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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, September 23, 2006
无奈者 posted at 3:44 AM

oh.. yt tagged me to finish this.. honestly, I feel honoured..hoho..

1. Put ur music player on shuffle
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song tittle as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. No cheating.
4. Tag 6 ppl to play this game too. : )

How are u feeling today?
好夜晚Good Night Liang Jing Ru


Will u get far in life?
人生海海 (such a coincidence.. lol)


anyway, 'far' in this case is self-defined.. lol.. even a step to some is considered far..

How do ur friends see u?
孤单北半球 by lin yi cheng
wow.. is this true? hahaz..

Will u get married?
qi shi ni bu dong wo de xin.. by weilian..lol..

What's ur best friend's theme song?
不安 by li sheng jie..
seriously, I dunno 不安 for wat.. lol.. for losing my best friend? We don't lose our best friend.. they are forever in our hearts..

What's the story of ur life?
爸我回来了.. omg.. this is funny..*grins*
my parents, my family holds the key to my life.. they are my story..

What was high school like?
Make a wish by zai zai

让我们 make a wish make a wish 一起约定看最美风景
这一切都不会是梦境只要你全心全意相信.. (I like this..completely fits my high sch tots..)

How can u get ahead in life?
最想念的季节 - pin guan
The crux lies in 2 words.. 舍得

What is the best thing abt ur friends?
宁夏 - liang jing ru

What's in store for this weekend?
不是对手 - li sheng jie
寂寞根本不是对手.. yup.. this weekend is going to be a fun-filled one.. 寂寞根本不是对手.. haaz..

What song describes u?

星星那夜空多神秘, 要是落泪滴世界都要下雨
我只是没发现故事已结局, 我还在坚定

I am determined to be a strong (jian qiang) person..

To describe ur grandparents?
终结孤单 - mayday
elderly people.. tend to feel lonely when they age..

What song will they play at your funeral?
透明 -liu ruo ying
by then, 我的心最透明.. by then, everything has to be 透明..

How does the world see u?
花 - mayday
life is short.. we have to do some things for ourselves to make it worthwhile..

Will u have a happy life?
最快乐那一年 - liang jing ru

最快乐那一年, 什么都生动又强烈
365 days of quality life out of a lifetime is really sufficient.. not many ppl can achieve tat.

What do ur friends really think of u?
瓦解 - nan quan ma ma
nice song.. lol..

Do ppl secretly lust after u?
我曾爱过一个男孩 - liu ruo ying
lol.. the answer is pretty obvious.. haaz

How can I make myself happy?
那年我们十七岁 - he run dong

Indeed, photos make my day..

What shld u do with ur life?
I like tis.. 回家.. hahaha!
be here, just be there, be everywhere.. be with the ppl who needs me..

Will u ever have children?
有你在 - fish leong (again)
with them, life shld be a different matter after all..

Phew! I finally finished the 20 qns..
Here are the few..
1) Xue ying
2) Van
3) angel
4) ah chua
5) simin
6) Cheryl