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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Friday, March 31, 2006
无奈者 posted at 10:37 PM | 0 Noticed Me

we finally had our class photo taken today! Finally.. haaz..

Looking at our 1st scg2505 class pic, we still had Sun Zhe and Zhang Xuan with us then.. looking at the 2nd one, the one with quek quek.. quek quek was leaving us then.. and by then, zhang xuan and sun zhe had already left us.. now the 3rd one.. which is taken today.. we had new ppl of cos.. but some are leaving some staying.. mx came and left, chung ee joined us.. xuan yun left us for another class too.. of cos if they can choose, I believe nobody would ever want to leave.. it is really not easy staying together, I realise..things are always so wu nai.. y can't we stay within the same social circle.. why must we move around and noe new ppl, leaving the old friends behind.. true that close friends will still be in contact with one another but did u realise.. things will no longer be the same?

When I was leaving CCHMS, I broke down cos I couldn't bear to leave 4jt, S.H.I.T.. 2 years later.. a lot of things happened in between this period..I tot I have matured enough to handle this matter again.. true enough, I dun tink I will cry this time but definitely, I still feel very affected.. and sad is the word..

ppl come and go in our lives and we did the same thing to ppl too..I believe that it is fate that 2 people will meet and become friends.. the world is so big, it is really not an easy task to meet and know one another.. so friends, I really do treasure all of u.. do take care and noe that there will be ppl thinking of u always..

u always say u r leaving.. this time, u really are.. all the best to ur future endeavors..

Thursday, March 30, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me

oh oh oh.. I just had a haircut and response isn't gd.. I suppose..

angel: who is the hairstylist who cut ur hair? I am gg to boycott her..
jeslyn: xh, u cut ur hair ar? (n she had been repeating it for n times today.. purpose: to irritate me)
ls: aiyo, y like that?
py: it is pretty disasterous..
mx: how old are u?? cut this type of hair..
sl: just kept laughing.. (clever on him not to make any comments huh)
kk: did she slept on a pair of scissors? (he asked the clique)
vera: I can take it.
jm: I tot Moon is the ultimate.. but u r worst..
conclusion: vera, ls, constance and yt the best.. cos they didn't really make much noise..

my qns: is it really that bad?? haiz.. nvm.. my hair will grow back.. and I guess it takes time for ppl to accept new things.. I got a feeling that if van and ying see it, they will not love it, but at least like it loh.. I know I can depend on them..haaz..
joke of the week.. that's me.. : (

Saturday, March 25, 2006
无奈者 posted at 11:34 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I declare.. my com is well again.. which means I can tag again.. muahahahahaha..

oh.. this is my bdae week.. muahahahahahaha.. and I got a super nice week.. best week of the year, I declare.. again..lol

the clique celebrated with me for 2 days.. haaz.. on both 22nd and 23rd of march, which I appreciated a lot.. thanks for everything, ranging frm the ex ex de piggy bank to the cake smashing part and to the outing that we had.. u noe.. u guys certainly surprises me.. I nvr expected I will have such a superb 18th bdae.. yet u guys made it possible.. thanks..

next to xue ying, van, shawn and yuzhi.. thanks lots.. u noe.. it was really a fantastic surprise that u all had given me! I like the prezzie a lot too!! Imagine that I was bluffed by ur acting skills! and I can always recall shawn's expression when yuzhi discovered him in the mist of the crowd.. hahahaz.. thanks for putting so much effort coming up with everything, the plot, asking everyone to join in and the fabulous bdae celebration..

and another round of thanks to ppl who made my bdae so eventful.. ur contribution is very appreciated!!

xy, S.H.I.T, shawn, yz, ls, angel, vera, jes, constance, yt, sl, mx, ly.. u guys rox.. haaz..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
无奈者 posted at 12:13 PM | 0 Noticed Me

back here.. my com spoil le.. can't blog.. now in hub.. haiz.. haaz.. but nevertheless I am still happy..lol.. happy cos.. it is a wed tomolo!! muahahahahaz..

Friday, March 10, 2006
无奈者 posted at 4:25 AM | 0 Noticed Me

just got out of bed.. 4.25am now.. today is the last day of school le.. really.. finally a break after a 'long' term.. dunno.. I find this term very tiring.. luckily we dun have mct.. or it will be worse.. but ya.. just looking very forward to the break.
today --> end of term --> mx's last day. he gg to leave for ngee ann's chinese studies le.. all the best to him.. everything will be different when he leaves.. really.. the clique may be dispersed.. gg back to the original form, where we started off.. we will all be busy with our studies, our own lives.. yupp.. that's it.. sometimes, really feel tat our clique is breaking up.. although I dun want it to happen, I think it will happen anyway.. some things are just so not within our control.. but sl, jes, mx, angel, ls, vera, constance, yuan ting.. thanks really for the memories u had given me.. after a few more months, we may have changed.. may not get together so often.. but I will always cherish the wonderful times we had together.. it is really really wonderful knowing u ppl.. u had painted my jc life with colors.. and as one whole bunch, we see each other mature and grow up.. thanks everybody.. really thanks..

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
无奈者 posted at 1:15 AM | 0 Noticed Me

so tired so tired so tired.. just finished my gp essay.. yeah!! (that's the only thingto be happy abt) haaz.. now moving on to bio.. I shall clear chem supp and gp AQ tomolo I guess.. after finishing bio, I want go watch my san shun!! miss it man..haaz..
ask u all something k?? u tink I got mood swings?? yes/no?? tag! haaz..

Sunday, March 05, 2006
无奈者 posted at 6:27 AM | 0 Noticed Me

think I must be crazy.. I was so bored staying at home all day.. am I too used to hanging out? I dun feel like gg out but then another side of me simply wished I can get some company.. it is simply too boring to stay at home all day.. so contradicting.. I turned down sh's offer to go to the airport.. yet I smsed ying and van whether they want to visit the comic shop.. haiz.. ying's mct isn't over yet.. gd luck gal.. u confirm can do it! jiayou k..
suddenly, I am so happy that march holidays are coming.. finally a break.. a lot of things had happened in this term.. it is time to get a rest..

Saturday, March 04, 2006
无奈者 posted at 6:02 AM | 0 Noticed Me

release of the a levels results on wed.. everyone's mood wasn't right that day.. all seems affected by it even though we aren't the ones receiving the results.. didn't went to see the release of results. I just stayed at the stage area, looking up at the hall and I can just sense the tension.. worried for myself.. this day next year.. I want to see myself smiling contentedly when I come down the stairs.. 3A's.. B3 for GP.. that's my Aim.

looking back, I realise that I hadn't been putting much effort in my work for the past year.. I hadn't been doing enough, hadn't been scarificing enough.. what I am doing isn't even enough.. I didn't even fulfil my responsibility to complete all tutorials on time..it is time I should end all this.. I really really dun want to regret in time to come.. A's really determine our university admission, our university course, our career path and our future..I am responsible for my own future.. so all the more I should start now.

and dunno y.. dun feel like gg out these days..I am guilty.. had been too playful for the past year.. in the past, the tot of gg out excites me but now, it no longer do that.. I feel that I shld spend more time on my work.. just like yesterday. I was so frustrated cos gg out seems to be a waste of time, waiting at the bball court, window shopping at the mall.. all these.. seems to be so unconstructive.. and everytime when I reached home, I am so tired tat I fall asleep when I hit the bed..it will be better if I can spend the time on my notes instead.. so I decided not to go out unless necessary.. and I mean it.. not on weekdays and all the more not on weekends.. I wanna stay in sch to mug!!