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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Monday, February 28, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:59 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I just finished writing the letters and cards for Jiong-ge, Miss Khairani, Miss Tan and Mrs Yeo..tomorrow will be the release of the results..2pm onwards..although there is no school in NY tomorrow, I will be crashing TJ..cos like I say..I will be contented if I can go there for a few hours of lessons if I cannot get in..I will be following Bin the whole day..Principal's talk is first on the list..followed by 3 lectures in a row..Chem, Econs and..eh..forget the last one..hehez..
I turned down Van's offer to stay overnight at her house today.. she is really nice to invite me..I appreciate it..but I got to go TJ the next morning..and it is inconvenient for me to wake up so early and she or her parents also have to wake up so early to open the door to let me out..hehez..second reason is I feel like spending the night with my parents..that's y I didn't go watch movie with Shu and Ricky..haiz.. Right now, I feel most comforted when I am with my parents..I don't know why..and I am going straight home tomorrow after getting my results.
Anyway, changing the subject..let's talk about Metta's work.. we didn't report yesterday..cos there is 20 J2s from NY doing duty yesterday..wow..a lot leh..hahaz.. Anyway, while doing duty today, I met someone I haven't seen for years..hahaz..and it is a definitely a nice surprise to see someone you didn't expect to see all of a sudden..hehez..he is my primary school teacher..Mr Gan..I noticed him when he was registering his name..but I don't dare to ask him whether he is Mr Gan..cos if he is not..then very dui lian..so, I was there ushering him to the hall..haaz..then he said..'You from Chung Cheng?" "Ya,"I replied..since he asked me first, I went on to ask him whether he is a teacher..he replied yes..oh yeah, I got it right..then I asked, "from Red Swastika?" He looked shocked..then he replied "how you know.." "I am also from Red Swastika..hehez.."I said. "Hahaz..no wonder I find u familiar.."he continued.. then he went on to ask me which level am I in now..I told him I am getting my results tomorrow..and he stretched out his hand to wish me good luck..hehez.. it is definitely a nice encounter..one thing though..Mr Gan never taught me..lolz..but nvm..I recognize him the same..then later I found out that he retired le last year..together with Mr Singh..hahaz.. and I was there happy for the whole day. It is really unbelievable..but when u were there ushering..and u don't seem to know any one of the guests..then one of them appears to be someone u noe..u feel elated..and all the boring duties suddenly seem so interesting..in fact..I was enjoying ushering today..although I was the only one doing the duty and need to run up and down the stairs and in turn sweating profusely..hehez..
Cori also mentioned that there is a carnival in Sentosa in May..hahaz..this time it is going to be more fun..cos I think we get to help out at stalls.. and I think our group of 6 is joining..and also Rachel and Yuzhi..
Stop here for today..got to check on my froggy le..hehez..

Saturday, February 26, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:34 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Grr..the viruses are driving me mad..I wonder who the 'saint' invented all sorts of viruses..I simply cannot get them out of my com..I have been tying the last 2 days trying to drive them them..Alvin recommended me a few soultions but to no avail..he suggested reformatting it..I knew it..but that will be my last resort..cos I got to delete all the files in my com..grr..then he suggested changing a new com..and I will seriously consider this advice.. All the virus scans I have download and used are all useless..then I cannot find the AD-ware that Aik Xin recommend..furthermore..There are virus cum adware in my com..then it kept having ads popping out..so fan..
I went to Parkway last nite..only to find the photo shop closed..diao..waste of effort to go there..but nvm..maybe I will drop by later before I report to Metta..hahaz..
Kristen made me very touched yesterday..she gave us letters each..I am not sure whether she came back specially for that..but it is enough to make me gan dong.. I feel sad when I saw her at first glance yesterday..feel an urge giving her a hug..but I didn't..prob because there are a lot of ppl around..and it definitely looks weird..she may be shocked too.. Suddenly I realised..there are indeed a lot of memories of S6G..although no CT outings..we still share numerous memories.. from CT tee..all kinds of projects..the Escape outing.. netball competition..to the ponning case..hahs.. and not to mention going to K Box this Sun with Wenxin they all..hahaz..
Well..I think I am going to have a busy day today.. As mentioned earlier..I need to go develop photos..then to Metta to do ushering work..then to Jiong-ge's house..it is fixed this time..haaz..finally..after delaying this long..and best thing is he is going to cook for us..How can I give up a chance to taste his cooking? Lolz..
Better stop here..got to go back to sleep now..since it is around 6.30am now..haaz..
无奈者 posted at 1:14 PM | 0 Noticed Me

What can I say..I am very frustrated by the spyware in my com..it comes without any notice..and doesn't go away no matter how hard I tried..haiz..now, I am downloading the spyware doctor..hopefully it will be able to help me detect the spyware and delete of it..hehez..
Today..I received the news..our results will be released on Mon, 28th Feb..at 2pm..I think I will be going with my dad..he has taken a day off..I appreciate his gesture..I will really need someone by my side I think..my family member.. cos if I am going to cry..they will give me the greatest support..so Bin, I am sorry if I cannot go out with u that day..and sorry to Van and Ying too..if I cannot go out with u all later that day.. cos I think it will be best for me to go home..
Actually want to go make specs with my mom today de..but we didn't..cos the line is engaged..we are afraid that the shop is closed..anyway..we decided to go next Wed.. then I want to go Parkway develop photos de..but didn't go again..cos I am here busy handling the spyware prob..anyway..u must be wondering..y Parkway? So far away..which is around 1hr bus ride from my house..hahaz..but as far as know..the shop at Parkway..provide the cheapest service..20 cents each per 4R photo..and I got around 200 to develop..wow..hahaz..but da jia..if u noe where to get cheap prices like these and the place is nearer to my house..pls do inform me..it will be a great help..thanking you in advance..
Got to sign off le..need to deal with that spyware of mine..hahaz..wish me success..lolz..

Thursday, February 24, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:58 PM | 0 Noticed Me

It should be a great day today ba..cos I am released at 12.40pm, pon guitar and reach home by 1.30pm..supposed to go out with my mom to check out the Singpass thingy de..but in the end we didn't go..cos we both fell asleep and we slept for the whole afternoon..haaz..and luckily we didn't go..cos my Singpass request is currently being processed..
So surprised to see Yong Sen, Spring Chicken and Andrew in school today..then Van told me that some people are crashing JCs until O's results are released..and she told me she want to crash TP..if I had a choice..I would crash TJ..it is my dream school after all..and I have not been to it except for the carnival thingy..even if I cannot get in..if I get to crash for even half a day..I am contented..
I haven't seen Kristine since Friday..at first I tot she is unwell..after reading her blog..I realised she has decided to 'quit school'..she wanted to go TP to study Hospitality and Tourism course..Shahidah also want to study that I think..he told me that applicants need to undergo interviews in order to get in..Here, may I wish them success and hope the interview is a breeze to them..I admired them actually..cos for me..I don't even know what I want..I am just someone who walks the path that is laid out for me..I have no specific ambitions..cos they are always changing..haaz..and JC life is like a little too rush for me..cos I am so slack..I cannot imagine in JC..I have to do my own revision..no more spoon feeding..haiz..I dunno whether I can cope anot..I have seniors telling me..if they know they are going to be retained for Year1, they would rather go Poly..haiz..what if I cannot cope and I am being retained? dotz..am I thinking too much? Cos all in all, NY may not want me..my results may be bad..but I hope it is not anyway.. Besides these, I am really surprised that Mindy wants to go Poly.. if she chose the Poly route together with Alvin and gang..will she be happier? Whenever I see Alvin they all are so happy in Poly..I feel happy for them too..cos they are again examples who have pursued their dreams wholeheartedly..and there again..and not to mention Edwin getting a schloarship..but sad to say, I see Weiding being a little stressed up in MJ..haiz..is JC life so stressed? Or is MJ stressing their pupils or is it because he is in the best class? Lolz.. But one thing for sure..my bunch of seniors..they are a bunch of geniuses.. always..

I am beginning to like NY life..cos got Ah Ma they all..the Empire family is so you yi si.. cos got all the roles and the names..haaz..as time goes by..I find the Cedarians in my class are a great gang to hang out with..hahaz..and also, we got Hanjie and Aik Sim to suan..lolz..that stupid Hanjie suggested I changed this web address to www.piggypigpig.blogspot.com Hahaz..to think he can think of this..lolz..wait till I get back at him..that tupid Emperor Han..lolz..and there is the hilarious joke on his MSN Profile..Muahaha..I shan't mention it further..cos later he come and kill me..haaz.. 6G is a fun class to be with..really..except that a lot of ppl seem to want to leave if they got the chance..and quite a number want to change combi too (including me)..so there is not a big possibility that we will be in the same class even if we remain in NY..haiz.. I may want to drop Econs and take up Bio..cos I want to take up double science.. but the thought of not having Jeeva as a teacher makes me sad..cos she really very ke ai..hahaz..so tolerating and she never fails to give gifts on festivals.. Haiz..but to be more realistic..even if I still take up Econs..Jeeva may not be my teacher..so..
Haaz..not only Jeeva..Tham is cute too..he really can be a comedy actor loh..should be one..a bit wasted..cos he is really really very funny..hahaz..but he is also one of the teachers which I am afraid to have his tutorials.. cos I always didn't do tutorials..and I still owe him alot..haaz..but today..he spent the last 10 mins giving a speech on degrees and diplomas..he mentioned that diploma holders will always work under degree holders no matter how capable they are..which I find is quite true..but..I find it a bit contradicting to what Mrs Ho had said..she say when we go out to work (excluding first time after graduation)..they look at our attitude..not qualifications..which is completely opposite to what Tham said.. but I agree with Tham though..
Got to stop here le..continue tomolo..if there is any fun happenings..

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:32 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Lolz..just returned home..and I am here blogging again..hahaz..eh..got to rush a little today..got to go and teach the kids again! Yippee! Hahaz..cos they are so adorable! Wonder got what funny things happen later..hahaz..then I can update here again..lolz..
But first..I want to introduce the Empire family..lolz..it is all very lame..but very interesting..
First, we have the Dowager..Ah Ma (Hsiang Ling)..then the tian zi, Emperor Han/Jay..Hanjie..then next..the Empress Ferrero, Van..hahaz..but she claims she is da ru the cold palace (leng gong) de..then got Concubine Silerrero..hahaaz..and that is our Aik Sai..hahaz..no lah, Aik Sim..he/she? is currently the one who gets all the king's atention..haaz..then Empress got 6 children in all..(may expand in future..lolz) The eldest is Prince Raffles..hahaz..by Xue Jing..then is me! Muahahaz..I am Prince Royce..then followed by Soo Huay who is Prince Ferrari..the second youngest is Fan Yun (Sha Da Jie)..Prince Honda..then for the youngest son..she is Miao Yu..named Prince Renault..hahaz..then we all got one sister..the youngest of us six..Princess Bronerrero by Yu Zhe! hahaz..weird rite? this family..all guys act ger..then all gals act guys..lolz.. actually..this family dunno can last how long..cos results coming out le..we may change school or change combi..may not be in same class le..so now can play still play..if not..there will be no memories of 6G..haaz..
Next..today PE got the netball thingy..lolz..hahaz..we won by the score of 5-1, I think..Three cheers to 6G! Haaz..then Sha Da Jie and me in the 3rd round..last round..then I think I want to pass the ball to her..then must call out to her first what..that's what the teacher always say..lolz..and I just called out loh..'Sha Da Jie!" hahaz..then everybody was there laughing..I didn't realise until then..Oopz..so dui lian..I think Sha Da Jie also very dui lian..lolz..and worse still..I shout until very loud..haiz..then there I was apologising profusely to Sha Da Jie after the game..we two are so dui lian..haiz..and is I hai her de..alamak..how can I be so blur? Forget that there are audience watching..hahaz..but think of it again..quite funny..hilarous..Muahahahaz..
Eh, think I better stop here..got to go and bathe..then can go meet Shu le..lolz..

Yoz..I am back!!!! Yeeahhh....hahaz..btw, the lesson is great..except that the kids are not scared about me..then they are too noisy..that the person-in-charge next door ask them to stay back and punish them..hahaz..then she also tell me not to give the kids sweets le..lolz..hahaz..also good lah..cos can save me money..hahaz..kkz..stop here..got to go check the singpass de url de..hehez..

Monday, February 21, 2005
无奈者 posted at 6:38 PM | 0 Noticed Me

This is the valuable piece of evidence for ponning on Friday..hahaz..05S6G in Orchard posing for neoprints..lolz.. Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 8:45 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Eeks....half day more to the day of crude punishment..lolz..hahaz..ok lah, not so kua zhang..but dunno how Jeeva will deal with us..lolz..we have been guessing..maybe she will give us physical training? detention? Wash toilets? Let us stand in the sun for hours? Caning? Hahaz..or clean hall? anyway..we will know tomolo..hahaz..all this suspense over the week really very exciting..but tomolo is not a good day for school..hahaz..cos got binomial test..which I haven't studied..erm, honestly speaking..I haven't even finished the binomial tutorial. Lolx..I guess I really is the slackest person in class..muahahaz..
Anyway, besides this, I spent this weekend volunteering in Metta School doing ushering..will be doing it next weekend too..hahaz..Cori is really nice..I like her..and most of the ppl there and guests are also very polite..hahaz..but today's time passes really fast..cos got Uncle Shuhui and the VJC ppl..Shu was there saying them useless..cos they sit down and do nothing more than they work..lolz..and the way Shu scold is very funny..and it helps us to pass time as well..
Just now, Van and me are struck in the Bedok Cash Converters outlet..we each bought a CD after much browsing..not bad..no scratches and I am listening to it now..hahaz..they have a lot of old CDs which I missed out in the past..hmm..maybe can go there and buy them since some CD shops has run out of stock of these old CDs..hahaz..
Btw, the weather is really hot these days..and the global climate is weird..In China, some places are snowing while some places are experiencing drought..lolz..I am not concerned abt us ppl..cos we have air con, ice cream and all that cold drinks to cool us down..but I scared the hot temperature will melt the ice caps and flood the low lying areas..gosh..then..I heard my friend (dunno who..Yurong?) saying that some low-lying areas will disappear by 2050 and 1/4 of the global population will die by then..haiz..maybe humans should stop harming the environment..and Mother Earth will be grateful..

Saturday, February 19, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:01 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Lolz..we made Jeeva angry today..hahaz..we are supposed to be in school till 1pm today..but we ran off half way to Orchard..half the class go watch mocie and the other half (that's us) went Orchard..lolz..who knows halfway through the school ask all J1s to assemble at the hall..and imagine our CT only got 4 ppl..and the two rows beside us are full..lolz..I think that made Jeeva angry..
Anyway, we went to have neoprints taken..we took 2 times..I hate the first time de..cos I look like I am bald..like no hair like that..lolz..I stand at de back mah, then the background cover a bit then I am also standing at the back....the top part is very bright..the second time is better..cos different machine..hahaz..then Sha Da Jie and I spent an additional 5 dollars on the photo card thingy..hahaz..that one also not bad..then we spilt into 2 groups..Sha Da Jie and me went to buy Takopaichi while the others went to kuniya to see comics..hahaz..then on our way back to join them, we went to have our pics took outside the toilet..I took outside Gents..got the side beside me (cos I am grandson)..and Sha Da Jie took outside ladies (she is granddaughter)..lolz..btw, we took taxis back to school in the end cos we are late for Mrs Ho talk..hahaz..and Cheehui & Wenxin saw Jeeva on thier way to the talk..they described her as very serious and said we are in deep trouble..she is going to punish us on Mon..lolz..I am not scared..maybe a bit..but I am more excited..hahaz..cos like very fun..I mean..school life is boring..we have to find excitement through these incidents..so that when we look back, things will become memorable for us..lolz..
Next, I heard a rumour.. all those who received letters asking them to become teachers have their L1R5 ranging from 14 to 20..alamak..how ar? I received the letter..although ppl like PY, Uncle Shuhui, Mel, gou gou and HY ask me not to worry (I appreciate their gesture..)..and the LEP teacher also said it is not true..I couldn't help it..what if it is true? I mean..haiz..I am at a loss..suddenly I am scared NY don't want me..I mean..my attendence is not good loh..always pon then now still get caught..haiz..dunno lah, maybe chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zi..
Anyway, things will only get better, I guess.. Btw, I met Cori today! Hahaz..Ricky, Shu, Mel, Van and me join as ushers for the Metta building opening ceremony or something like that..then Cori is the person I contacted right from the start when we decided to take on this task..we always communicate through emails.. and today I get to see her..honestly, I find her cute cos she remind me of Miss Verily Tan..they look alike..short hair..and so on..hahaz..she also very friendly and is definitely speaks better than the other guy..the other guy, according to Shu is lame..lolz..anyway, I got to meet them at 7.30am at Tanah Merah MRT tomorrow morning and got to rush to SA after that..lolz..another busy day..but Sunday, we are going to Jiong-ge's house! Hahaz..can see him again..miss him..and can be back together with Bin, C and JT! Hopefully everyone turns up..but Ricky not going..got something on..and he also too hao xin to troouble Jiong-ge..but I don't care..cos I am hou lian pi..Muahahahaz....
Another thing..u know pasar malam funfairs got those type of hooking games....they put frogs and other characters floating on the water then we must use magnetic rods to hook them up..that type sure win de..just that what did u get as a prize..lolz..I go and play it today..just now as I was coming out of Tampines MRT station..lolz..and I won a frisbee? should be ba..looks like one..just that it has two propeller like thingys on it..hahaz..I am contented with my prize..cos I very long didn't play de..excitement + frisbee = 3 dollars..it is worth it..hahaz..

Thursday, February 17, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:18 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I tot I am not going to update today..but I am now..hahaz..at first, I cannot think of anything to write and it is no use forcing me to..it will all sound so fake..but after 2 hours online, I have some thoughts and decided to get it posted..lolz..
First, I have been sorting out some of the neoprints that Van send me..and the more I see them, the more I miss S.H.I.T..I got that feeling of going to cry again..it is not the first time..I tot I am going to be fine after a few more weeks, but nopez..it is not going to help..I still miss them as much..Whenever I recall the days we spent in CCHS, in our classroom..all is so heartwarming..I feel so comfortable in CCHS that I can scream out loud wherever I am in school like I am at home..call out loud to someone downstairs or at the bball court..Bin, Sy and I can always sit together and talk loudly during free periods..During 3 JT times, Sy and I always talk and laugh at our top of our voices without considering other ppl's feelings..then in 4 JT, Bin and I are always there gosiping away, irritating Jiong-ge..hahaz..he always give us the look to shut us up..but we don't care..
As I am telling Ying online last nite, we seem to have different types of friends..we talked to them about different things..
I kept thinking of the days I walked out of school with Bin..we always talked about our inner thoughts..she is the person I can confide in..I feel safe confiding in her..I dunno why..she always seem to understand me in a way or another..we seem to be in the same world..Bin taught me be how to live my life..seriously..the reason why I am enthu in class is because of her..I am influenced by her..she introduced me to music..From Arashi to Energy..esp Di Er Ci Ai Shang Ni..if not, I don't listen to music in the past de..I very toot de..like the blog address..hahaz..then she taught me to be honest between friends and don't bottle up our feelings..if we think there is something the other party should change, we should tell them..
Sy and I talked about crap..hahaz..no lah..we kept crapping away, teasing one another, giving each other names..calling her my white tiger and she calling me cat..we even talked about touring Vienna when we graduated from university and go out to society to work..all these..very lame..but very memorable as well..it helps to cheer me up when I am down..sometimes when I am in a bad mood, as long as we get into the lame mood, we can go crazy and I will forget all my troubles..Sy showed me how to be demure..lolz..at first she eat things very slow de..then I still can remember the first time I saw her eating fish and chips..she looked so si wen..like wanting to cut the fish into pieces of the same size. hahaz..but after time with us..she changed abit..she no longer eat so slow..is moderate..but she says she is still the slowest among her JC friends..lolz..
Van and I talked abt sch..we never fail to have fun teasing ppl..from Yuxiang to Hanjie..lolz..we had a lot of fun together..we always spend our time discussing the dramas and TV shows.. Ying, she and I always go back together after Interact..those days....
However, I am unsure.. I am not sure whether our friendship will stop here..or continue until we go into adulthood..am I thinking too far? I don't think so.. I mean we confirm is want to continue lah..that's the best..but if we really go into different JCs, we will be leading different lives..what interests one may not interests the other..will we still have unlimited topics to talk about? Besides these, we will all be busy..in our JC lives..can we find time to meet?
Next, I don't know what happened to me..I actually blew my top today..in front of my friends..I seldom do that..ok, I only did it 1 time..this is the 2nd..I have spent 2 hors queueing for the Alpha 8 ride..too many ppl and there is no exact queue..everything is in a mess..and just when it was going to be our turn in a few more rides..ppl start cutting queue..gosh..and there are guys..not gentlemen at all..haiz..and I was there complaining, grumbling loudly.. thinking back, if I am in the normal state of mind, I wouldn't do that..I would just let it go..or just grumble in my heart and not voice it out..I don't know what happened to me at that sec..but I was really pissed off..however, now that I have calm down..I realised it is only a small matter..hahaz..but y do I show my feelings so easily these days? I don't know..
无奈者 posted at 10:59 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I am too tired last nite to log in..I am so tired that I fall asleep after I reached home..lolz..anyway, I am tutoring 6 P3 kids every week for 6 months starting from yesterday..Before this, Bin told me they wouldn't dare to try anything funny on the first day cos they do not know me. I have also heard that they are a bit noisy..hahaz..gosh..they are cute alright..hahaz..but naughty and playful as well..they do not listen to u teach de..all they do is fold paper aeroplanes to throw about in the room..then when u turn around to write on the board, what they do was to run about and and even punched each other in the stomachs..gosh..hahaz..things have even got out of hand that a boy cried for 2 times..but kids are still kids. They cry fast but they also regain their smiles fast. The moment he get to hit the other boy back, he smiled. Hahaz..I like this..unlike adults, kids do not bear grudges. If only we can be like that, the world would be perfect. And my sweets tactic does not seem to work properly. They are interested in the sweets..but they cannot seem to keep quiet and pay attention for too long. After a few mins, they are all around the place..there is only 1 ger in the class but I like her alright. Cos she is the only one who came the earliest, stays in her seat for the 1 and a half hour and pays the most attention to me. Lolz.
Uncle Shuhui was in the next room tutoring the P2s. And I am so sorry for disturbing her the whole night. Cos the students were noisy the whole night. They are so noisy that I am afraid the person in charge will come down and scold us. Hahaz..Also, they are clever children. They all know the answers to my questions. In all, they are enthu, noisy, clever and playful. Hahaz..Although I had a hard time asking them to stay in their seats, I loved my first lesson with them completely. It was fantastic..hahaz..
Next, I just came back from guitar..I realised that although I have only missed one lesson, I have missed out a lot..but luckily Mel is there to teach me. I really appreciate it. With her help, I understand all the music notes and chords and beats better..lolz..
Going Escape tomolo..all J1s going..looking forward to it..hahaz..I really want try out Panasonic (Alpha 8)..I want take the front seat..cos will then experience the sensation of being flung out..Muahaha..

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:47 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Shit.. I actually deleted the whole entry..have to start all over again..Hmph..kkz..since today is Valentine..I will be happy..lolz..
I went out with Bin today! We went Far East to take neoprint and pei her shop for his boy boy..then we went Taka de Cold Storage to buy sweets and chocolates..she need to buy chocolates to make up for breaking Tersa's cup while I need sweets to bribe( that's what Van said..hahaz..) my little students..I hope they are cute and obedient..better don't ask too many questions so I will have an easier time..hahaz..the neoprint taken was not bad..if can, I ask Van to scan and put in Friendster..hahaz..again I very gan dong today..cos I saw Bin has the photo that we have taken together as her wallpaper in the phone..sobx..really very gan dong..she also baked me and Van a big chocolate cookie..Very nice until I bu she de eat..
Next, I heard from Bin how they celebrate Valentine in TJ..VJ got the angel and mortal thingy, TJ got guitar song dedication and NY got dedication on TV screen and also the make new friends thingy..which I find the latter lame..
Then on my way home, I received Ah C's msg all of a sudden..she said she missed S.H.I.T and the days we had..lolz..me too..she had no idea how I am reminded of JT cum S.H.I.T today when I saw fresh flowers everywhere..cos she gave us flowers last year..
Talking to Weiding in msn now..we were talking about life..if given a choice, would u be optimistic and live in a 'perfect' world that is made up of lies or devote your life to search for the real world? Lolz..If I were to choose, I would choose to live happily ever after..doesn't matter the world is fake..just don't let me discover it and let me live happily on..I will just be contented..what is the use of devoting your life to do something so complicated and you don't know whether u will achieve it at the end of your life? I just want simple happiness and that's it..lolz..zhi zu chang le..
Lastly, guys if u ever want to buy Tiramisu cake, don't buy from Breadtalk..cos it is not as good as Prima's..hahaz..remember hor..

Saturday, February 12, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:15 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Haha, this entry is special..cos it is specially dedicated to our Rucky and Ah Ying for the help they gave in giving this blog a nice template..lolz...
Ricky, as we all know..pro in computer stuff..help me edit the html codes using Dreamwaver..but sad to say..his dreamweaver crashed after he completed his job, or halfway through? I wasn't sure..hehez..but nevertheless, thanks for his help..hahaz..
As for Ying, she helped me do the whole thingy..from changing the template to putting in music..hahaz..so she can say is the mu hou gong chen..lolz..hahaz..so, I must also thank her..
Lastly, I want to do a cheer for the two of them....
Three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for Rucky!
Hip Hip HUrRaY!
Hip Hip HuRrAy!
Hip Hip HuRrAy!
Three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for Ah Ying!
Hip Hip HuRRaY!
Hip Hip HuRraY!
Hip Hip HurRaY!
hahaz..da jia, lame mah? LoL....

Friday, February 11, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:46 PM | 0 Noticed Me

And this is Ying....our heroine for they day..lolz.. Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 11:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

This is Ricky....the hero for the day..hahaz.. Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 2:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hahaz..I am feeling depressed yesterday yet I am here happy today..lolz...
I am sad yesterday cos we have lost Aunt Joe last year, she is not here to spend the Chinese New Year with us..and I tot my aunts will at least remember her and at least mention her..but they seem not to..the only thing they mention is that she did not use the handbag my other aunt gave her..lolz..but..maybe everybody has her in their hearts..who knows..as I say to her, we will love her always and she will be in our memories forever..
Today, I tot it will be a boring day..cos actually..every year we will go to my grandma's house to have vegetarian steamboat and at night, we will go to one of my uncles' house for another round of steamboat again..but this time is got meat de..hahaz..but it was suddenly cancelled due to some reasons..so I was actually not looking forward to today..but surprisingly, everything goes well and I have had an enjoyable day..
I am surprised I can click with my younger cousins..I didn't know I can..cos I always tot we have no common topics..hahaz..except for one or two..in the end, on the way to my god grandmother's house, we had a very great chat.. We mainly chat about our schools..hahaz..but since we are all from Red Swas, we were all gossiping about the teachers..how they used to be and what they are now..hahaz..I am surprised to hear that some of my teachers have retired.. Mr Singh and Mdm Lin had retired..haiz..and some of the trainee teachers in my time are teaching upper pri now and some of them are even married with kids..gosh..5 years..I have now realised the significance of it.. Hahaz..you know what I wish to do now? I feel like organising a primary school and secondary school outing..I feel like visiting our teachers again..as for sec school, I feel like going Sentosa or anywhere..I will be happy if there is an outing..the place doesn't really matter..lolz..
One more thing, should I go to school tomolo? I heard that Van and Soo Huay are both not going..how ar.. I also wich to go back to CCHS and see all those teachers whom I haven't get to see on Lunar New Year's Eve..hahaz..but then, again..I am scared of the LEP teacher..she sure will bark at me for my absence tomolo if I am absent again..so how? HaiZ..

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:22 PM | 0 Noticed Me

JT rocks! Posted by Hello
无奈者 posted at 2:10 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hahaz..can anot ar..hmm..wait till I write finish this entry first..today is CNY eve le..but the atmosphere all over Singapore is like still very dan..not as good as the year before..I mean go out seldom hear New Year songs..or they are too soft to be heard..lolz..
My reunion dinner is a bit messy today..we started late cos we have to wait for my uncle..but until now he have not come..so we started off without him..and I chose the wrong things to eat..the fishballs, chicken balls tasted so starchy that it made me feel er xin to eat anymore of it..aiyoyo..and we have BBQ cum steamboat..it is so ma fan BBQing..always need to tend the food to make sure it does not go chao ta..lolz..
Hahaz..one thing must mention..Phoenix won the skit thingy for CNY programme..hahaz..very happy leh..I cheer naturally when they announced Phoenix won..which I am quite surprised why I did it..but I truly felt happy..Efforts of the actors and actresses and also to mention the backstage crew and directors and Alyssa and the others involved paid off..
Oh yeah, must mention my trip back to CCHS..I am surprised that teachers leave so early for CNY..I went back at 11 plus..only to find Miss Khairani, Miss Lai, Mr Yazeed around..lolz..but a need to specially mention Miss Khairani..a nice haircut she had..and I realised she had JT's guys' photo as her wallpaper in her hp..I am so touched!!At least she had JT in her heart..hehez..

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:47 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I really hope it works..Bean, u noe what I mean..hahaz.. I am trying out your suggestion..deleting all my previous blogs..lolz..