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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, January 21, 2006
无奈者 posted at 4:35 PM

juz got home.. went out with xue ying to return the comics.. I am not renting any comics this week cos I am already flooded with vcds and bks!!
hahahahahaz.. made a few discoveries..lolz.. rain's new drama's a love to kill is out!! muahahahahaz.. I wanna watch!! but wun be buying it yet.. I can control..lol.. the movie reviews I read aren't very positive.. but I still wanna watch cos of Rain..lol..
I bought "memoirs of a geisha" le at only $13.40 leh!! is it cheap?? I dunno.. didn't check out other stores.. but it is cheaper than I expected.. so I bought it.. haaz.. will start on it later.. buying the bk will imply that I am broke.. ha..ha.. but nvm.. I can survive on bread. spending money on bks and vcds is better than spending on food..dun u think so??

haaz.. the below is interesting (to me..lol)

Career Makeover:
You're the type of woman who believes that everything is reducible to facts and figures. When you live by logic, as you do, and are challenged by a search for truth, unsolvable queries are the bane of your existence. You're a true data head. You're the brain the world calls when it needs to pad a case with facts, get the numbers to add up, or explore some scary, uncharted place like your hard drive or outer space. You're an independent thinker, and because you contribute viable solutions without wasting eons in collaborative brainstorming sessions, you're smart to keep on the payroll. As long as you're free to retreat to your library or lab to ponder in peace, you can unravel life's darkest mysteries.

Who's like you:Marie Curie (famous scientist of radioactivity)
Likely careers:Physicist, computer engineer, lab technician, astronomer, mad scientist

What's my power hour?
That's right, when the sun goes down, your energy and creativity go way up. This is your on time, when you're most inspired thoughts come pouring in and when you're most motivated to venture out. Are you into sports, dinner parties, or just hanging out with friends as the sun sinks out of sight? We thought so. Because that's the time of day that really empowers you and makes you feel alert.You're especially dynamic at dinner, cocktail parties, and early evening functions, when your persistent wit and wisdom are at their finest. And after dinner, when everyone else is putting on their jackets and preparing to head home, you're the kind of person who stays alert, inquisitive, and ready for more world-changing conversation.Being such a superstar at sunset has its drawbacks too. Right when you're coming up with your most fantastic ideas, most of the world is too tired to listen. Sure, this might leave you with a limited audience from time to time, but when you're on, you're on, and those lucky enough to be around value your enthusiasm. But even superstars hit a slump at some point in the day. That's when you need to remind yourself that there are tricks to get you through. Like grabbing an extra cup of coffee, getting some fresh air, or taking a power shower to rejuvenate you. And when that happens, there's no stopping you. Every hour can be your power hour!

Optismist or pessimist?
Well, everything's not quite roses and teddy bears for you, but you do tend to look on the bright side of life (we can hear those Monty Python boys whistling right now...). Sure, you sometimes bitch and moan about your problems (who doesn't?), but deep down you're pretty sure that everything will eventually turn out fine. When the weather man says it's going to be sunny, you leave your umbrella at home. In general, you like to be around people, and you try to make new friends when you can. You do your best to take things at face value, rather than making mountains out of molehills. Basically, the world is sort of like a big coconut to you: tough and hairy on the outside, but, when you get down into it, there's good stuff inside.

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