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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Thursday, March 31, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:38 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Haaz..suddenly I want to see Van and Ying in their uniforms..hahaz..btw, I think I look weird in my uniform..I prefer my polo tee..hahs.. I wanted to wear polo tee today..luckily I remember today is Wed..must wear sch uniform..hahaz..lucky lucky..
Btw, suddenly I realised I am so happy in TJC..today is a very nice day.. I don't feel so lost now.. although I lost my way finding LEP Building today..hahs.. I saw Hui Min today in the canteen early morning..then went over to chat and ask her to help me tie my tie..then went to meet Yuxiang..hahaz..he introduced me to 2 of his friends.. Jianxiong and Justin.. Jianxiong was extremely friendly..hehez..I was feeling better then..at least got ppl I know..hahaz..
Then..lesson time is ok.. I went for my lectures..I even went for Econs.. believe me.. I was extremely glad that I dropped it..cos it is really tough.. what MP, AP, MPP..I don't understand a word..hahaz..Maths was ok..at Functions..still can understand what the lecturer is talking about..hahs.. The LEP teacher is very cute! Then I have Civics.. my CT, Mr Chan is very nice.. treat the whole class to drinks..hahaz..then the period ended late and we have to go LEP room and fill in something..so basically..we don't have time for lunch.. I was so hungry when I reached home, I gobbled up my lunch..haaz.. and the most important thing.. I did not sleep in my lectures today! Not even in Econs lectures..hahaz.. are u all proud of me? I am so proud of myself..Keez..for those who noe me.. I fall sleep easily..lolz..
got to stop here now.. I guess..

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. - Confucius

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
无奈者 posted at 4:30 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I woke up feeling giddy and nauseous today.. still got a bit of sore throat.. ahh.. today got diagnostic test.. and I am giving it a miss..just went to the doctor.. he said I had a throat inflammation and gave me an MC for the day.. in fact I was looking forward to today.. cos today I will get to wear my uniform to school.. I can put on TJ's uniform to go to school! But nvm.. I can still wear it tomolo and there are 2 years ahead for me to wear it..hee..
I am a bit worried that I missed school today.. I don't know their progress and I know I cannot afford to miss one lesson.. which means no ponning for me in future.. I also recieved my make up timetable yesterday.. 4 out of 5 school days, I have to stay until 6.45pm..I wonder if I can stand it.. I need 1 hr to get home and half an hour more if it is during peak period.. which means reach home around 8.15pm..ahh.. bathe and have dinner around 9pm le.. and I have to do homework.. sounds very tiring..but then again.. I expected this.. all these hard work is worth it..TJ is my dream..
Wet games yesterday is fun.. I suppose.. get all wet and dirty with flour, water and sweat on me.. I think I am ponning O night..cos I don't know most of their mass dances.. I pon all the teaching.. I don't know but I find that NY dances are the best.. don't feel like learning TJ's..

Keep sowing your seeds, for you never know which will grow – perhaps it all will - Ecclesiasties

Monday, March 28, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:55 AM | 0 Noticed Me

After reading my friends' blogs..I just realised something.. yuan lai our minds plays an important part in making our lives wonderful..if one like something..everything he/she do for it will be meaningful and willingly de.. And my after thoughts are..don't expect too much of life cos the best parts of life always comes unexpected..really.. just when in the beginning I find NY boring..when I left it..I miss it.. just when I didn't expect I will miss NY..didn't expect NY will leave a part in me..it did.. hahaz..but I know time will allow me to adapt life to TJ..suddenly I feel I am a philosopher..hahaz..
无奈者 posted at 1:09 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Firstly, I must apologise to Van and Ying! I ask them to go online yet I fell asleep when I got home without coming online first..ahh! Sorry.. hope u 2 don't mind..hehe..
I went to the Soka Association so as to accompany Er niang there cos that bhb Emperor Han is scared that his beloved concubine will be alone and neglected when he go for the training session which is dancing..in the end, I made a new friend..she is nice that is what her first impression gave me.. she is er niang's secondary school classmate..called Kai Tian.. but she is like a bit Eng speaking..hahaz.. talking about eng speaking..I have been using a bit more Eng than usual ever since I stepped into TJ.. but I think I can cope..as long as I can put my thoughts across to the other party..hahaz.. that Emperor Han's dancing was a bit disappointing..cos I tot since he so bhb, he will dance boldly with big actions but in the end he seems to be the most restricted out of all the dancers..hahaz..
We (that means Van, me, Ying, bhb Han, Er niang, Miao Yu and her friends)went for steamboat at Marina Bay afterwards..I think I will not be going there for the next 3 months or so.. the food there is so....all meat de..then not very hygenic and the whole environment is hot and stuffy..with the smoke surrounding us.. and I find the red bean ice cream the nicest out of the food..haaz..
I am surprised to find Raffles there! Really! I was asking about her these two days and she appear in front of me! Hahaz.. She was posted to Yishun JC.. but she seems happy yesterday so I guess she might be enjoying herself there.. I am more than glad to see her so happy..really.. she should be adaptive to new environments ba..and hope she don't miss us and NY.. but I wish she won't forget us..the Empire family and 6G!
As for Ah ma, I called you to join us for dinner but your phone was switched off..u sent me a msg after our meal..so we could not ask u along..so sad..as for Sha Da Jie.. good luck in HC.. must show me around the school when u r familiar with it ok? keez..
Suddenly..I am feeling so sian..cos today is Sun.. I have to play wet games tomolo.. I feel like giving it a miss..honestly..haiz.. Btw, I got Maths diagnostic test on my first Maths lecture.. I tink I got to revise for it..cos I think I am too lazy for my 1st 3 months..hehez..

You will never find time for anything.If you want the time, you must make it. - Charles Buxton

Friday, March 25, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

It is 7.10am now and I am specially waking up early to blog here..(hehe..u believe?) I had an early night yesterday after taking some flu medicine.. but I am fine now except for a sore throat.. well.. TJ's O2 was not bad but it is tiring.. I was really sad on the first day.. I miss 6G and NY! I did not really make friends that day. I was depending a lot on Simin and Peifen who was there with us. Peifen told me that it is like that for the first day. Yesterday I was even reluctant to go cos of I was feeling feverish but I went in the end. The amazing race was not bad but it cover a large area from Pasir Ris to City Hall if I am not wrong. It was some good exercise I needed.. hahaz.. Grace was a very good leader.. she was in charge of the games and I find her very sociable.. very nice of her too.. I know she is trying very hard to make O2 fun for 2nd intakers but pardon me for saying this.. only the 1st intakers are particiapting in the stations.. haiz.. and like Simin says..there is no way the 2nd intakers are able to cut into the 1st intakers' conversations.. they already have their own topics..which I think is true.. at least I think TJC stdents are fortunate.. if NY separates their students by CT, then I wonder the 2nd intakers can cut in anot..u noe with the Empire family thingy..hahaz..but it will sound fun! I left 1hr earlier with Sin Yee on the first day and I discovered I had left my Ez link card with the school! They need it to do something to it so we can just tap it on the card reader and have our attendance marked in future during school days.. Nvm, I use coins and alight at Parkway thinking that my father will fetch me.. Meanwhile I drop in at Mos Burger for a bite..but in the end he says he is not free.. so nvm..I received Bin's msg saying that my card is with her.. ok..I will wait for her then..but she got OGL meeting and need to check her appeal results..so I went home myself.. On the way, I asked Aik Xin to call me cos I am interested to hear about SR's orientation and also to cheer him up.. I really want his appeal to be successful.. everyone can feel he really loves NY..and I do not understand why teachers are unable to help in this case..but I understand now.. I went back to NY yesterday after running out halfway from TJ and seeing the doctor.. Mr Tham explained that the only case teachers can help is when there are vacancies in the school and the teacher have pupils to recommend.. but till yesterday 12 noon..there are only 20 odd students who had successfully appealed out but there is a rough estimate of 300 students appealing in..woo.. a big number.. Miss Jeeva said she is powerless but Mdm Lok said the best alternative now is to write a letter to Mrs Ho personally.. see whether it helps.. it really saddens me to see them so down.. they seems to have lost their cheerful and optimistic personalities. I hate the office staff.. kept saying Mrs Ho is not in.. I mean.. Aik Xin they all are not giving up any chances to get into NY but why can't the staff cooperate..do they understand how worried Aik Xin they all are? Grr.. what can they do to show that they really love NY? and I do not know where Xue Jing has been posted to.. Yaufei to TP but where is Raffles? Is she appealing back? All remains unknown.. For those in 6G who are appealing to get into NY.. I wish all luck from the bottom of my heart and remain optimistic in whatever happens.. things can only be better.. Learn to love your JC slowly and work hard towards A's. That is our common goal.. Jiayou!

When one door of happiness closes, another opens: but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us. - Helen Keller

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Woohaa..it is my bdae!!!! Just cut my bdae cake..haaz.. today just seems so jing zhang.. I am very worried since last night and the effect lasted till now..I still cannot forget the anxious and worried de feeling.. I even forget today is my birthday..until Van and Ying sprang the wonderful surprise on me..hehez..
I was so nervous this morning.. I woke up at 5 plus, switched on my computer and accessed the JAE posting website but they asked me to wait till 8 am. Then I went on to read today's newspaper and I could not take my mind off the JAE posting.. The more I think, the more frightened I become, so I decided to get some sleep..hahaz.. when I woke up, it is 7.45am..woo.. I immediately switched on my computer again..hahaz..this time can access le.. and I saw "TJC (Science)" on the screen..hahaz.. I am so elated! Eh, I wish to explain some things here.. I am sad to leave 6G but TJC is my dream school in the first place and 6G will forever occupy a place in my heart.. Speaking of this, I really pray hard for Aik Xin and Keith. I hope their appeal will be successful and may they be staying in NY for the next two years.. From what Aik Xin said, I could sense that he really really loves NY and yearns to be part of it.. I wish him success and if he gets to stay in SR, he also cannot qi nei..cos every JC sure will have people go University de.. he must jiayou and do 6G proud! Don't be too sad lah, Aik Xin.. 6G will be behind u de.. and I think writing a petition might help..heez..can ask 6G people to sign (eh, is it too naive of me?) But, if the method works, believe me, I will be the first to sign! Thanks to all my OGLs, Kai Wei, Vina and Sheng Gao.. and also the ppl who made O1 so memorable..
Bin too.. I sincerely hope she will stay in TJC.. I want her to study LEP with me.. I want the days when we study and play together.. Bin, don't worry too much k? Be optimistic and all will be well..
After making some calls and receiving some calls to and from those who are concerned and I am concerned about the posting results, I rushed to meet Puay Yee for breakfast at Bedok Interchange.. after that I suggested going back to Chung Cheng as I want to share the joy with my teachers! After that, I went to meet Ying and Van for lunch at Singapore Post.. they gave me a terrific surprise..really.. Ying told me that we will be going to MJC to help Li Ping appeal and I took it for real..ahh..then when I met Ying, she asked me to pei her go Coffee Bean to buy something for Li Ping.. then in the middle, Van popped out behind the bushes..hehez.. gosh.. only then did I realise the surprise they planned for me! hehe..
Thanks for you both de present, card and cake! Love it..now I can hang it up at my bedroom door..the perfect accessory to doll up my room..hehez.. and thanks for the pink Astroboy(how u noe I like pink? haaz.. so nice!), Hanjie (Emperor Han) and Aik Xin(er niang).. let u all po fei le.. Believe me, I will definitely miss the days me and Van suan and tease u..all is so fun and unforgettable.. must miss me hor.. I will miss u guys de and also Van and also Soo Huay, the Empire family and of course the whole 6G! [Don't forget to inform me if we got outing! : )]
One more thing.. one boy in my class made a card for me! It is a simple card using foolscap and he did it in class but I think it is beautiful.. He asked me how to spell "Thanks for teaching me" and wrote it in the card..hahaz..so sweet!
believe me, I will miss u guys..all the best.. - Tang Xin Hui (toottoot)

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:49 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I just came back from dinner with Jiemi and Shu.. we have a fabulous time..haaz..eat and talk then go walk walk buy pencil case, take neoprints and do the test tube thingy.. hehez.. Mee went swimming today with Val..so Shu and me waited for her from 2pm till 5 plus.. Meanwhile we just go window shopping then drop in at Mos Burger for a drink..after that we spent around one and a half hours sitting at the fountain there waiting for Jiemi..haaz..
Dinner is definitely filling..I had BBQ chicken leg while Mee and Shu had Chicken Patties.. in the end we all ended up quite full..hahaz..and I think as usual Mee and me very dui lian..the waiter poured a glass of water for each of us..then the water tasted a bit weird..I thought is the plastic cup de taste. Jiemi thought they reused the cup so as to explain why there is a weird taste..hahaz..only Shu is practical and clever enough to think that they add lemon in the water! Hahaz..really vey dui lian..
Thanks for your gift, Jie and Shu.. Both of you wrote me very touching letters.. I am so gan dong! Jiemi, u say me until so gd..I did not know I am so good in the past leh..haaz..now I know le.. and our friendship will be going strong.. and stronger too..as what u said..And Shu, don't worry.. I will not be a bookworm de..u can fang xin..
Today, I felt so xing fu..cos after reading Mee letter, I suddenly realised that I had a lot of sparkling diamonds (true friends) by me and they are indeed valuable..

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, March 21, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:42 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hahaz..I have a great time today! Although I feel like the whole me is burning now.. hahaz.. I just went swimming with Bin and Sy in the afternoon.. hahaz.. swimming again.. I went to Jurong this time.. the one very fun de..with slides and all that.. haaz.. I think my shoulders there is very very red.. we went the during the hottest period of the day..hahaz..cos I want to be tanned mah.. at first I feel nothing..then about a hour or so after the swim, I feel my shoulders burning..aiyoyo.. I just hope that Bin's and Sy's case will be better.. if not I will guo yi bu qu.. Bin have to leave early today..cos she need to rush back to pass the suntan lotion to her sis who will be going for a swim in the evening. So, Tray and me took the MRT all the way to Choa Chu Kang and went shopping in Lot 1 shopping Centre..Not bad leh..it is my first/second time there.. Sy mentioned that it is quite a good place to shop and I agree..haaz..then we went to look for a suitable handphone pouch for Sy..hahaz..
Bin, thanks for ur gift and cake ok? I noe I say it a lot of times de..but I am really grateful for what u two have done.. We might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year,don't talk that often the next year, and don't want to talk at all the year after that. I treasured our friendship cos it has endured the 4 years and we are still as close as ever.. Tray too..thanks! I love ur card and the notebook..hahaz.. next time must teach me how to fold the card k? Keez.. And I will fill the notebook with quotes and notes and do my homework diligently when I see the book : ) And I am more than glad to hear that you are adapting to life in NJ.. Actually got one thing I didn't tell you all.. the gifts that u all brought me are what I am intending to buy de..so ur gifts are all very he xin yi..haaz..really.. maybe is xin you ling xi yi dian tong? Keez..
Haaz..then I will be meeting Jiemi and Shu for dinner tomorrow..haaz..'family gathering' wor.. lolz.. I very qi dai..hahaz..wosh..

"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. - Elbert Hubbard

Saturday, March 19, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:24 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hmm..I am so contented today..hahaz..just came back from swimming.. I had a busy day today.. I went to dental appointment this morning then to Salvation Army Jumble Sale to help out..and then rush home to pack to go swimming with Shu and Jiemi! Hahaz.. It was so fun! Although we only swam around 5 to 6 laps.. we had a great time..swim 1/2 lap then gossip a bit..hahaz.. but I saw a few naked women after I came out from my bath.. eeks..Jiemi also saw..only Shu didn't..so gross..
Well, after that energy consuming swim, we went to Old Airport Road there for dinner..hahaz.. it is fantastic and guilt free(like Jiemi says)..we ordered BBQ chicken wings, seafood spaghetti and carrot cake..hahaz.. all very nice..yummy! hahaz.. although we agreed the spaghetti is nice, the serving is a bit too small..meaning too ex..and we all think the stall owner should set up a restaurant..this way, ppl will then be more willing to pay higher prices for their food..
Eh, going to the swim means I will have to give the talk show a miss..hmm.. wonder how is it.. I think Van got go..ask from her tomorrow.. hahaz..
Btw, I got a few good bargains from the Jumble Sale today..got 2 hp holders..brand new I think and a ceramic piggy..it is very small..but very cute! Haaz..somemore is piggy..how can I resist???? One more thing..I realise some heartless teacher donated all her Teachers' Day gift to the Salvation Army..so bad! Students gave u presents cos they sppreciate u..and u gave away their gifts like nothing.. luckily the teacher is not someone I know of..if not, I will ask all her students not to give her gifts in future.. well, it just goes to prove what my mom say is right..jiang hai shi lao de la..every year at Teachers' Day, she say it is pointless giving them soft toys.. they will either throw away or give away..must give them useful gifts..haaz.. but I still believe that teacher is a black sheep..there are still nice teachers around..treasuring the students' gifts..
Yeah, I am removing my braces next month..hahaz.. and will be wearing retainers for a year or so.. wootwoot.. btw, I am too big mouthed today..that make me waste 12 dollars..forget it.. don't talk le..if not later make me unhappy..hahaz..
I am looking forward to Mon..cos Shu, Jiemi and me going out again! Muahahaz..we eating at Breeks, I think.. hahaz.. they are helping me to celebrate my bdae..so nice of them! Muackz! But I haven't touched the hw yet..then Mon is the starting of school already. Hmm..nvm, think will settle all on Sun..try to..hahaz..
Blogging off now..cos got to wake up tomorrow early in morning to go for Interact activity..Yeah! hahaz..I just love the buzi de feeling..make me feel so cong shi..haaz..

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu

Thursday, March 17, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:48 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Shall share a simple story with you today.. cos I am impatient today in a way or another..which I shall not say further.. May this story enlighten all those people out there..

A man came out of his home to admire his new truck.
To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint of the truck.
The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into pulp as punishment.
When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital. Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands.
When the boy woke up from the surgery & saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, " Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck." Then he asked, "but when are my fingers going to grow back?"
The father went home & committed suicide.

Think about this story the next time someone steps on your feet or u wish to take revenge. Think first before u lose your patience with someone u love. Trucks can be repaired. Broken bones & hurt feelings often can't.
Too often we fail to recognise the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.
People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.
Pause and ponder. Think before you act. Be patient. Forgive & forget. Love one and all.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. -- Mother Teresa

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I got nth to do..so I am here again.. I guess I am too free that I keep coming online..guess my bill is going to burst..Muahahahaz..
How can I forget? Today is ZR's bdae..hahaz.. must wish him happy birthday! Hmm..wish him get more and more handsome..(hahaz..)then be as healthy as ever and also hope his bball get more and more pro..
Omg..cannot believe it.. I forget that it is Tuesday today..yesterday, I tot is Sun..then today I tot it is still Sun.. gosh.. what am I doing? I nearly forget the tuition thingy tonight..lucky Shu remind me..haaz.. Today is ok..Shu and me meet at near Kallang MRT de Mac for dinner then go for the tuition.. I am very slack today.. didn't feel like doing anything.. I just chose a few storybooks for them and ask them to read and jot down those words that they do not know on a piece of paper..then I chose a few words for spelling and ask them to check up the meanings of the words in the dictionary at home..keez..it all means I do not need to do anything..haaz..lazy bum ar me..keez..but I very kind today..give them sweets and stickers..haaz..cos I am in a beri gd mood..woohaaz..
Next, I am going to do one very de bo liao thing.. The bhb ant (Hanjie)..haaz.. I am going to put his name here just for the purpose of mentioning.. cos he say why I did not mention his name..haaz..
And Jiemin, I got miss u too..miss the suaning days..days are just too boring without you.. No one to give massages to.. no one to suan whole day long..no one to..bicker with.. so, don't say I don't say I mei liang xin, didn't miss u..haaz.. I got..lolz..
Oops..I now then remember.. I miss out giving a quote in the last entry..keez.. but here's one for this entry..

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.Edward Phelps : )
无奈者 posted at 5:19 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Haaz..ppl, how's my new blogskin? Got comments must give hor..haaz..oh ya, got tagboard le..so everyone can tag here.. esp ah ma..u kept saying u cannot find any space to give ur comments..haaz..it is all thanks to Carmen that my blog can have a complete makeover..keez.. she gave me the webbie for the blogskin, tagboard and so on..haaz.. thanks, Carmen!
Signing off here..cos nth to write le..haaz..
Oh ya, tomolo is Kailin's birthday! Happy Birthday to her! and the day after is gou gou's bdae..hahaz.. happy birthday to him too! Zhu them sheng ri kuai le..keez.. 3 cheers to March babies! Haaz..(",)

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
无奈者 posted at 5:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I went to 6G BBQ last nite.. It was fun, I think..or rather somehow special.. it made me realise something that I had not discovered before. 3 gals, Miao Yu, Soo Huay and I were at the pool soaking our legs, relaxing when the others were BBQing.. and we sort of had a talk..only now did I realise that Miao Yu is so interesting! Haaz.. (Miao, sorry for not realising it earlier.keez.) She has the ability to express things or her views in a cute way that others cannot do it. and I think her language skills are superb..hahaz..if only I can be as good as her..
I just hoped Bin and Tray are free to celebrate my bdae with me this year..I wonder if they are busy.. Bin is busy..cos she got OGL camp.. and Tray is most likely to be very busy too.. her dance SYF is coming up.. Suddenly, I miss them.. a lot..I had been missing them since school starts..but recently, I tend to miss them more than ever.. Especially for Bin..we have known each other since Sec 1 and were in the same class for 4 years.. I miss her lots.. wonder how she is getting on..whether got miss me too? Hahs.. I think she is getting well..from what I see from her blog.. hmm.... guess I am over emotional today..
Well, I am just glad that I am free this March holidays. For a long time, my holidays are always packed with homework, courses and gatherings..now I can have a week free to myself. I think I am going to slack at home..Muahahaz..as usual..(this is what I will do). Maybe I will drop by the library for some reading ups. Haaz.. I may ask Ying out on some days and ask her to coach me on Maths and Chemistry..

"True friends, like diamonds, are precious and rare. False friends, like autumn leaves, are found everywhere." (and I am glad I have got at least 4 diamonds..keez)

Thursday, March 10, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:57 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Yesterday is San Ba Women's Day and today is Shawn's bdae..hahaz..haiz.. I wonder..how many countries in the world celebrate Women's Day? It seems so unpopular in Singapore.. why is this so?
Anyway, I went to buy a whiteboard today..it is supposed to be kids' plaything..but I find it sweet..hahaz..is pink in color..very cute..and the most importantly..it has a piggy on it..haaz.. When I tell my mother I want to buy it..she was there saying "Are you sure? You think you are still a kid?" She did not agree to me buying it at first..hahaz..but she gave in in the end..cos I am sure I want it.. I can then hang it on my bedroom's wall and write notes on it..e.g. what tests I have next week..it can facilitate my revision..hahaz..
The kids that I am currently tutoring are still as ke ai as ever..although my throat is always sore after the lessons..Muahahaz.. there's one boy named Sun Yan..and I liked him the most.. cos he can be obedient and naughty at the same time..I can feel he giving me respect but when I turned around, he is there playing erasers or paper clips with his friends..hahaz..

. . .if we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. Ivan Turgenev

Sunday, March 06, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:26 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I expect my room to be neat and tidy now..but it is not..I spent the whole morning clearing up my study table and PC table only.. (can imagine how untidy my room is..lolz..) Gosh.. although the two areas are neat and tidy now, the room on the whole still seems very messy..haiz.. Looks like I will have to spend tomorrow clearing up the rest of my notes, books etc. In that case, tomorrow will be a busy day..have to clean up the rest of my room and have to do revision cum homework..I wonder if there is enough time..haaz..
But, one thing to be delighted.. my study table is spacious enough for me to do my work le..haaz..it has been piled up with books for the past few months..
I have decided.. from today onwards, every new entry will have a quote or short story.. inspirational or motivational..either one.. then it will be more meaningful to all of you who are reading my blog..cos they may inspire you! Hahaz..

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, March 05, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me

How I spend my day today? Hahaz. I didn't go school for two days le.. I don't really feel like..so I was spending my whole day at home sleeping, eating, watching TV and so on.. anyway, I finally have a free weekend this week.. I am busy helping out at Metta for the last two weekends.. it was fun though..but I seem not to have free weekends for a long time le..
I have decided.. I will tidy up my room tomolo, shun bian go do some shopping for my room..see what I need to add to the decorations.. My room really needs some cleaning up..hahaz..my table is all stacked up with books that I do not have space to do work at all..haaz..and there are cardboard boxes everywhere..containing my 4 years' of work..hahaz.. then I will go watch Bai Yun Gang in the evening..cos Peifen cannot make it last minute..and Bin asked whether I mind going.. I said no..and it was arranged then.. I go watch with Bin, Sinyee and TJC's CCC ppl.. it won't be weird, I hope..hahaz.. actually..one secret..I agree to go cos NY is near my house..if it is somewhere far..I will not go..really..I am too lazy..keez..
On Sunday, I will seriously start on my work. I have been playing and enjoying myself these 3 months that I need some catching up on all subjects.. With my clean room, I suppose that's a good start.. hao de kai shi shi chen gong de yi ban..keez.. hopefully, I will be able to fully understand what the tutors are teaching me starting on Mon. That means, from tomorrow onwards, I will change my leopard's spots..and be a diligent student..hahaz..no more playing around..cos my aim is to do well in A's! Wish me success, oo yeah oo yeah..hahaz..
Oh ya, I think I am going to start arranging the inspirational and motivational quotes and make it into a presentation for Vivan (my cousin taking PSLE this year)..this is what I promise her..the file will somehow be similar to what Miss Khairani did for us before O's..except that mine will be in Word document, I think.. hope it will be of use to her..
Ending here, I suppose..got to collect more quotes..hahaz..

Friday, March 04, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:03 PM | 0 Noticed Me

One fine day, an old couple around the age of 70, walks into a lawyer's office.
Apparently, they are there to file a divorce.
Lawyer was very puzzled, after having a chat with them, he got their story....
This couple had been quarreling all their 40 over yrs of marriage nothing ever seems to go right.
They hang on coz of their children, afraid that it might affect their up-bringing.Now, all their children have already grown up, have their own family, there's nothing else the old couple have to worry about, all they wanted is to lead their own life free from all these yrs of unhappiness from their marriage, so both agree on a divorce....
Lawyer was having a hard time trying to get the papers done, coz he felt that after 40 yrs of marriage at the age of 70, he couldnt understand why the old couple would still wants a divorce..while they were signing the papers, the wife told the husband.."I really love u, but i really cant carry on anymore,i'm sorry..""its o.k, i understand.." said the husband.
Looking at this, the lawyer suggested a dinner together, just 3 of them,wife thought, why not, since they are still gonna be friends..
At the dining table, there was a silence of awkardness.
The first dish was roasted chicken, immediately, the old man took the drumstick for the old lady.."take this, its your favourite.."looking at this, the lawyer tot maybe theres still a chance, but the wife was frowning when she answer.."this is always the problem, u always think so highly of urself, never tot abt how i feel, dun u know tat i hate drumsticks?"Little did she know tat, over the yrs, the husband have been trying all ways to please her,little did she know tat drumsticks was the husband's favourite.Little did he know tat she never tot he understand her at all,little did he know tat she hates drummsticks even thou all he wants is the best for her.
That night, both of them couldnt sleep, toss and turn, toss and turn...after hours, the old man couldnt take it anymore, he knows that he still loves her, and he cant carry on life without her, he wants her back, he wants to tell her, he is sorry, he wanted to tell her "i love u"...
He picks up the phone, starting dialing her number....ringing never stops..he never stop dialing....
On the other side, she was sad, she couldn’t understand how come after all these yrs, he still doesnt understand her at all, she loves him a lot, but she just cant take it anymore....phone's ringing, she refuses to answer knowing tat its him..."whats the point of talking now tat its over...i have ask for it and now i wanna keep it this way, if not i will lose face.."she thought...still ringing...she have decided to pull out the cord...
Little did she remember, he have heart problems...
The next day, she received news that he had passed away...she rushed down to his apartment, saw his body, lying on the couch still holding on to the phone...he had a heart attack when he was still trying to get thru her phone line....As sad as she could be...she will have to clear his belongings...when she was looking through the drawers, she saw this insurance policy, dated from the day they got married, beneficiary of coz is her...together in tat file theres this note..."to my dearest wife, by the time u r reading this, i'm sure i'm no longer around, i bought this policy for u, thou the amount is only $100k, i hope it will be able to help me continue my promise tat i have made when we got married, i might not be around anymore, i want this amount of money to cont taking care of u, just like the way i will if i could have live longer. i wan u to know i will always be around, by your side...i love u"
Tears flowed like river......"When u love someone, let them know... u never know what will happen the next min....learn to build a life together.. learn to love each other. for who they are.. not what they r..."

This story, unlike the rest..gan dong me when I first read it..may you who are reading my blog now do the same too..

Thursday, March 03, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:07 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Experiencing a bad day?

FIRST stop slinking away from all those nagging issues...its time to face the music...now...just relax...take a feew deep breaths...or go for a walk to clear your head. Accept the fact you will have to let go of some emotional baggage. Try seeing things from a different perspective...maybe...your the one at fault if this is the case be big enough to say your sorry...its never to late to do this. If someone else is doing the wrong this stand up tall and say "THATS NOT RIGHT AND I WONT STAND FOR IT its ok to be forceful.Be proud of who you are...but..dont loose the ability to laugh at yourself...This is a lot easier when you associate with positive people...Live every day as if its your last because one day it will be. DOnt be afraid to bite off more then you can chew...take big risks.. never hang back GET OUT THERE AND GO FOR IT after all isnt that what life is all about??

50 natural highs

1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.

3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at the supermarket
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.

9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.

11. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
12. Chocolate milkshake. (or vanilla!) (or strawberry)
13. A long distance phone call.
14. A bubble bath.
15. Giggling.
16. A good conversation.
17 The beach
18. Finding a 20 in your coat from last winter.
19. Laughing at yourself.
20. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
21. Running through sprinklers.
22. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
23. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
24. Laughing at an inside joke.
25. Friends.
26. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
28. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
29. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
30. Playing with a new puppy.
31. Having someone play with your hair.
32. Sweet dreams.
33. Hot chocolate.
34. Road trips with friends.
35. Swinging on swings.
36. Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking your favorite tipple.

37. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
38. Going to a really good concert.
39. Making eye contact with a cute stranger
40. Winning a really competitive game.
41. Making chocolate chip cookies.
42. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
43. Spending time with close friends.
44. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
45. Holding hands with someone you care about.
46. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change
47. Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
48. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
49. Watching the sunrise.
50. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.

Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
无奈者 posted at 10:25 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I saw Ying's blog le..want to thank her..she is always so sweet..didn't forget anybody even though she scored well..heez..btw, I want to congratulate Ying too..cos she is remarkablr..able to score 8 points even though she is feeling unwell on some days..hehez..
Ying, want to tell you that..my dream may never come true though.. As far as I can see, there is fierce competition for the places in TJ..and I just realised the critera for LEP is an B3 or above for English..haiz..I got an B4 for my English.. Now, I regretted not studying hard for English.. if I cannot get into LEP, it is most likely that i can't get into TJ.. then my dream is not fulfilled.. it is shattered to pieces..although ppl say that LEP does not emphasize on the English results..and that I can still get in..I still feel unsafe and sad..
However, as Weiding said..life cannot always turn out the way we want.. so we have to make do with what we have.. now I find this extremely right.. I have decided. No matter where I go, I will work hard and give my best shot at A's..

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense." -Ralph
Waldo Emerson

Personally, I love this quote..although I don't really know what it means..haaz..cos this is a quote given to me by Miss Khairani.. She selected it for me and it is special to me..

Tuesday, March 01, 2005
无奈者 posted at 3:13 PM | 0 Noticed Me

O's results are out..woot woot..I don't dare to say I did very well..cos there are a lot of ppl who did a lot better than me..keez..but I am happy and contented.. I am thinking of changing to TJC..hope they will take me in..and I am thinking of continuing to take the LEP course..cos I suddenly have interest in it again..hahaz..
I cannot believe it..I cry when I was giving the card to Miss Tan today.. I guess I got too emotional..but I really didn't expect to cry..really..I really feel sad before the results..cos I am too afraid to disappoint her..she is really a great teacher.. I mean all my teachers are great but I really did want to do well for Chemistry..cos I am her Chem rep..lolz..must do her proud..well, I am not sure whether I did in the end.. but at least I believe I had tried my best.. and managed to secure an A2 for Chem..keez..which I think is a miracle..maybe they moderate..that's what I think..hahaz..

As I said before..I went back with my dad after getting the results..but before that of course got thanks the teachers..but I missed out Miss Lai and Mrs Cheng..lolx..but not on purpose de..keez.. I was just thankful enough..really.. before all these, 11 to me is like a number which I cannot attain..lolz..it is all like a miracle.. I kept imagining I will get 16..or even worse..like 23..
Luckily, all these didn't come true..haaz..
I am happy for some people, namely Huai Yuan, Jin Jing, Hui Qing, Puay Yee of cos Ying.. Ying is simply my idol.. She can score 8 points even though she is feeling unwell on some days of the examination.. and she is so elegant and cheerful always..wow..I pei fu her.. next, want to congratulate Huai Yuan..cos he got 8 A1s..hahaz..dunno y..I feel proud of him when I saw his name on the ppt slide..maybe he is our friend and a part of 2 Grace? Jin Jing got 9A1s..if I am not wrong..I am happy for her as a friend and may she continue to excel in RJ.. Lastly..Hui Qing..the cutest of all..she is very cute de..Bin, Tray and me saw her before the release of results and she told me she was worried about her results. But she got 8A1s in the end..hehez..thinking back..she look so ke ai.. if she had known earlier..then she don't need to worry so much..hehez.. then there is Puay Yee..got 9 points leh..which I think is fantastic..then she keep telling me she will not do well for A Maths..
Anyway, I want to thank all teachers who taught me in CCHS..they are a helpful bunch of teachers..it is all their work that we can graduate from CCHS so smoothly..lolz..3 cheers for them!