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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, August 27, 2005
无奈者 posted at 9:42 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Day 3:
Today is the final day of the attachment.. took a photo together and exchanged contact list.. haaz.. we are released early today.. at 3.30pm instead of 5pm.. hmm.. today actually quite slack lah.. just doing protein electrophoresis.. needless to say.. I am daydreaming again.. haaz..
But I do discover an interesting thing today.. the door to the dark room is fun! I am fascinated by it.. haaz.. it is black and circular in shape, it turns.. u step it.. turn it.. and u disappear! haaz.. it is like magic coming true before ur eyes.. so interesting rite? I even took pics of the door.. as far as I noe.. the door is black and it turns so that ppl can get into the room when a person is developing films inside without exposing the films to light.. in other words, it keeps the room dark..haaz..
Next, I am sad lah.. I get to hand the Biopolis access card over today.. since it is the last day le.. I haven't got the chance to use it yet I got to return it le.. so ke xi.. haaz..
By the way, during the 3 days.. I do not miss TJ at all.. I do miss my friends though.. cos it is slack in the lab.. but I feel I had missed a lot for the last 3 days.. I means in terms of tutorials and lectures.. so I know I got to go back to school fast..haaz..
The attachment not only helped me make new friends.. both frm TJ and other schs.. it also made me realise something.. science research is definitely not my cup of tea.. life of a researcher is pretty dull.. cooping up in the lad all day long with dangerous chemicals all around u..haaz..

Thursday, August 25, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:45 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Day 2:
It was boring today.. but I didn't get to sleep a wink.. lolz.. so today we were doing Protein extraction frm chicken breastmeat.. expected.. I wasn't listening to instructions.. I was daydreaming in my own wonderland..haaz.. then when it comes to doing labwork, I left it all to the IP students.. so I find them so clever.. really the cream of the crop.. so clever.. I became the clumsy person there.. lolz.. anyway, it doesn't matters.. I am not very interested in labwork anyway..haaz.. hmm.. then is like when the CGS gal finally ask me to do something.. I messed up the thing.. I broke/ tear the gel.. lolz.. so rough of me.. haaz.. although I feel guilty but I still wanna laugh.. very funny.. then got this NJ Sec 4 student looks bu shuang.. haaaz.. but pls lah.. it is so normal of me to mess up things.. one more incident.. I stepped into the wrong lab early in the morning.. only to be laughed by the RJ and VS ppl.. so much for my direction sense..lolz.. but lunch was fine.. we had lunch with 2 RI guys.. They brought us to this market area.. like the market outside our sch and we lunch there.. the food there was not bad.. but really cheap compared to Holland V..haaz.. and we gals brought back packets of "Muah Chee" (flourball with fillings coated with flour)..hahaz.. hmm.. after lunch is quite sianz.. cos I was doing the work for my partner as well.. He left for SPA.. luckily it isn't much work.. or else.. haaz.. u noe I am lazy and dun like lab work at all.. hehez.. then that 'genie' (facilitator) brought us to tour the IMCB building.. it iwas a bad timing.. cos I was very sleepy.. if given an option, I would opt for a nap in the workstation..haaz.. then we discovered something.. we read the notes left behind by previous batches..the 'genie' seems to have no life.. he is lame and all his cold jokes are repeated.. and he got the 'sianz' look on his face.. haiz.. so conclusion is.. dun go and be a scientist..haaz.. they seem to have no life.. muahahaz.. kkz, ending here..

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:54 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Day 1:
My attachment starts with me being late..haaz.. But not later than the man who is supposed to welcome us.. haaz.. lucky.. well.. it was fun.. cos I didn't sleep a wink for a whole day..haaz.. first, we were issued passes that allows identification that we were Biopolis' IMCB (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, I think) attachment students and also access to the buildings.. cos we need the passes to take lifts and open doors.. cool right? haaz.. so fun.. then we got safety and DNA Genome talks by safety officer and a doctor respectively.. My phone rang in the middle of the talk.. so dui lian.. and I was like sitting in the 2nd row.. aiyoyo.. after that, we get to put on robes in the lab to start our research work.. haaz.. we extracted our own DNA from our cheek cells first by rinsing our mouth with sterile water.. after that we centrifuge it, heat it, add some solutions to it then heat again.. after that we went to track our DNA using electrophoresis..

By then it is already 5 pm le.. haaz.. time to go home.. one funny incident is there are 7 TJCians posted to this program and there is only 1 guy..haaz.. so 7 of us went out for lunch together.. we took a shuttle bus out to Holland Village.. we girls sat at the back of the bus.. then the guy sat in the front.. as it was our first time here, we didn't know where to alight.. so in the end, we alighted in a rush and forget all abt the guy!! Hahaz.. and we didn't know until we were planning where to have our lunches.. lolz.. in the end, the guy came with a few ACI guys..haaz.. then we kept apologising to him.. feel that we very bad.. but we really forget abt him.. well, in the end, we still have our lunches together.. haaz..
I met this ACJC guy and this CGS gal during yesterday's programs.. the AC guy is my partner.. we have to do pair work.. he 7 pointer.. so li hai.. then the CGS gal is Sec 3 this year.. I think they so xin fu.. can be exposed to these type of attachment programs so early.. unlike us.. JC le.. haiz.. hahaz.. and the gal is chatty.. hahaz.. to my liking.. lolz..
I also realised Singapore is so rich.. can fund such a big institute.. u noe the institute consists of 5 blocks of buildings? Just like Suntec City and they are linked together by basements.. cool.. and there are 2 more buildings coming up.. wow.. and according to the speaker of the talk, there are around 400 scientists worldwide working there.. wow.. and I find the buildings nicer than Suntec's lah.. cos the design looks sophiscated.. really.. there are transparent walkways linking one building to another.. wow again.. I am really impressed with the buildings..lolz..Bunoa Vista is a busy area lah.. but when u turn into the Biopolis area, it is like being u r living in a world of ur own.. cos few cars would turn in there..haaz.. the whole feeling is so nice.. love the infrastructure there..
Ok, ending here.. haaz..

Saturday, August 20, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:35 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Gonna be a fast entry today.. really busy these days.. PW.. tests, tutorials.. anyway, I am really sad that Xin Hui didn't get into the Superstar grand finals.. not that she has the same name as me..but I find her a gd singer.. and most importantly, she is strong.. she doesn't cry when she knew the result.. also great improvements can be seen from every round of the competition.. hahaz.. I can really see the effort she had put in.. and somehow I understand how she feels.. u noe.. she is not considered beautiful and her looks are a bit mature.. so along the way frm preliminary rounds, there may be a lot of gossip abt her.. but as she said, no voice can out her down.. I didn't think much of her at first.. it is only within these 2 weeks that I began to notice her and support her.. really admire her courage and spirit.. not getting into the finals doesn't mean she is not a gd singer.. hope she can jia you.. and if she gets to release her album one day. I will definitely buy it..
Next, got NAPFA later.. got to be in sch by 8am.. after that going library with Ying before meeting Bin after noon.. haiz.. I dun really have time to do PW lah.. still have to rush it out to send it out to Jiahui.. feel so sorry to Jiahui.. haiz.. I promised to send it to her yesterday.. now cannot..

Friday, August 12, 2005
无奈者 posted at 2:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Let me sadly announce.. today is my last day at tuition.. I feel quite sad to leave the kids.. and they are quite gd today..at least didn't give me much trouble.. they knew I am leaving today.. told them last week.. and a boy asked me' Teacher, it is ur last day today right?' the moment he saw me.. so sad.. I didn't expect them to rmb..cos they always failed to rmb the homework I had given them..lolz..although I knew the reason why they are sad to see me go, I still feel gan dong.. the reason why they dun wanna see me go is cos they will lose another slack and can bully de teacher..lolz..
I turned down 2 tuition offers so far.. Yuxiang and Meenachi (Salvation Army person-in-charge) are kind to offer me tuition offers.. but I turned them down.. cos PY is right.. I just got to get my piorities right.. My top piroity is to study and do well for Promos.. so I have to give the offers up..
Next, I realised I have a bunch of real gd friends round me.. hahaz.. Emily and Pek Sia offered me Mr Kao's hp number so that I can approach him for help in PW.. he is a computing teacher in TJ.. hahaz.. and he is very nice.. although he does not know me, he still seemed sincere to help..keez.. Then Siu Lun also recommend his friend Kian Wei to me.. He says Kian Wei knows a bit about programming and may be able to help him.. thanks to 3 of them and not to forget Mr Kao and Kian Wei as well..hehez.. and I just discover Kian Wei knows Edwin of Interact.. lolz.. the world is not too big but also not too small.. so qiao..lolz..
wow..Kian Wei juzt replied tha qns I gave.. gave professional answers.. I mean they sounded professional to me.. pls lah I am programming idiot..haaz.. can asnwer my qns already very gd le..lolz.. great.. at least I can finally see some hope in my PW now.. hmm..

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
无奈者 posted at 11:57 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Wanna blog last nite de.. but too tired.. went to sleep instead..haaz.. had a great day yesterday.. we got our scg 25 outing.. lolz.. We went TM first.. 8 ppl attended the outing.. Angel was saying she didn't expect so many ppl.. cos she tot most of the ppl are busy..lolz.. they played pool in the arcade and later went on to have lunch.. TM was so flodded with red and whites yesterday that u can see s sea of red and white ppl.. then it is so difficult to find a place to dine in lah.. lingshan suggested eating sushi but Genki doesn't offer buffet.. Seoul Garden is full too.. then Pasta is also crowded.. in the end, we ended up in Pizza Hut.. It is full too.. but I guess we didn't get to wait for very long before we got our seats.. we did not manage to sit together.. as the place was real crowded.. so Yuen Ting, Lingshan, Sam, Kar Kiat (jie-fu) and me occupied a table and Li Xuan, Angel and Enci occupied another.. lolz.. the meal was ok lah.. it is very filling but not very up to standard though.. we didn't finish the meal..maybe they are too busy that day.. then the service was very bad..cos the waiter that took our orders seems to put on a black face.. after the meal, we decided to go to lingshan's house to play mahjong.. Sam, Yuen Ting and Enci didn't go.. they went home instead. At this point of time, Constance joined us.. Kar Kiat also started his laming.. he wanted to give the whole class nicknames.. Angel got a nice nickname.. I think..haaz.. "On-June" (supposed to be 'Ju-On' de inverse..hahaz.. Lingshan is 'ling yang'.. me and Li Xuan is ''man tang 1' and 'man tang 2' respectively.. lolz.. since Kar Kiat has been so 'nice' to give us such nice nicks, we shan't disappoint him.. we gave him the nick 'jie-fu'.. as in brother-in-law.. cos when we were at Lingshan's house, we kept asking her sis lingliu to call Kar Kiat 'jie-fu'.. hahaz.. lolz.. LS, On-June, jie-fu and Constance played 4 rounds of mahjong.. and jie-fu won none.. so it is decided that jie-fu shall treat the 5 of us to a meal..lolz.. Anyway, I just discover that both Angel's and Lingshan's fathers looked very kind.. they have got the 'shang liang' look on the face.. lolz..
We went to meet Jeslyn in Suntec after the mahjong game.. then ls said she couldn't join us cos she needs to move house today.. so we have to go without her.. a pity leh.. cos we watched Charlie Chocolate Factory in the end.. We wanted to watch that together de.. but since it is kbox is so ex.. we go watch movie instead.. sorry ls.. u dun blame me hor..haaz.. hmm.. if u want, I can pei u watch again.. lolz.. jie-fu went off to meet his secondary sch friends after we went into the theatre.. they want to go watch fireworks I think.. such a pity rite that jie-fu didn't bring ling-yang along..hahaz..
the movie is ok lah.. not very nice leh.. I mean I dun have the 'wow, I wanna watch it again!" feeling after watching it.. so far the only movies that let me have the feeling are Harry Potter Movies! Hahaz.. they are really nice..
stopping here I guess.. that's it for now..hahaz..

Saturday, August 06, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:11 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I recalled Mr Yue sharing this story with us.. about this hole in the street.. strong-willed ppl will choose to avoid it.. aimless people will drop into it without knowing.. only those who think they know what they are doing but actually they are not will drop into the hole willingly.. that's me..
Somehow, not sure since when I have fallen into this black hole knowingly and willingly.. in the hole, I think I am happy at first.. I got ppl who shares my interests.. we have countless topics to talk about.. we seem to be living in a world of our own.. I am contented.. really.. I don't care about ppl's comments as long as I am happy.. but I realised I am wrong.. I cannot do things my way.. it is impossible to do that in this world.. whether it is at sch or work.. as days go by, we just didn't realise the fact that we seem to be living our lives in vain.. we are not moving on with life at all.. when everyone seems to be moving on whether at a fast speed or not, at least they are moving.. I feel that I am not.. I am just there in the black hole.. going round in circles..I need to get myself out of that hole fast.. cos I know I have got no time to lose.. I don't know how determined am I in getting out of the hole but I know I must try..
I have think it thorough and though.. since young, I have not been a problem to teachers.. not in pri sch and sec sch.. I guess I am not used to being the problematic kid of the class.. I do not even want to be..so when this incident happens, I am really sad.. I did not expect this to happen to me.. but it is really my fault.. I have really projected the wrong image from day 1.. I can't have anyone to blame.. and my attitude in life hate to say but it sux.. really.. In the past, I have been too self-centred.. thinking I can do away with ppl's comments and opinions abt me.. but now then I realised I can't.. their opinions matters.. as a result of my bad attitude, I have become irresponsible.. I tend to give excuses to defend myself when I am really in the wrong.. I feel like I am the baddy of the world.. I am the worse person on Earth..really.. and I feel that I have disappointed my close peers.. all those who had known me long and well enough..so the 1st thing to do is to change my attitude towards life cos attitude really does matter..
Frm this min onwards.. a brand new me is in the making.. watch out for the new me..

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
无奈者 posted at 10:54 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Bin, thanks for the heartwarming msg today.. u can't imagine how grateful I felt after reading it.. hahaz.. thanks pal..
hmm.. friends, dun be surprised if u cannot find me in school tomolo.. not feeling too well I guess.. hahaz.. school today is a bit dull.. LS is not there to crap with me.. Vera also not here..haiz..
that's abt it.. nothing else to add.. haaz..

Monday, August 01, 2005
无奈者 posted at 8:50 AM | 0 Noticed Me

Haiz.. haven't updated for a week.. well, there's nothing gd to share either.. it is really a depressing week for me, I guess.. and who is to blame? I obviously can't blame it on others.. it is COMPLETELY my fault..haiz..
well well well.. I have been getting into a lot of trouble recently.. especially with teachers.. haiz.. am I too noisy, too inattentive in class that they have a bad impression of me? I feel like I am the problematic kid of the class.. haiz..forget it.. I know I am noisy.. I will change.. and is already changing.. just hope things will work out fine..
went out with PY on Fri night.. it is really nice to confide in her.. cos she put on a 'black face' and did not console me.. even if she did, it sounded like chiding me..hahaz.. but all the mistakes she pointed out are true.. I couldn't defend myself at all..lolz..A quote frm her: If one says u r wrong, he/she may be wrong. If 2 says u r wrong, u may still be right. If all says u r wrong, then u r really wrong.. great.. what a great quote.. sent me thinking.. haiz.. before talking to her, I was really reluctant to admit my mistake.. I even find excuses for my wrongdoings.. A typical human being.. they tend to use excuses to cover up their wrong deeds.. haiz..
PY is right after all.. the teachers really have no reason to pick on me unless I am really in the wrong.. worse.. I feel bad too for dragging ls into it.. although she is ok with it.. but I still feel I have dragged her into the hot soup..
PY said that the impression that I gave her now is a very irresponsible person.. I only chose to do things I like and forget about what I don't like.. haiz.. is this really so? I am unsure myself.. but one thing for sure.. it really does affect me after hearing those words from her.. She is one of my close friends who really noe me well..
Went with Van and Ying to the library to do some research yesterday.. thanks to both of them.. they are really 2 friends I can count on.. gave me lots of consoling.. really made me feel better.. well, at this stage, I can only hope things will improve.. lolz..
stopping here, I guess.. gd luck to me for the coming week..haaz..