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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:24 PM

NDP is finishing soon.. but I decided to give the remaining a miss.. the fireworks are really beautiful on the TV screen.. bet they will be better at the stadium.. haaz.. NDP this year is pretty much the same.. still the same old order of performances.. we can't do away with the soldiers marching and the singing of patriotic songs for NDP, can we? lol..

Singapore makes me think of..

the Singapore flag which have sweets in it.. I have always wanted that for National Day every year when I was younger.. Every year, I remember hoping someone would buy it for me.. but nobody did.. cos I didn't told anybody I wanted that.. lol..

my kindergarten days when we never failed to have a party and lots of fun on this day.. and I rmb it is pot luck every year.. haaz.. I always contributed chocolates.. cos it is convenient.. keez..

home.. my home sweet home.. I am thankful for the peace and security Singapore had offered to its people all these years. At least I know, there will always be a safe, cosy place with my family waiting for me after every long and tiring day..

fireworks.. cos it is not common here.. we only get to see it once or twice a year during special occasions. and thanks to its rare occurrence, the fireworks had become extremely beautiful..

durian.. the best 'pungent' fruit we can find in the world.. it is heaven if u love it and hell if u hate it.. haaz..

exams and rankings.. although MOE had abolished the school ranking system years ago, we know it is not over yet in the minds of the people.. people are still as concerned as ever over the academic rankings..

Esplanade.. although there are people (like us) who go there not to watch performances but for gatherings, it is still our pride, our first world-class arts theatre.. It signifies our increasing levels of appreciation for arts.

HDB flats.. ppl say it is a must in order to house so many people on such a limited piece of land.. lol..

dengue fever.. lol.. cos it is a tropical illness.. It makes a perfect breeding ground for the mosquitoes with the weather in Singapore..

and lastly, passion.. I hope Singapore can be a place which allows everybody to pursue their passion in future.

Happy Birthday, Singapore!! : )