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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Thursday, July 20, 2006
无奈者 posted at 5:40 PM

GP's markers' report is right, I guess.. the older generation are always the ones having expectations of the younger generation.. that explains comments like "youth nowadays are ungrateful.." or "young people nowadays are unrealistic.." etc.. lol..

I was on 147 just now and there was this 2 guys sitting in front of me.. one is an Indian (Sec3) and the other a Chinese(P5).. and I am sure surprised that they can kick up a conversation.. no generation gap at all (wow..)

They seemed to noe each other ages back but the Indian had forgot all abt it.. So they go..
The Chi boy was sitting right in the front row of the upper deck.. He lifted both of his legs up on the platform in front.. like he very pro like like that.. (er xin.. act big not big)
(Ind for Indian boy, Chi for the Chinese boy)

Ind: So, wat's ur name??
Chi: Wei Jie.. u mean u forget ar?? (the boy says it loudly)
Ind: oh.. Ang Wei Jie!! (the indian boy seems to recall)

ok, so they started talking abt their common friends, the top scorers for their pri sch and go on to touch on PE..
Chi: How's PE like in sec sch?
Ind: Not nice.. They make u run.. got to train for NAFA, not as slack as pri sch where u play a lot of games..
Chi: Really? (the boy seem to believe..lol)
Ind: U noe Miss/ Mrs XXX? (is a teacher is their pri sch)
Chi: Yup.. the one with big boobs rite.. (omg..I am shocked when I hear this.. at my P5 level, I dun have such 'gd' vocab lah)
Ind: Yup yup..
then they continued a bit before going on to remedial..
Ind: Why r u released so late today?
Chi: Huh? I got remedial lah.. and I dun feel like going.. u noe.. my friends were making a 'cheer' using the vulgar words like f**k etc.. (he kept repeating the cheer)
{pls lah.. u tink it is cool scolding vulgar on the bus? think twice kid..}
then not long after, they alighted together..

Throughout the conversation, I turned my head repeatedly to look at them.. the Sec 3 guy was ok.. but the P5 boy really act big.. very disguisting.. he tinks he very pro.. scold vulgar, 'kiao kar'.. nvm.. they will noe how naive and childish they are in a few years time..hohoho.. I rmb my friends like to use vulgar in pri sch.. they tink they r cool.. lol.. actually vulgar only sounds cool when it comes out from a mouth of a sort of matured person under some extreme circumstances.. using them frequently mkes them 'uncool'..lol.. the one more thing.. he wearing ankle socks.. this is a privilege we got only after secondary sch?

maybe there is really generation gap.. lol.. the behaviour a bit absurd.. but at the same time, I thank him for entertaining me with his childishless on my bus ride.. haaz..