then my brother and I may not be free to pei her everyday..lolz.. so buy this machine so that she can do some brisk walking at home.. my brother can also use to improve his stamina.. I can also use it to do some exercise.. I lack exercise severely..lolz.. hahaz.. now is Singapore Sale mah.. Parkway got a instant dip promotion.. we only need to spend 30 dollars and above then can dip once.. max is 5 times..lolz.. my brother and I go and queue up for the dip thingy.. I use the fridge receipt to dip 5 times.. lolz.. I got a tote bag.. and 6 dollars vouncher.. plus a 1 dollars Treats voucher.. then when it is my brother's turn (he use the Aibi reciept), he only got a mug after dipping 5 times.. cos 4 out of 5 times is 'thank you, pls try again'.. hahaz.. I think I noe y.. cos there are 2 boxes.. the one I chose to dip from has better chances.. the box which my bro dipped frm has a lot of the blue cards.. which meant thank you, pls try again.. hahaz..
received my mum's cousin wedding invitaton again.. hmm.. I suddenly realised something.. when one is going to be a bride, she will look prettier than before.. really.. it is the same case for my mum's other cousin.. (the bride-to-be's sister) she married 2 years ago.. but she looked much prettier as her wedding date approaches..hahaz..
lolz.. I really love Calvin on air.. he very cute.. I mean sound very cute.. hahaz.. a bit bu ke qi but then very funny.. hahaz.. and his acting in Tong Xin Yuan also not bad..lolz..

Friday, June 10, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:21 PM | 0 Noticed Me

just back frm Far East.. Puay Yee says she wants to go cut hair..want me to pei her.. I went..cos I can also cheng ji buy Tracy's present.. in the end.. I bought a bracelet for her.. I like the bracelet a lot..it is very nice!! hmm.. maybe I go back tomolo and buy another for myself? hahaz..
Besides the bracelet, I also bought quite a lot of stuff.. bought hairpins, a tee and a pair of earrings.. hahaz.. all very nice..lolz.. after PY cut her hair we went to eat at Long John's.. after that we walked to Taka to buy Huiyi's cake. It is Huiyi's bdae tomolo.. Happy Birthday to her! hehe..
Btw, PY cut hair like didn't cut like that.. still look the same.. no diff.. but PY insists that her hair feels lighter now..haiz.. we can never know how the 'spiky' people are feeling..hahaz..lolz..
Talking abt hair.. hahaz.. guys..look out for my new toottoot hairstyle.. lolz.. my new hairstyle is like so toot.. hahaz.. my godma says I look exactly the same when I was younger..lolz.. Puay Yee says it is so toot..
haiz.. I feel I am lagging in my revisions.. I take 2 days to complete a chapter.. maybe I should buck up.. at this rate I am going.. I am going to be roasted alive..lolz.. roasted pig anyone?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:06 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I cut my hair le! Finally.. hahaz.. cos since this year or last year de Dec? cannot rmb..but then know I want to cut my hair short..but then drop the idea.. everytime I went into the salon, I wanted to ask the hairdresser to cut my hair short.. but then haiz.. I didn't say it.. until a month ago.. I made up my mind and tell the auntie I want my hair short..but then the auntie was like there persuading me not to cut it short.. keep asking me whether I will she de not.. lolz.. in the end, I still didn't manage to cut short.. only trim.. hahaz.. today, I went in and straightaway told the auntie I want it short.. short in the sense that I cannot tie..muahahahaz..end product.. I like it..I think it is better than the long hairstyle..but look likes a mushroom though..lolz.. like that then can fit the TJ image mah.. all mushrooms..hahaz..see the hairdresser yong xin liang ku..lolz..
had tuition before I went for my haircut..lolz.. only 2 people.. plus me 3.. haiz.. let them do compo.. then we played 'Payday'.. actually is not allowed de..but the person-in-charge not in..hahaz..so can.. lolz..
blogging off.. going to mug..ahh!!

Monday, June 06, 2005
无奈者 posted at 5:03 AM | 0 Noticed Me

suddenly like JJ a lot.. he is really talented.. and his bian hao 89757 album is real nice! Bought it quite long ago but now then listen to it seriously.. love his 'yi qian nian yi hou', 'jian jian dan dan', 'sha shi bi ya de tian fen' and 'bei feng chui guo de xia tian'..anybody who are intending to buy it go and buy now..hahaz.. or can borrow it from me.. it is super nice!! thumbs up..keez..
sianz ar.. I keep slacking at home.. I know I got loads to catch up..although I jing zhang but I am not showing it in my actions leh..how ar? haiz..

Sunday, June 05, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

feel like posting this..cos I miss Chung Cheng!Although I can always go back, things are no longer the same..I no longer feel part of it..took this frm yongsen's blog.. this is the lake where we played..where we revise our work and where we grow up.. Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 12:35 PM | 0 Noticed Me

ok.. not exactly in a good mood now.. sprained my neck while sleeping last nite.. and is ery painful loh.. I cannot even raise my hand to tie my hair..lolz..
haiz.. I just realised maybe I lacked communication skills.. I screwed up the consultation session with my senior on GPP.. supposed to ask him on the feasibility and cost of the program.. and he mentioned 1000 dollars in the first place.. and is not for materials cost.. is for his pay on implementing the programme.. lolz.. fine.. but the more the cost, the lower the feasibility.. I ask him whether he is willing to help us come up with the program.. this qns id fei de lah.. cos the project theme itself does not require us to come up with the product. so I ask him to assume.. cannot assume meh? assume he is helping us voluntarily.. then wouldn't the cost be 0? he says it is impossible.. makes me mad.. I kept asking him why..he didn't give me an exact ans.. then towards the end his attitude is real bad.. haiz.. just my luck..

Saturday, June 04, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:54 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Back frm LEP camp..had a gd nite sleep.. really tired.. haaz.. the camp is happening, I think.. ppl got lots of comments.. abt food, the lectures and stuff like that.. hahaz
first day is alright.. go dorm.. but Angel is sick.. had to leave the 2nd day..so Jeslyn came to bunk in with us. hahaz..so our room is occupied with 3 ppl..it is funny..cos we took a long time deciding when she will sleep.. cos if she sleep with me, we will not have enough space..2 big sized ppl together..lolz.. then if she sleeps with Vera, Vera kept scaring Jeslyn, saying that she will push and kick Jeslyn down the bed like a rock..lolz.. in the end, we move Jeslyn's mattress to our room and she slept on the floor between 2 beds.. haaz.. we dropped by Jiamin and Moon's drom in the 1st nite cos Angel playing cards with them..hahaz..
2nd day is lecture day.. we ate every 2 hrs.. can feel the food haven't digest and there are we eating again..lolz.. nothing fun happened the 2nd day.. the 2nd nite is slightly better.. we went to the playground and stayed there till 12 midnight until the NY teacher came down and ask us to go up.. got the worm incident..but actually is a misunderstanding.. shan't elaborate.. then Bin came to my dorm and we chatted with Tray.. halfway thru the conversation, Bin was called up by her teacher.. cos their teacher sprang a spot check on them.. sometimes, I am glad TJ's teachers didn't restrict us much.. they didn't do any xun fang also didn't scold us.. I guess they are too busy doing the planning.. too busy to deal with us..haaz..
the 3rd and last day is the slackest.. hahaz.. I enjoyed the 3 rd nite the most.. cos LS came over and we tok till ard 4am.. lolz.. it is fun loh.. with Angel on the line with us.. then that Siu Lun was very funny.. like got memory loss.. dunno who am I, mix up me and Jiahui and also dunno who is Hui Xuan.. box him ar.. hahaz.. then we chatted till lost track of time and I forgot to celebrate Soo Huay's bdae! Aiyoyo.. I feel so sorry..
get to noe Jiamin and Moon better during the camp.. really glad to noe them cos I didn't have any chance to noe them in CCHS..after 4 years leh.. I know of their existance but then no chance to know them.. Jiamin is so cold with her jokes..and is very fierce..but of cos very cute.. she look very sweet in her photos.. so unlike her..hehez..
btw, the food served is quite ok..but we kept eating chicken.. chick fillet, chicken drumstick and chicken wings.. basically each of us nearly ate the whole chicken..hahaz..
Blogging off now.. this is all..