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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, April 30, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:29 AM | 0 Noticed Me

I have not blog here for weeks..hmm.. the reason? I shall not tell..hahaz..
Shall update on my school life.. I made a lot of new friends.. my SCG is not bad..very nice..ppl are starting to bond together.. and got a few cliques.. hahaz..
Tell u a lot of funny things happen in school.. hahaz.. especially yesterday..I was practically laughing the whole day..Muahahaz.. I was helping Lingshan take her file while she was tying her hair..her file has quite a number of loose worksheets..meaning unfiled worksheets..hahaz..then as I walked down the stairs, some of her worksheets dropped out.. Since Lingshan is walking in front of me, I called out to her..hoping to ask her whether she can help me pick up the worksheets.. lolz.. at this moment, she turned round a corner.. I started to call out to her..but I am too soft cos I was laughing away then..she could not hear it..lolz.. I walked a few more steps, intending to call louder.. a few more worksheets dropped out again.. Suddenly I saw her rushing back..lolz.. I was so surprised..she told me she heard a sound and tot her file dropped.. in the end, I was laughing so hard that I left her to pick the worksheets.. very bad of me? Even LEP Xu lao shi who walked by also smiled..hahaz..But seriously..the whole incident is so funny that it left me laughing whenever I think of it.. and at that point of time, I tot my hands are occupied with 2 files that I didn't think of bending down to pick up the worksheets myself! Hahaz.. after the incident, both of us were laughing away in the school.. and I was so kua zhang that a boy even smiled to me cos he tot I smiled to him..hahaz..so funny..lolz..
This is only one of the hilarious incidents.. There are a lot of funny incidents that happened to Lingshan and I when we were together..lolz.. yesterday again..when it is tau hua day for my SCG.. Lingshan's water bottle leaked.. as a result, her whole bag is wet.. and can u all imagine her facial impression when she took out the bottle? The bottle has no cap (the cap had dropped) and the bottle is nearly empty..hahaz..then she also gave such a cute facial expression that sent me laughing away..hahaz..really very very funny..in the end, I was laughing like siao again..Lingshan cannot stand me..say I am always the first who started laughing at her whenever she encountered problems but the last to stop..hahaz..but really cannot stand it..who ask her she is so funny..hahaz..
Another time, Lingshan missed a step and nearly fell down the stairs.. luckily she managed to catch hold of the railings.. but then, she was carrying her bag and with a file in her hand.. we all were behind her.. from the backview, it seems that she is alright..so none of us helped her up..thinking she can manage..but who know she is struggling to hold onto the railings..hahaz.. she asked us y we didn't lend a hand..but this is really a misunderstanding.. cos she really looks ok from the backview..so..we didn't offer our help..hehez.. again.. I was the first to laugh.. and after these incidents, I think she really think I am very hei xin..hahaz..but I am not gu yi de..I intend to help u after I finished laughing..really..hehez..

" A man can fall many times in life, but he's never a failure until he refuses to get back up."

Tuesday, April 12, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:38 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hmm..I was feeling all right today.. u can't imagine how depressed I am yesterday.. I even dread the feeling of going to school.. it is like I have not done any homework over the weekend and my classmates seems to have done it..is like..stress, stress and stress.. and I know they are all clever people in there..which means I have to work even harder in order to do better.. but in the end, it all how I envy them..now I am on the track myself..ahh..so xing fu!! hahaz.. I enjoyed every minute of it..haaz.. u all must think I crazy le..hahaz..
I made new friends today.. They are all NY de 1st intakers.. hahaz.. they are discussing when to go back to NY..I overheard their conversation and of course I interrupted it..hahaz.. I ask seems ok..at least the gang that I hang out with..they are ok lah..hahaz..
Have PE today..ask us run which they called 'gate to gate'.. is must run outside school.. 2 rounds.. u know what..although the run is tiring..I feel so xing fu to be running it..cos I have always seen TJCians running that route and them to all go for the Comic Talk in NY this Friday..hahaz..then got excuse to skip TJ's Sports Meet and can go back NY! Yeah! Jiang Shuang and me was talking on the MRT today on our way home how we missed NY and all that.. she also agreed that 2nd intakers are unable to blend in with 1st intakers..hahaz.. I find that she is a very nice gal to talk to.. somemore I just know she lived in Clementi.. wow..imagine all the way to TJ..hahaz.. a very very long journey..

One more thing.. I bought biscuits and jellies for my students leh.. but careless me left it in the LT..ahh.. I only realised it when I board bus 38..grr.. waste my money..grr..
Btw, Ying, receive ur msg that u may be coming to TJ tomorrow.. hahaz.. u r most welocme.. but what will u be here for? CO? Hehez.. Nevertheless.. I am so glad u r coming!! Woohoo!

The race isn't always to the swiftest, but to those who keep on running. - Unknown

Friday, April 08, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:36 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I didn't bring my tutorial book to Chem tutorial yesterday..think the teacher have a worst impression of me le.. haiz.. the titration incident.. I already feel offended..haiz.. dunno lah..don't care..see how it goes..
I went back to NY yesterday..actually is intend to see my Bin and CT mates de.. but then in the end end up joining the Literary Lixion orientation..lolz.. I have never got so high in a long time..not even in O1..I guess.. it is all so fun! Maybe because I was no longer part of NY that makes me enthu.. if not, maybe I cannot be so feng..hahaz..
I always asked..is the first 3 months so significant? Why cannot 1st intakers blend with 2nd intakers? It happens in both TJ and NY..hahaz..so I reckon it is the same in other JCs.. I have been hanging out with 2nd intakers and we seems to live in a world of our own.. I even think my class consists of the other 3 people I usually hang out with.. hahaz.. the other ppl seems not to exist..(very bad right?..hahaz)
Van told me that it is difficult for 1st intakers to cut into 2nd intakers' conversation..cos they click very fast and form their own topics..hahaz.. and vice versa.. 2nd intakers are also unable to cut into 1st intakers' conversations..
Or is it unfair to take a stand now? Cos classes have just started and we have just knew each other..so naturally our bonds are weaker than the 1st intakers? I do not know..maybe we will let time prove it to us..
Therefore, I conclude the first 3 months thingy need to be abolished.. hahaz.. and as fast as possible so that our juniors need not suffer from the same situation we are in now..
I think I am so happy today..muahaha.. I will be going to K Box with 6G.. but unable to persuade Ah Ma in going.. think she is going to mug at home..cos she says she cannot catch up with Chemistry.. well, that's Ah Ma..hahaz then maybe buying my MP3 player at night! See whether my parents free anot..haaz.. my discman is spoilt..so maybe it is just time to change..hahaz..

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt
无奈者 posted at 1:06 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I am very tired today..a long day today.. all the way till 6.45pm.. but there are a few pieces of good news that brightens up my day..first..I got into Science Council! Gen, Elaine and me got in..we joined as a group..jiemi, kayee also got in..hahaz..I didn't receive the notification email..but my maTrix account says I am in Science Council..hahaz..then ask the teacher in charge le..he says the matrix account information should be reliable as he keyed it in himeslf! hahaz.. second thing is I will be going back NY tomolo.. can see my CT mates again! Hahaz.. also I have an early day tomolo.. it ends at 12.45pm.. hahaz.. so happy..woolalala..
LEP room is really very cosy.. I have been hanging out in that room for the past few days.. hahaz.. then can chit chat with Vera and Sam.. and eat Pocky at the same time.. imagine we finished 3 packets of Pocky today at 1 go! hahaz.. and strawberry Pocky is nice..so Vera..don't be too smug eh..hahaz..lolz..jk..jk..
I am not very happy today as well..but shall give it a miss..cos I believe I will get over it soon ba..hopefully..

" Never let today's disappointments shadow tomorrow's dreams." - Unknown

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:57 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hmm..just chatted with Tray on the phone..realised her dance syf is next Friday..so fast..going to wish her all the best and may her dance win gold honours..hehez
Watched tong hua mtv just now.. is a bit touching..but I didn't cry.. Angeline tell me her sister cried while watching the mtv and Vera says she is very touched..
Congrats to Ah Ma, Ferrari, Yurong, Wen Xin, Miao and Chee Hui for being selected to be LEP schloarship nominees..hahaz.. Shona also got it..wish they can get it..hehez..as for me, since the moment I chose TJ..I knew I would not get the scholarship..cos they are a lot of ppl with better results in TJ fighting for it..so naturally, I am not sad or disappointed at all.. in fact I felt really happy for all of my friends who got selected! Hahaz..and Xiao Ying told me there are 12 ppl in NY selected to go for the interview and 6 ppl are from 6G! Wow.. 6G so li hai..hahaz.. makes me go wonder also..if that Emperor Han take LEP..will he be in it as well? Hahaz..
I had a great day I suppose.. cos everything goes smoothly for me.. attended the lectures and tutorials smooth sailingly..hahaz..then go LEP room do some work and chit chat.. Vera very suan..complete the Maths tutorial de (me and Sam (short form for Samatha) have not) then come suan both of us..hahaz.. then after a while we went across the road to buy some snacks.. I bought jackfruit while Vera bought waffle and Sam bought mashed potato.. 3 different things.. hahaz.. Vera says the waffle is nice..maybe next time I will have it..cos I today too full le..cannot finish a waffle..hahaz..too bad..keez.. I keep want to have it de..cos it smells nice but then..always no chance..cos I am too full after lunch to have it..haaz..

" If you get knocked down, don't stay down...REBOUND!" - Gabriel Corchado

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
无奈者 posted at 12:16 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I am a bit tired now.. got a headache just now but feeling much better now..hahaz..
I just realised I love my timetable if not for the make-up lectures.. I end at 12.45pm today and waited until 5.15pm for Bio lecture on lipids.. I am a bit sorry to 2 of my friends.. Vera and Samatha.. cos we three agreed to pon together de.. we already walked out to the bus stop le.. after they boarded the bus (I have not..) I realised that I need the Common Curves notes..so I went in to buy from the Zap shop..intending to go home after that..but then I saw Angeline (Tian Shi)..hahaz.. I intend to tell her that we are not going for the Bio lecture..who knows she ask me to go..and I am persuaded by her to go..hahaz..so in the end, I attended the lecture.. I think Vera and Samatha will be very angry if they know this..how? hahaz.. You noe what? I feel like ponning the lecture today cos I want to go back to NY..ahh.. but who knows Van they all are released very early today cos they have not started their lessons.. even earlier than me..so too bad.. but I really want to go back see 6G and Miss Jeeva.. Miss them all..
I will end at 1.30pm tommorrow..so have to wait for a long time again for make-up lectures..actually, I got to give tution tomorrow at 7.30pm..but I end at 6.45pm.. I think I will be late..how? Furthermore, it will be every alternate week.. I cannot possibly be late for every alternate weeks? I got Mass PE tomorrow..wonder how it will be like.. oh yah.. I came back with Xiao Han today..saw her taking bus 229 and 25 with me..just realised she live in Hougang too and even alighted at the same stop as me.. hahaz.. we had a nice chat on our way home.. we even agreed to go home together every Monday and Friday..hahaz.. so good.. finally got someone to pei me go home..keez..

" Do not compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to your previous self. - Rena Fisher

Saturday, April 02, 2005
无奈者 posted at 1:16 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Hahaz.. I am liking more and more of TJC.. I love their LT 3 and 4..old old de..like 10 odd years ago..hahaz.. then can give me the feeling to study..haaz..I love their library too! Very comfortable in it..The school is very big though.. on the average, I get lost at least once a day in the school compound..hahaz..luckily my friends are able to guide me there..hahaz.. I just follow them when I go for lectures.. I got my SCG timetable today.. I end at 12.45pm on Mon..the earliest..and latest 5.15pm for my lessons.. then got make-up lectures till 6.45pm..hahaz..
Btw, the make-up lectures are like rushing for a train..going very fast..every teacher claims that he/she is in a rush of time cos they have too few periods..hahaz.. We are at Chemical bonding now for Chemistry make-up lectures.. it is a long topic.. the notes also very very thick..imagine my file now after a few days is around 3cm thick? My ring file is full of notes and tutorials..hahaz.. full until cannot put in any more notes..wow..
Tell u something interesting..hahaz.. my CG friend whom I hang out with these few days tot I am English speaking de..hahaz..make me so happy..I keep thinking I speak English will be weird..hahaz.. did not know she tot I am originally English speaking..hahaz..does that make me bilingual? Lolz..
Btw, I saw Bin today! She went for O nite which is now..hahaz..then I am ponning..ironic.. so happy to see her.. I am even more glad when she says she is running for council..hahaz..cos it shows she is adapting well to NY..hehez.. I am surprised to hear that her class 05S5C has a lot of ex-05S6G ppl! Got ah ma, wenxin, cheehui, miao yu and so on..hehez..so nice..then I will know that she is in good hands..cos they are a bunch a great ppl! Hoo yeah..hahaz..
I a bit gan dong to hear from Van that 6G ppl are planning to go on an outing every month..hahaz.. really..cos it shows how much 6G meant to them.. I love 6G! You guys, jiayou k? For those taking LEP, I am looking forward to NTU de xie zuo ying..hahaz.. I just know that TJ is the camp master for this year de camp and NY assistant camp master..hehez..

" To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have." - Ken S. Keyes, Jr.