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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, January 29, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Layer ONE: On the Outside
Name: Tang Xin Hui
Birth date: 22/03/1988
Current status: An 18-year-old girl, single, happy.. wondering how she is gg to survive in the society..
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Black
Righty or lefty: Righty
Zodiac sign: Dragon

Layer TWO: On the Inside

Your heritage: Chinese but strictly Hokkien..
Your fears: A's.
Your weaknesses: always pang seh ppl..
Your perfect pizza: Seafood Supreme

Layer THREE: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Your thoughts first waking up: Argh, today first day of work..
Your bedtime: 11pm?
Your most missed memory: School life..

Layer FOUR: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Macdonalds or Burger King: BK.. I am tired of Mac
Single or group dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Addias, although Nike sneakers are nicer.. lol..
Lipton tea or Nestea: I dun like tea.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate maybe
Cappucino or coffee: Definitely Cappucino : )

Layer FIVE: Do you..
Smoke: No
Curse: Yeap, once in a while, but getting more and more frequent lately.
Gone to the mall: Have anyone not been to one?
Been on stage: Yup, a long time ago..
Eaten sushi: I have the craving for it just now..
Dyed your hair: No. And I wun ever do it..

Layer SIX: Have You Ever
Played a stripping game: No.. it isn't my kind of game.
Changed who you were to fit in: Huh?

Layer SEVEN:
AgeYou're hoping to be married: By 29, I hope.. After that, maybe I wun consider marriage.

Layer EIGHT: In a Girl/Guy

Best eye colour: Black
Best hair colour: Same as Eye Colour.

Layer NINE: What Were You Doing?

1 minute ago: Answering some other layers
1hour ago: Bathing
1.5 hours ago: Just reached home
1 month ago: Working in Gelare.
1 year ago: Just started school.. and in a festive mood..hehe

Layer TEN: Finish the Sentence
I love: Jo In Sung!!
I feel: tired.
I hate: nothing at the moment.. lol.. I dislike but dun hate. That's me.
I hide: my feelings
I miss: my girl.. muahaha.. and our clique.. Pls, have an outing together ok?

Layer ELEVEN:Tag 5 people anyone who's bored.
Cheryl, Xue Ying, Van, Jes, everybody.

Sunday, January 28, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:34 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I am crazy over My Girl's songs!! argh.. seriously I can understand tingzi and her colleagues' craze over it.. muahahaha.. the songs are superb!! Argh.. but still, I am reluctant to spend $20.95 on it.. hehe.. I will have my sources.. lol..

And Lee Da Hae shall be on my list of favourite korean actress.. haaz.. after Kim Sun Ah.. lol..

going to work tomolo.. and I am nervous abt it.. let's hope everything goes well for me..

blah blah..

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Actually, dun have a lot of things to blog today. But, still, I feel like blogging. haha..

Met my primary school teacher on the streets today.. She hadn't changed much, still got the same hairstyle after 12 years. Haaz.. She looked the same from afar, but close up, u get to see more traces of time - winkles.

She didn't remember me, but she found my mom familiar. Lol. But nvm, what is impt is that I remember her and her name. It is not an impt fact for teachers to remember their students but it is extremely impt for students to remember their teachers. Because this will indicate how successful the teacher is.

We chatted a little, and I get to know she had retired 2 years ago. Wow. Another teacher of mine retired. She told me happily that she requested for early retirement and that teaching is a stressful job. From her broad smiles, I can really feel that she is happier not being a teacher. haaz.. And I am really happy for her. How many times do we get to be really happy in life? Chances are many but we seized so few of it. More often than not, we are forced to be practical. In the working world, who cares abt passion, interest? Instead, wealth, cars, properties determine your achievements. Who knows 10 years later, these will be the hot favourite discussion topics in our gathering. lol.

However, happiness also relies on a lot of factors. For some people, even if they are doing something they like, they may not necessarily be happy. Their interest may not let them earn as much as others and the closest people around them may not even approve of their decision. In practical sense, money isn't everything but without money, it is nothing. Lol. When reality and practicality hits you, your passion may not even save you.

So, happiness is so abstract that it only belongs to people with the right mentality. Only to people who clearly know what they want and what they need. To all those who is ever so focused on their targets in life.

Miss Low, I wish u a happy retirement and may you always smile so broadly. (I love your smiles.)

Sunday, January 21, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:24 AM | 0 Noticed Me

If my mind is a gunny bag, then it should be brimming with things now.. so called memories but we dunno exactly whether they are precious gems or just stones..

I had successfully made myself angry with MYSELF. Seriously, I hate myself when I miss things, when I feel like crying cos those days are never to repeat itself.. How many times had I told myself to cherish the present so tat I can console myself in the future when I look back, hoping that this will ease the pain of missing the good old days. In the end, dunno y, I still feel hurt and helpless. Is it becos I had not fully cherished the present? Or is it that the hurt cannot be eased no matter wat? Dunno.. When I ponder over these issues, my thoughts will be trapped in a maze and no way out. Yup, that's exactly how I am feeling now..

Passing by tj made me realise how much I missed JC life. I missed the route out to East Coast Park, the route we ran for our mass PE. I miss our lectures and tutorials. Scribbling on the notes, dozing off and taking down notes. Everything. I missed walking round the school, making our way to the canteen during breaks, moving round the school to go to our respective classrooms, going to the toilets in between lessons, us staying in the area outside staffroom near the audi side while we waited for PW lessons..

Bit by bit, little have I realised I had accumulated so many things in my gunny sack. Now that it is full, I will have trouble carrying it around..

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:01 PM | 0 Noticed Me

read ting's blog.. got the same sentiments.. py and I was talking abt cchms and tj's life in coffee bean today.. We really miss school, I realise.. I dunno.. Suddenly, I feel that I could do with a classroom, tutors and classmates.. argh.. and the adult fee.. makes me spend a lot on my transport fees..

Sometimes, I wonder how are my friends coping with work.. It is sad that ur friends are working and u r without a job.. haiz.. and I really miss walking ard tj, late for tutorials and slacking in LEP room in between periods.. haiz..

Despite all the stuff that we missed lots, we are all so clear that we cannot go back to the past. Typical of Man actually.. not to cherish their things and enjoy when it is still in their possession..

Saturday, January 13, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:38 AM | 0 Noticed Me

sometimes, I am amazed.. amazed by the impact that our primary school teachers or any other passer-bys in our life have.. we may be young.. but ironically, it is their teachings that we remember vividly. I remember doing functional writing all tat. I remember we have to pronounce 'mother' carefully if not it will sound like cow in Malay or something like tat. I remember we had to send real letters to my English teacher's residential address so as to get the real exprience of functional writing. I remember my English teacher promised to bring us on a trip to Sungei Buloh after PSLE and it was a trip that is looked forward to. I rmb the trip is special becos we are the only class going. It is only exclusively for our class. Wah!! I remember the teacher taught us new words like 'blubber' and he pointed to my stomach.. heesh.. so funny. but he meant no offence though.. All these are enough to make me smile to myself..

I remember taking part in Chinese poem recitial in primary 3. It was a one and only experience.. becos it took me really lots of courage before I volunteered myself for the task. I yearn to be part of the recitial grp but was shy and timid to volunteer myself.. although we didn't get into the finals, it is truly an unforgettable experience for me.

I also remember we get to fold 1 star whenever we did a good deed everyday in primary 3. It is definitely heartwarming to see when the whole group has accumulated a whole bottle full of stars. And we get to pen down a nice comment about every classmate.. and our chinese teacher will sort out and print out nicely in a sheet of paper for us.

those days.... are really so fun.. I miss it.. but I shan't be sad cos they shall always remain part of me..

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:45 AM | 0 Noticed Me

confession of pain is really worth the ticket price.. I must say.. dunno is it whether I had not seen enuf movies or is it the director is really gd.. I just love the way the director protrayed the whole story.. scenes are well organised.. and it is definitely not the director's style to spoonfeed u the story.. lol..

and to liang chao wei.. a pro indeed.. lol.. he took revenge by killing his beloved wife and her family because his father-in-law killed his family brutely when he was young.. he is pitiful, I think.. cos he had lost everything the moment he witnessed the murder of his family.. including his life.. From then on, his mind is only full of revenge.. got together with his wife with an ulterior motive and plotted his revenge plan accordingly..

However, his greatest failure in the plan I tink is that he fell for his wife.. I seriously think tony leung is not playing the bad character inside.. just a pitiful one.. cos I am 100% supportive of his killing plots.. pls dun scold me bian tai becos if it is ur family being killed before ur eyes, I believe u will take revenge even more crudely.. lol..and also, abt he killing his wife.. I am neutral abt that.. he can kill or not to kill, I dun mind.. but just that it is impossible between them becos their sides are different right frm the start.. and the wife will also not forgive tony leung for killing her father anway, so they are just destined to be enemies..

and to takashi and shu qi.. it is a wow.. I specially love their chemistry inside.. and shu qi is really lovable inside.. lol.. her character in the show as a beer girl is so cute.. perharps the best thing that happen in the show is that they got together..

and du wen zhe is so funny inside!! hahaz.. in all the midst of the sad happenings, there is one blur blur, inefficient police officer who is in charge of the murder yet know nothing of the truth.. lol.. it is a good strategy to put him inside.. haaz..

dunno y, it just feels like it is the best movie I have watched for months.. : ) and is moving on to one last dance next.. by francis ng.. haaz..

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:34 AM | 0 Noticed Me

What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before?
work in a cafe.. yes, the cafe environment that I had always wanted. And I tried the 'tiao lou ji' in Ocean Park.. believe me, I wun go on it again.. lol..

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Oh.. I always forget my new years' resolutions.. short term memory.. lol.. and no, I will not make any.. I dun have the habit of making any.. seriously.. plan along the way.. no use making too far resolutions..

What countries did you visit?
Hong Kong and trying to go Taiwan this year.. yup..

What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
Have more money to tour countries.. I know it is impossible but I want to tour Prague and Vienna!! I really really want that!! Argh..

What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
7/11/06.. cos it remains a scar forever..

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
hmm.. seriously, I dun have any.. haaz.. does getting the gd progress award count? Ok lah, my friends are really my achievements.. can't love them more..

What was your biggest failure?
haiz.. dun tok abt it.. going into depression again.. A's will be it..

Did you suffer illness or injury?
in 2005 yes.. and although one year had passed, the incident still feel 'fresh'.. lol

What was the best thing you bought?
my bed.. haaz.. cos I can have a comfortable slp every night..

Where did most of your money go?
great.. sadly, to food.. haiz.. although I am quite reluctant.. but food makes up most of my expenses.. but this year, it will no longer be.. (I hope)

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
arh.. our own chalet this fri!! Saw the tag yt left on my tagboard.. believe me, I really cannot cannot wait for our chalet!!

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
sadder.. cos things do happen.. esp regrets and things that make u sad.. and pardon me for being pessimistic.. I dun tink I can get any happier in the years to come.. haiz..

Thinner or fatter?
hmm.. let me think.. fatter?

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Studying.. haiz..

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Playing, haiz again..

Did you fall in love in 2006?
hmm.. no.. haaz..

What was your favourite TV program?
full house..

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
sort of.. not hate exactly.. but is just plain dislike.. haiz. I try not to hate ppl..

What was the best book you read?
ooh.... wat a question.. sadly, I dun read books.. It will take me ages to read one.. yes, when I mean ages, it is ages.. for example, my geisha book had been stored in a safe place for dunno 18 mths le and I am still at chpt 4? but I do read gossip magazines.. haaz..

What was your greatest musical discovery?
haaz.. this I can answer.. My greatest discovery is that I am tone deaf.. MUAHAHAHA!! and thanks to angel.. she discovered it for me.. lol.. yeap..

What did you want and get?
Basically it is the teachers' opinion of me.. this is one thing that seriously bothered me last year in 2005.. argh.. ya..

What did you want and not get?
haaz.. sadly, I am still unable to change the opinion of some.. yup..

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
18 in 2006 and 19 in 2+ mths time.. yup.. when I was 18, I had a real fantastic bdae.. haaz.. cos I had a grand 2 day celebration.. haaz..

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Our graduation trip.. I had always wanted to go on a graduation trip with my friends alone.. it mark another milestone of my life.. lol..

What kept you sane?
My diary perharps..

Who did you miss?
hmm.. I miss Auntie Jo.. she will be someone who forever live in my memory..

Who was the best new person you met?
seriously, I dunno.. most of the new ppl I met are nice!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006.
Must noe how to fend for ourselves.. nobody can help u except urself in times of difficulties..