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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, August 26, 2006
无奈者 posted at 6:28 AM

maybe.. I shld look at issues from different angles and perspectives before coming to conclusions.. just as I hated them for jumping to conclusions b4 they see the whole pic, I should too.. give them a chance so that I wun end up like them.. jumping to the wrong conclusions.. maybe I should just do what I should and try not to be bothered by other unnecessary stuff.. this way, I should be happier..

sorry, ppl.. for the small (is it small? I hope it is.. lol) outbreak yesterday.. I flared up easily these few weeks.. and really thanks for all of ur concern.. I am ok.. just that u can't imagine what causes the moody me.. it is just the trival matters.. the matters that doesn't concern me at all..

this morning, I woke up, thankful for what I have.. I was extremely worried abt some issues yesterday.. but when everything clears up, everything just came back to place again.. A mind cleared of worries and anxiety.. will be wat I ask for.. lol..

thanks, ngiam my gui fu gou for the letter and the chocolate.. really thanks k? Honestly, I am very touched.. Memories just kept flowing back when I read the letter.. Just wanna tell u I jusy as glad I found u in the mist of the crowd as my friend, as my beloved ngaim.. u rox, we rox, our clique rox!!