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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Thursday, May 31, 2007
无奈者 posted at 6:27 PM | 0 Noticed Me


The above quote may not be foreign to most of us. But chancing upon this quote in a website again reminds me of O'Levels days, Miss Khairani to be exact. Perhaps there are really geniuses in this world but most of the top achievers really slog for what they have tdy. and it applies to all areas.. to athletes, CEOs, Nobel Prize winners, professors, students and most imptly, the ordinary ppl like us who u rubbed ur shoulders against with on the streets every day. hahas. It motivates me to study, although it is just a one moment tot. The next moment, sad to say but I am back to the square one. But the fact that it motivates remains. : )

I have accepted NTU's Psychology. I chose it over NUS's FASS and for now, I am certain I made the right choice. My fellow pals have also accepted their respective courses and most of us will be separated, I reckon. And it will be 3 more weeks before I officially end work and start preparing for university. Lesson learnt, I will bear in mind my priorities and study hard in the years to come.

also, on a small note, if I manage to lose 2kg by end of July, I will bake something for u, my friends to celebrate. : ) Wish me luck, fellow pals. haha.

Sunday, May 27, 2007
无奈者 posted at 11:01 AM | 0 Noticed Me

oh dear, my wisdom tooth hurts.. again. argh. It isn't really painful, I can still talk.. but I just cannot open my mouth big and wide. It just hurts if I do that. The dentist is right. It really just comes back more frequently. haiz. if extracting it means a $400 flying out of my pocket, then I wld rather bear with the pain. just hope it don't get too serious as time passes.

for this mth, let's see what I have done. Rmb that I came up with a list of to-dos.. haha. Not bad. I completed most of them except that I didn't get to go to any museums yet. Shopping wise, I had done an adequate of it. I realised I had accomplished 60% of my to-dos list.. hahas. I am satisfied with the progress. Part 2 will commence on 28th June. hahas : )

and I went back to the POC area on friday.. I deliberately went China Square, Golden Shoe and all the places which holds memories for the 6 of us. Images of us gg for lunch, walking to Raffles Place mrt after work flooded back. It is nice to recall those times. With Andrea having interest in the manicure shop, isis and me lunching at Hans, py and me meeting at raffles place mrt every morning when we just started work, the whole grp of us walking to the abalone shop for lunch during training days and our last day. wow. memories overload. haha. One mth will soon pass and another will too in no time.. followed by the subsequent mths.. but memories will forever be for ours to keep. These will be the best gifts we can give to one another after parting. And I will keep it well. : )

Friday, May 25, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:01 AM | 0 Noticed Me

watched pirates 3 tdy and met up with my fellow temps too.. : ) it is really nice seeing them again.. and I mean it.. although I didn't talk much.. but it is the nice nostagia feeling u get when u see them.. haha.. too bad andrea and joanne wasn't here tdy.. if not, we can have a full gathering.. time flies.. have been slacking for 3 weeks, gg to a mth.. soon, I will be working again.. (1 mth, extendable) found a new job in shenton way.. call centre environment again.. the location pleases me at first.. becos I tot it is near my old workplace which I can go patronise the nice chai fan stall again.. then I realised.. no, I am not. My new workplace will be far from Golden Shoe.. oh well.. haha.. wat can I do?..lol.
anyway, I am gg to give my ratings for pirates 3.. well, I hadn't watched part 1 and 2.. hahas. so I ended up like a confused sotong.. double blur..there are several parts which I dun understand and have to trouble my friend to explain it to me.. story plot is ok, maybe before that I am having too high expectations for it.. some parts are draggy, some are very abrupt.. for eg. the death of sao-feng (chow yun fatt) came too sudden.. but one thing that must be mentioned: keira is gorgeous inside.. haha. very beautiful. I finally understand y so many ppl adore johnny depp inside. His character Jack Sparrow is really the most ineteresting inside.. haha. : ) Previously, I had heard that there is some controversy going on over the issue of Chow Yun Fatt acting as a Singaporean pirate.. some are very displeased over it.. well, for me, it sorts of makes me feel proud to hear Singapore being mentioned in the this international movie blockbuster.. it sorts of publicizes Singapore although I am puzzled why the scriptwriter chose Singapore out of all places.. why not Hong Kong, Thailand etc? Overall, it is still worth the tix price.. but more worth if u go for the weekday slot.. heesh.. : )
so, before I go back to my 5 day working weeks, let me enjoy this coming weekend..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
无奈者 posted at 7:30 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I have been a pig pigging out the whole day today.. heh.

anyway, I went with my mom and aunties to a fortune teller tdy. The accuracy of her words seriously impressed me.. haha. and of cos I have my reading taken as well. Shan't elaborate on here, but the most impt issue will be tat although people can tell u how ur life will be in the future, it is still up to us to create our destiny. To me, the advice given will definitely be valued and will help to prevent me from making certain mistakes but as for the rest, we are then the true dictators of our life. And it pleases me to realise that. Maybe I am too slow in this, perharps many of u have already realised that but at least I learnt something tdy.. : )

my life in my control. hahahahahaha.

Thursday, May 17, 2007
无奈者 posted at 7:52 PM | 0 Noticed Me

u r as hot headed as I am.. hence, our problems won't be solved so easily.. but hope that in the mail that I have sent u, hope that I have clarified everything.. used to think we will get even closer to one another after our job together.. sometimes, things can just go wrong the way we dun want it.. lol.
and my 2007 resolution still stands.. I am not gg to be emo.. I will not be an emo person.. emo will only land me into trouble. I hate it! Emo Elmo, u better leave me alone.. or else.. lol.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
无奈者 posted at 3:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds floatacross the sky, is hardly a waste of time."-- Sir John Lubbock

my sentiments exactly..

Monday, May 14, 2007
无奈者 posted at 10:57 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I was watching a TV show that is broadcasted every weekday morning on CH 8 at 10am. Old TCS show, by Pan Ling Ling, Huang Biren, HUang Wenyong, Lin Mei Jiao and cast.. but it just makes me look back again.. It is not always encouraged to look back but sometimes, it just doesn't hurt to look back.. we will then realise how much we have grown.. isn't it..
and I found my bro's kindergarten report bk.. hahas.. not mine though.. I flipped thru and saw the remarks and particulars eg. the height and weight in it. Well, it is dated 15/11/94..hahas. I tried imagining if the report card is mine, what will my teacher put in it..
Back in 1994, maybe we didn't know much abt this world that we are living in. Thirteen years later, we have matured considerably.. however, we may still not be familiar with how this world works.. Another thirteen years later, in our late thirties, perhaps things will be slightly better but we still cannot have a full grasp of how this world operates.. Even till the day we leave, we have reached our threshold but still, it definitely wasn't enough to understand the world.. The world with its people is so complex after all..
At this point, something Xiao S said came to mind.. hahas.. she mentioned before that she had not ever regretted growing up because with growing up, comes freedom. She loves growing up, growing old and every other part of life becos at these different stages she knows she will learn different things, seeing things frm different perspectives.. quite true, to me, when we are young, days are the most unbearable in the sense, we dun have sufficient pocket money to buy they toys we want. We have to rely on our parents to buy it for us. We cannot hang out with friends on any day of the week as we are still young. Now, already in the nineteenth year of my life, I have the freedom and ability to earn my money, save my pocket money that is given to me to spend on the material things I like. I am able to hang out with my friends everyday. The freedom compared is significantly larger. However, it is also this freedom that constantly reminds me I must be home to accompany my parents.. They are the ones who need us most. I love them more than anything in the world. They will not be reading this but I do promise I will spend more time with them now and in the future.. I love u, Daddy, Mummy..
无奈者 posted at 10:57 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I was watching a TV show that is broadcasted every weekday morning on CH 8 at 10am. Old TCS show, by Pan Ling Ling, Huang Biren, HUang Wenyong, Lin Mei Jiao and cast.. but it just makes me look back again.. It is not always encouraged to look back but sometimes, it just doesn't hurt to look back.. we will then realise how much we have grown.. isn't it..
and I found my bro's kindergarten report bk.. hahas.. not mine though.. I flipped thru and saw the remarks and particulars eg. the height and weight in it. Well, it is dated 15/11/94..hahas. I tried imagining if the report card is mine, what will my teacher put in it..
Back in 1994, maybe we didn't know much abt this world that we are living in. Thirteen years later, we have matured considerably.. however, we may still not be familiar with how this world works.. Another thirteen years later, in our late thirties, perhaps things will be slightly better but we still cannot have a full grasp of how this world operates.. Even till the day we leave, we have reached our threshold but still, it definitely wasn't enough to understand the world.. The world with its people is so complex after all..
At this point, something Xiao S said came to mind.. hahas.. she mentioned before that she had not ever regretted growing up because with growing up, comes freedom. She loves growing up, growing old and every other part of life becos at these different stages she knows she will learn different things, seeing things frm different perspectives.. quite true, to me, when we are young, days are the most unbearable in the sense, we dun have sufficient pocket money to buy they toys we want. We have to rely on our parents to buy it for us. We cannot hang out with friends on any day of the week as we are still young. Now, already in the nineteenth year of my life, I have the freedom and ability to earn my money, save my pocket money that is given to me to spend on the material things I like. I am able to hang out with my friends everyday. The freedom compared is significantly larger. However, it is also this freedom that constantly reminds me I must be home to accompany my parents.. They are the ones who need us most. I love them more than anything in the world. They will not be reading this but I do promise I will spend more time with them now and in the future.. I love u, Daddy, Mummy..

Saturday, May 12, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:29 AM | 0 Noticed Me

a random tot just came to mind.. actually, nobody cannot manipulate life. As a matter of fact, even we cannot manipulate our own lives. No matter wat decisions we made at the crossroads of life, we can only guide the path that our life will take. As for what will happen after that, nobody has the power to control. So as to say fate is in control, we might as well say everything is just random. All the coincidences that we attribute to fate may be just independent random events. hahas. rmb ur probability? ur poisson, ur binomial distribution? ;p
Mummy nagged at me tdy.. hahas.. over the phone.. cos I spend $$ tdy again.. but it is indeed true I am a spendthrift. Spend $100+ within 48 hrs. argh. but I am still very happy! hahas. Retail therapy makes me happy.. : )
I am happy, cos I really am.. hahas.
btw, I finished Tenth Circle! which leaves me to ponder which bk shall I start again..

Friday, May 11, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:51 AM | 0 Noticed Me

went window shopping in vivocity tdy alone. shuang. haha. my next stop will be causeway pt/junction 8 followed by orchard. hahas.
diff ppl have diff emo timings. tpy is emo during rainy days. I, like most ppl, am emo at nite. hahas. was reading Jodi Picoult's Tenth Circle recently. Was a bk I wished I can finish it all at one go. It had too many twists that I am unable to anticipate.. but I love it. hahs. it only makes me wanna finish the book at a faster rate and start on Sister's Keeper asap. lol. I haven't finish it yet. 3/4 thru though. : )
Meanwhile, still no progress for finding a job. However, that isn't really my main concern. I tink I shld use this free period to read more now. Heard psycho ppl need do lots of reading. hahas.

Once, there was an ordinary one,
who thought she can find true happiness by faking her smiles
who thought she can prove her worth by putting in the best effort
who thought she can live in her own world as long as she doesn't accept reality..

who childlishly believe the world can be very simple if it wants to
who stubbornly believe the good will be rewarded and vice versa
who insists to believe everyone is indispensable in this world and that the world will feel sad with the departure of any other person..

now the qns comes..
are you her? before being taken in by reality?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007
无奈者 posted at 10:25 PM | 0 Noticed Me

sometimes, it is just so contradictory.. hahas. when I am working, I am grumbling why am I working.. I want to enjoy life and all that.. now that I had been granted my wish, I wish I am working now. The feeling of no income really sucks esp when u r continuing to having output and no input. Pls, let me find a job pls. But nevertheless, I am still enjoying life, becos I noe if I dun now, when I find a job later, I will start missing these days again.. hahas. so, rock and roll!! enjoy to the fullest, txh.. I will tell myself.. hahas.
anyway, on another note, I tink I am the most thick skinned (hou lian pi) person in the world. Scheduled my dental appt earlier to 15 May, which is next wk, I realise.. hahas.. and the biggest PROB is I can't fit into my retainers anymore!! Hooray.. now my dentist will noe I haven't been following his instructions and reason why I brought forward the appt is becos my wisdom tooth hurts. I am worried it will push my teeth arrangement out of shape.. pls dun.. My parents spent tons of money on it!! and basically I am fine with my teeth as long as it looks straight and tidy frm the front.. pls dun let my teeth move any further..argh. I pray, I pray, I pray.

Saturday, May 05, 2007
无奈者 posted at 9:22 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I was on my way home and I realised I got carried away discussing abt the parent-child issue. far too agitated, I reckon. Seriously, I have always taken parents' responsibility to be the greatest on Earth. To the child, they are not only the one who brought them to Earth, they are their guardians, their saviours, their everything. Hence, maybe I have been a little extreme, but I still firmly believe that parents shld shower all the love they have on all their children equally. Pls don't give lame excuses like I prefer my younger child as I feel a strong affirnity with her, or I love my older child more as she is more obedient to defend your biasness which is already wrong frm the first place, no matter how u defend it. Simply said, the excuses that parents will give are all BULLSHIT.
and although I had not read Sister's Keeper, the storyline keeps me pondering. The tot of whether the child is right to sue her parents keeping poping up in my mind. This, I may have to finish the story first before coming to a conclusion but, personally, I have a sensitive spot for biasness issues. I have high expections of parents, dunno y. I just dun see y children are subjected to discrimination and biasness when they are born frm the same womb. If u not ready, pls dun be a parent. If u tink u r ready, pls be prepared it is a lifelong committment. Don't ever practise biasness because ur kid had done nothing to deserve it, if they did, it will be because they are born frm ur womb. And also for god's sake, dun ever create a life just to save another life. It will only hurt the younger kid more when they come to earth knowing that they were merely a life saving tool in their parents' eyes..
I have a wish, to hope that all parents in this world will give all their children whom they had not loved as much a chance to let them prove to their daddies and mummies how wonderful they are..

Friday, May 04, 2007
无奈者 posted at 11:52 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I explored the woodbridge compound tdy! it is like 'finally'! hahas.. and it is really a gd environment inside. Lush greens, orange brick buildings.. the morning sun makes it comfortable to tale a nice stroll inside the compound.. hahas.

just to share.. recently was touched by 2 incidents..

I was strolling when a car drove into the driveway. The husband was actually seeing his wife off for work, and under the warm morning sun, I catch a glimpse of how the couple kissed each other on the cheek before the wife got off.. so sweet! and how many ppl are caught in this everyday routine of life that they had forgotten to show acts of love and appreciation for their loved ones? seriously, if I am the wife, I would think I am the most blissful person on earth.. hahas..

next, ppl do really mature after they settled down.. I went back cchs and heard my sec sch maths teacher saying things that I couldn't believe it was coming out frm his mouth. He always protrayed the kiddy and playful image in front of his students. He shared with us his past, how he got retained and how he tamed down to study hard to get into vj and eventually into uni.. This teacher whom we all tot is so bu zhen jing actually said this: Now that I have someone to look after, I couldn't allow myself to come to any harm. Often, I had met irritating drivers on the road who I wish I could just go.. u noe.. bang my car into them.. but I couldn't.. The most is curse and scold,, have to think of her.. I bet if her wife heard it, she will be damm touched..

kudos to everyone on earth. Cherish and appreciate watever is in our possession tdy, for tdy is what it matters.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007
无奈者 posted at 4:59 AM | 0 Noticed Me

5.02am now.. not tat I can't get to slp but I just woke up.. ended up in front of the com.. if there is work tdy, I wld definitely go back to slp.. hahas.
tdy, I woke up with a heart very thankful..
thankful of my daddy and mommy, who gave life to me and my bro.. of my bro who had been the best sibling I could ever have.. of my shifu godma who always treated me so well although I didn't really treat her well.. of my friends who stayed by me through thick and thin.. u noe how I get to know whether who are my true friends I value most? They are the ppl who will successfully affect my feelings when they feel sad or happy. When they are happy, I will be too, and when they are upset, I will feel their sadness together with them.. when they are worried, I will be worried for them too.. so dear pals, do hang on as we have a long way ahead.. we will stick to each other for the rest of our lives unless any one of us dun want each other..
yi hou de lu you da jia de pei ban, rang wo jue de heng xing fu.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
无奈者 posted at 12:38 AM | 0 Noticed Me

once again, I feel it may be better if I am devoid of feelings. watever.
tdy marks the last day at singtel. the whole day was smooth sailing. I settled all my pending cases and no new cases come in. All basic enquiries. So, basically, I had accomplished my task.
There are a lot to miss in the company, in its ppl, far more than I expected. lol. just a few, but I noe I will definitely miss going in at ard 8.43am every morning, start the com, log in and start gg to the pantry to fill my mug with water. I will just miss the emailing that we 6 temps are doing every day, missing the toilet trips we had together, missing all the breaks and lunches we had.. and all the juicy gossips we shared..and also the cai fan too.. I will miss seeing every fellow temp in the office everyday.. no more of calling their extensions to tell them the bo liao-est things on earth.. no more of putting auto-in or aux, no more of seeking jennifer's/ rosalind's/kintan's/shalene's help..
yeap, as everything has to come to an end, let it end here ba. sadness will eventually be diluted as time goes by. 6 temps, 6 different personalities, created a common identity in 1606.. kudos to us, ex-1606 temps! We rox, really! Knowing u guys are the best gifts given to me for joining this job.

now, let's move on, however difficult and painful it may be. I am going to come up with a list of how I am going to spend my spare time:
1) Musemums
2) Botanic Gardens/ Orchid Gardens
3) Shopping @ Junction 8, Vivocity, Jurong Point and Causeway Point
4) Libraries
5) Nice cafes to enjoy my gd books
6) Kent Ridge Park
7) Beach, preferably ECP
8) Swimming
9) explore the woodbridge compound
10) airport
11) Go on hippo tours

ok, this will tentatively be the list of things and places I will be going. : )
sadness, pls fade away quick..