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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, January 09, 2006
无奈者 posted at 1:42 AM

I realised that I have not noticed a lot of things in my surroundings.. luckily mx is there to enlighten me.. his words, his experience really made me reflect a lot on my actions.. do I really want to stay playful and happy-go-lucky this whole year, neglecting my studies but still believing that I can work hard in time for A's? or should I start really start studying now and let my actions show it, and hopefully enjoying the fruits of success at the end of the year? The latter is obviously a more tedious route.. but at the same time, it will be more secure and promising for me too. I kept complaining that I have no discipline and motivation.. but these will come when we put words into actions.. if we only say it loud without any action, it is no wonder that we complain abt the lack of discipline.. u have to implement wat u say first b4 u noe how much discipline u really got.

and I realised I haven't been thinking too.. I had already lived nearly 18 years of my life and yet I had not once think maturely.. I should really care for my loved ones and not disappoint them. Like mx say, they will be the most affected when anything happens to us. When we pass our exams with flying colors, they will be the ppl that are most happy for u.. when u r down, they will be with u, feeling upset themselves but they are still there for you no matter what.

I am once upset that I am not a perfect person.. but now that I can see a broader pic, I realise that I am the most fortunate. I have got a blissful family, where everybody are healthy and happy. There are my doting parents, a wonderful bro who often fight pillow fights with me but I know he cares for me and a caring godma.. this is what I should treasure and cherish. They will always be my top priority. It is time I should really think for myself and do something for them too.

For the past year, I used to put friends on top of work. I don't mind making few friends, but I care that they must be of the same frequency as me. Once I achieved that, I am contented. Even when my work is in a mess, I dun mind. Now, I realise that it was wrong of me to do that. The important thing is we must learn to priortise. Only when u put ur priorties right can u achieve what u really want. Now that I am typing all these, it is not meant to be offensive.. and I believe some of u will even agree with me. Only true friends dun leave u in the lurch and time is the best witness to a friendship. Like wine, the longer, the better.

Hence, I had decided. I will start studying from now on.. I am going to do it for myself and most importantly, my loved ones. I really want to show them how much I loved them and how important they are in my life. Also, I would also liked to prove to all those ppl who had looked down on me or misjudged me one way or another that they are wrong. Despite years of experience, there will be times when they are wrong.

It will be tough but I certainly won't want to have any regrets later. Tougher now means less regrets later on. I know it will be worth it.
suddenly, I feel extremely lucky that they are lots of caring ppl ard me, constantly warning us of the dire consequences that we may face if we continue they way we behave now. Thanks to all of them, u noe who u r..