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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:54 PM

Day 1:
My attachment starts with me being late..haaz.. But not later than the man who is supposed to welcome us.. haaz.. lucky.. well.. it was fun.. cos I didn't sleep a wink for a whole day..haaz.. first, we were issued passes that allows identification that we were Biopolis' IMCB (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, I think) attachment students and also access to the buildings.. cos we need the passes to take lifts and open doors.. cool right? haaz.. so fun.. then we got safety and DNA Genome talks by safety officer and a doctor respectively.. My phone rang in the middle of the talk.. so dui lian.. and I was like sitting in the 2nd row.. aiyoyo.. after that, we get to put on robes in the lab to start our research work.. haaz.. we extracted our own DNA from our cheek cells first by rinsing our mouth with sterile water.. after that we centrifuge it, heat it, add some solutions to it then heat again.. after that we went to track our DNA using electrophoresis..

By then it is already 5 pm le.. haaz.. time to go home.. one funny incident is there are 7 TJCians posted to this program and there is only 1 guy..haaz.. so 7 of us went out for lunch together.. we took a shuttle bus out to Holland Village.. we girls sat at the back of the bus.. then the guy sat in the front.. as it was our first time here, we didn't know where to alight.. so in the end, we alighted in a rush and forget all abt the guy!! Hahaz.. and we didn't know until we were planning where to have our lunches.. lolz.. in the end, the guy came with a few ACI guys..haaz.. then we kept apologising to him.. feel that we very bad.. but we really forget abt him.. well, in the end, we still have our lunches together.. haaz..
I met this ACJC guy and this CGS gal during yesterday's programs.. the AC guy is my partner.. we have to do pair work.. he 7 pointer.. so li hai.. then the CGS gal is Sec 3 this year.. I think they so xin fu.. can be exposed to these type of attachment programs so early.. unlike us.. JC le.. haiz.. hahaz.. and the gal is chatty.. hahaz.. to my liking.. lolz..
I also realised Singapore is so rich.. can fund such a big institute.. u noe the institute consists of 5 blocks of buildings? Just like Suntec City and they are linked together by basements.. cool.. and there are 2 more buildings coming up.. wow.. and according to the speaker of the talk, there are around 400 scientists worldwide working there.. wow.. and I find the buildings nicer than Suntec's lah.. cos the design looks sophiscated.. really.. there are transparent walkways linking one building to another.. wow again.. I am really impressed with the buildings..lolz..Bunoa Vista is a busy area lah.. but when u turn into the Biopolis area, it is like being u r living in a world of ur own.. cos few cars would turn in there..haaz.. the whole feeling is so nice.. love the infrastructure there..
Ok, ending here.. haaz..