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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Friday, April 21, 2006
无奈者 posted at 4:51 AM | 0 Noticed Me

yuanting.. this blog entry is dedicated to u!! omg omg.. do u feel surprised? honoured?? haaz.. read on to noe y..

we all noe u r one who will always be there for ur friends no matter what.. but if not for mx who voice it out, I admit I would still take u for granted.. u noe.. sometimes u just noe certain things.. but ya.. u just stuff it in a corner of ur mind and it is not being taken notice until someone go and ransack it out.. there are times where our lives become too comfortable because of our close ones and friends' help.. they are there for u in times of difficulties, through thick and thin.. sharing all the happiness and unhappiness with u, lightening ur burdens and maximising ur happiness..but because everything goes too well that we take them for granted.. all their contributions become li suo dang ran.. all in our minds, we care only abt ourselves but forgot abt those who had been supporting u all the time.. for this, I am really ashamed..

yt, actually all that u had done for us is really too much.. we may not say it but we definitely noe it.. u r a busy person urself, got ur own committments but u still bother to take time off to care for us.. u r never obliged to share our troubles but u did that anyway.. and asked for nothing in return.. u may not think much of it but u really mean a lot to us.. in comparison, what we did in return had been insignificant.. we often neglect what u had done.. we forgot the fact that u have your own life and actually had no obligation to be our pillar of support..

yup, so yt, the CO performance I will surely go! and dun worry it is not becos of u alone.. I am going for the music too! but rest assured that our clique will be clapping the loudest for u in the audience seats.. in one corner of the theatre, the claps will forever be for u.. only.. so jiayou le.. may everything goes well for u, have fun, memorable and smooth sailing rehearsals and a more than successful de performance!

lastly, thanks for making all of us so xing fu.. having u as a friend is really something we couldn't ask for more..

Sunday, April 16, 2006
无奈者 posted at 10:22 AM | 0 Noticed Me

this one had emilie cut off halfway.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 10:19 AM | 0 Noticed Me

here are the 3 class pics which are taken using moon's camera.. but they dun have kar keat and peng peng in it.. Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 14, 2006
无奈者 posted at 7:23 PM | 0 Noticed Me



this, I dedicate to all my friends who I had known be it for years, months or days..

时间已做了选择,什么人叫做朋友 -- py, there are a lot of times when I doubt we can keep in contact with one another after we were streamed into different classes in sec 2.. but time proves everything.. after 3 years, our friendship is still going strong.. and I appreciate the effort u had put in maintaining it so far..

偶而碰头心情却能一点就通 -- van and ying.. this is the best term to decribe 2 of u.. whenever we had outings, I try my best to make it cos I really enjoyed every minute of it.. u both always seem to understand my situation although we are all in different schools le.. and thanks to ying, who always try her best to come out and meet me despite the short notice..

因为我们曾有过理想类似的生活 -- tray.. rmb our common dream 3 years ago? We promised to go touring in Vienna together after we graduated from university.. at that time, we were both very naive, fantasizing abt leading a life in future where everything seems ideal and possible to achieve..that dream.. I haven't forgotten.. in fact, it has always been one of my pillars of supprt whenever I am down..

担心会犯错难免会受挫幸好一路上有你陪我 -- bin.. haven't been in contact with u for ages.. noe u r really busy but must take care.. tried asking for ur news but not to much avail.. after the events we gone thru together including our dengue incidents, I realised that although we no matter what happen, we will always there for each other.. we may not meet up as often, not talk as much as before but in times of need, our shoulders are forever there for each other to lean on..

-- this is to our clique.. frm the process of knowing u all to the forming of the clique to the creating of beautiful memories together and to the staying together as a clique.. it has been an enriching journey.. this is definitely an one and only experience that we can get in life.. all of u are ppl who can really go all out for friends.. in the clique, everyone got different characters traits and encountered different problems.. but we all stood by one another, offering support and concern in one way or another..and becos of mx's departure.. we wouldn't have realised actually all of us have not got much time together too...所以接下来的日子, 我们更珍惜..
无奈者 posted at 6:26 AM | 0 Noticed Me

yawns.. just woke up..went to mardi gras last nite.. it was great.. really.. cos we are with the clique again!! and this time round got haoquan to enetertain us.. it is really hilarious watching jes and him..lol..haaz..much more fun than I expected although we missed a couple of performances.. sry yt, li xuan, weiling.. but u all really looked great last nite : )

got back PW results yesterday.. got a band 2.. I am satisfied with it.. but deep down there is a weird sad feeling.. not because I am unable to achieve band 1 but because at that moment, I really feel I had let the grp down.. seriously I had not practise teamwork during PW last year.. I was not disiplined enough to take things seriously.. suddenly, I had come to the fact that I was such a failure in the past..

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
无奈者 posted at 12:12 AM | 0 Noticed Me

believe it anot.. I hate the fact that I am so easily influenced by others..

actually, I was surprised by Sam's blog entry on mx.. although short, but I am touched.. dunno y.. have been reading a lot of entries on him recently.. maybe shld stop denying the fact that he is impt ba.. mx, I admit defeat.. u really is wu fa qu dai de.. haiz..all along.. I tot if I tried to decieve myself tat he has to leave one day, and we shld all be prepared by it, I wouldn't be so sad.. it may be selfish of me.. but I really hate the feeling of being upset.. u can only feel ur heart aching but unlike other ppl, I simply can't vent it out through tears.. so the sadness will only stay.. and it is really terrible..



Sunday, April 09, 2006
无奈者 posted at 9:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

there may be a lot of things that we just realise.. but they are too late.. always tot that entertaining ppl, making them laugh is a gd thing.. makes your friend happy and u urself will be amused by ur entertaining skills too.. but this isn't always the case.. sometimes.. I wonder.. y ls and I are always the butt of the jokes? We are only talking to one another yet ppl take it that they are having free entertainment.. are we really that funny? or we tried to be? or is all this natural?? I really no idea and I have no energy currently to think of it too..

here, I sincerely apologize to my friends.. after reading some blog entries, I felt that I had messed up the whole dinner on fri.. I didn't now everyone was feeling so sad and reluctant that day.. if I knew.. I would have shut up throughout the whole dinner.. Ls and me had messed up the whole atmosphere that day.. shouldn't have so much laughter.. and to think that I didn't even observe my friends shedding tears.. I apologize again for my insensitivity.. perharps u r all right.. I am oblivious to the surroundings except to ls.. things shouldn't be like this.. Thinking back, the tot of me laughing away when all my friends are feeling so down inside makes me unforgivable.. and the tot of y I am still so happy that day makes me a sinner.. I feel like I am inhumane..

but, to clarify..feeling happy on the outside doesn't mean I dun feel sad on the inside.. but just forgive me that I am one who uses external emotions to mask my inner feelings.. and for this, I have committed a selfish act.. forgive me, friends..