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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:37 PM

times flies.. once again, the aptness of this phrase has outweighed its clicheness....

without anyone realising (or u did realise..), 911 is a 6 yr old incident.. still had a vivid memory of the classroom scene on 11/9/2001.. Mr Khoo came in, looking serious and start telling us abt the incident.. Slow as I was, I didn't have any idea what he's toking abt nor have any idea of the seriousness of the matter.. until tat nite.. when I watched the news.. I rmb I have completely no idea what he is toking about for the whole period of lesson. Pardon me, but I didn't even noe the existance of World Trade Centre in New York City then.. so u see, I wasn't aware and in fact did not tink much of the incident then.. It was the aftermath where ppl kept discussing abt it that I came to noe wat World Trade Centre is and its role in America's economy etc. From then on, the word 'terrorist' topped the chart for its 'popularity' worldwide.. It is most probably the most frequent word used globally all these while. Due to the media's high frequency of mentioning, 911 incident seems so near, not like a 6 year old incident.. One of the reasons why I didn't tink much of the incident then was because I cannot fully comprehend the sadness experienced by the victims' families.. Today, 6 yrs ltr, I took a better understanding to this matter.. I sympathize with the families of the innocent victims and wish could offer them the deepest condolences. Time has passed, ticking away but the emotional trauma and scar will be there to stay.. It is a chapter in Mankind's civilisation history that should never be forgotton. Let us calm our hearts, cleanse our thoughts and reflect on our actions. May we be gain enlightenment by the events that happen all these years and be bestowed with the power to cease all evil in our hearts..