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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
无奈者 posted at 1:57 AM

ok, just a small brk b4 I start on my politics essay and presentation for next week.. real busy with meeting deadlines for the past 2 weeks.. just finished hp203 and hp202.. woah......暂时可以喘一口气了。。but sadly, it wun be long..

but nvm, time will go, days will pass.. deadlines and exams will be over b4 I noe it.. 乐观点!!ho ho..

recently thought of a lot of things.. dunno y.. 我就说自己不是个平常人,没有颗平常心。。不过,在想开的那一霎那,我却觉得自己成长了好多。。接下来的道路更清楚,更focused..

anyway, watched Secret Sunshine密阳。。基本上是一部看的过去的电影,但却因为之前太多的宣传与得奖新闻,抹盖了观众对这部电影应有的公平看待。。公平看待它是部简单,没有大来头的电影。如果我是部电影,或许我最怕的,就是欠缺观众公平的眼光。。 得了奖,我得了荣耀,却失去了电影自身表达给观众的故事情节与情感的能力。那,我还算是部电影么?

anyway, for the movie, I was quite shocked when they started preaching Christianity..I didn't noe it.. (well, I go in for 全度妍) It was awkward, I admit.. but when she starts to 'take revenge' on God, tat part is.. interesting, I tink..

stop here, back to ha205..