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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, April 30, 2005
无奈者 posted at 7:29 AM

I have not blog here for weeks..hmm.. the reason? I shall not tell..hahaz..
Shall update on my school life.. I made a lot of new friends.. my SCG is not bad..very nice..ppl are starting to bond together.. and got a few cliques.. hahaz..
Tell u a lot of funny things happen in school.. hahaz.. especially yesterday..I was practically laughing the whole day..Muahahaz.. I was helping Lingshan take her file while she was tying her hair..her file has quite a number of loose worksheets..meaning unfiled worksheets..hahaz..then as I walked down the stairs, some of her worksheets dropped out.. Since Lingshan is walking in front of me, I called out to her..hoping to ask her whether she can help me pick up the worksheets.. lolz.. at this moment, she turned round a corner.. I started to call out to her..but I am too soft cos I was laughing away then..she could not hear it..lolz.. I walked a few more steps, intending to call louder.. a few more worksheets dropped out again.. Suddenly I saw her rushing back..lolz.. I was so surprised..she told me she heard a sound and tot her file dropped.. in the end, I was laughing so hard that I left her to pick the worksheets.. very bad of me? Even LEP Xu lao shi who walked by also smiled..hahaz..But seriously..the whole incident is so funny that it left me laughing whenever I think of it.. and at that point of time, I tot my hands are occupied with 2 files that I didn't think of bending down to pick up the worksheets myself! Hahaz.. after the incident, both of us were laughing away in the school.. and I was so kua zhang that a boy even smiled to me cos he tot I smiled to him..hahaz..so funny..lolz..
This is only one of the hilarious incidents.. There are a lot of funny incidents that happened to Lingshan and I when we were together..lolz.. yesterday again..when it is tau hua day for my SCG.. Lingshan's water bottle leaked.. as a result, her whole bag is wet.. and can u all imagine her facial impression when she took out the bottle? The bottle has no cap (the cap had dropped) and the bottle is nearly empty..hahaz..then she also gave such a cute facial expression that sent me laughing away..hahaz..really very very funny..in the end, I was laughing like siao again..Lingshan cannot stand me..say I am always the first who started laughing at her whenever she encountered problems but the last to stop..hahaz..but really cannot stand it..who ask her she is so funny..hahaz..
Another time, Lingshan missed a step and nearly fell down the stairs.. luckily she managed to catch hold of the railings.. but then, she was carrying her bag and with a file in her hand.. we all were behind her.. from the backview, it seems that she is alright..so none of us helped her up..thinking she can manage..but who know she is struggling to hold onto the railings..hahaz.. she asked us y we didn't lend a hand..but this is really a misunderstanding.. cos she really looks ok from the backview..so..we didn't offer our help..hehez.. again.. I was the first to laugh.. and after these incidents, I think she really think I am very hei xin..hahaz..but I am not gu yi de..I intend to help u after I finished laughing..really..hehez..

" A man can fall many times in life, but he's never a failure until he refuses to get back up."