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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Thursday, July 27, 2006
无奈者 posted at 9:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

One of the qns for today's MOE survey: Your teachers understand you.
A ) Strongly Agree
B ) Agree
C ) Disagree
D ) Strongly Disagree

it got me thinking.. haaz.. if things can happen the other way round.. if my secondary sch teachers are reversed with my JC teachers.. will I still like my secondary school teachers? Will they understand me as they do during my sec sch days? How about my JC tutors? Will they change their opinion of me? Will I get to like them better?

Actually, Angel raised a good point today.. More often than not, we grumble that we cannot get a JC tutor who really understand and care for us.. Things just aren't the same for sec sch and JC.. All the tutors are always so busy and we only get to see them during the fixed tutorials and remedials.. They are just like ppl whom u see only during fixed timings and disappeared after that.. Nobody cares to attend any class gatherings and we dun bother to ask them anyway since they weren't close with the class in the 1st place.. If any of our friends are close to any of the tutor, we sort of envy them cos at least they have one more adult choice to confide in if they encounter problems.. unlike us who are all alone..

However, we have our fair share of blaming the problem on the teachers. Maybe it is time we should do some self reflection ourselves. Why do we think that they dun understand us as much as our sec sch/ pri sch teachers do? Is it because we have changed our persectives of viewing things? Our critera for 'understanding' has become more stringent? Teachers cannot merely coax us with a few praises.. we start to want to have our way of doing things which may be deemed unacceptable by the adults.. We pon lessons, giving them unnecessary trouble.. We get irritated easily when they nagged at us just for some what we called minor mistakes.. We are no more obedient kids and no longer have the same way of thinking as them. Since we shared different perceptions, we can only be regarded as troublemakers. These contribute largely to the fact that we think they dun really understand us..

It takes 2 hands to clap.. and problems can't occur if there weren't 'co-operation' from both sides.. Hence, we really aren't completely right and teachers are completely in the wrong either.. Our current mindset are still rebellious.. We feel like challenging any instructions given, questioning every decision that is made by the adults. We wish to try the consequences of disobeying them. What to do? After all, we are still growing up..

So, after so much, can u guess my answer for the question in the beginning of the entry? hahaz..

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
无奈者 posted at 4:38 PM | 0 Noticed Me

suddenly, I acknowledge the crisis that Singapore is facing.. didn't realise it till now.. Aging population does pose a big problem after all, I guess. It isn't merely abt rising medical costs, imposing heavier taxes on every working adult and building elderly friendly facilities..

not a discrimination statement here.. but some of the elderly are really the black sheep.. they spoil the image of the kind-hearted, joyful looking elderly that we have in our hearts.. yesterday, Ls and I saw an old man taking off one of his slippers in the mrt train and put the leg over the other.. what's worse is he shakes his legs.. lol.. and in the end, nobody dares to sit beside him.. fine loh, he ming2 zheng4 yan2 shun4 occupies 2 seats..

This is not all.. today, I saw worse.. I was on 854 earlier and I saw the auntie in early sixties sitting in front of me digging her soles!! can u imagine it?? I was sitting on those 'higher' seats and I can see her actions clearly.. and u noe what? her legs are very dirty with brownish dirt on it.. omg.. thinking of it makes me feel like puking.. yucks.. and what is more unlucly is that the bus is infested with cockroaches.. immediately, I alighted at the next stop.. I would rather switch to another bus than sit in it any longer.. honestly, I am angry cos not only is the action unhygienic, it is also inconsiderate to the other passengers.. what right does they have to make the other passengers annoyed and disguisted when they are all paying the same fare for the transport? It just isn't fair..

haiz.. and sad to say, to think the govt is putting on its guard against SARS, avian bird flu etc.. trying so hard to prevent the disease from entering Singapore.. all those talk abt practising hygiene in public toilets and hawker centres.. they shld extend it to the elderly.. Cos if there is really a virus in our country, these elderly ppl will be the major 'vectors' spreading all the germs around.. so, educate them now and make them pay fines if they are still so unhygenic.. They simply need to be educated.

Sunday, July 23, 2006
无奈者 posted at 11:16 PM | 0 Noticed Me


2. 生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己

3. 明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦

4. 获致幸福的不二法门是珍视你所拥有的、遗忘你所没有的

5. 人的价值,在遭受诱惑的一瞬间被决定

6. 青春一经典当即永不再赎

7. 爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳

8. 当一个人真正觉悟的一刻,他放弃追寻外在世界的财富,而开始追寻他内心世界的真正财富

9. 只要有信心,人永远不会挫败

10. 不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之後就不要停止

11. 不论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之後就不要悔恨

12. 人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人, 人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友

13. 抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算

14. 家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过於家

15. 所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道

16. 上帝从不埋怨人们的愚昧,人们却埋怨上帝的不公平

17. 少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在

18. 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己

19. 当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞

20. 生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到

21. 人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的

22. 快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐

23. 一个今天胜过两个明天

24. 有勇气并不表示恐惧不存在,而是敢面对恐惧、克服恐惧

25. 肯承认错误则错已改了一半

26. 所有欺骗中,自欺是最为严重的

27. 快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少

28. 你的选择是做或不做,但不做就永远不会有机会

29. 如你想要拥有完美无暇的友谊,可能一辈子找不到朋友

30. 要克服生活的焦虑和沮丧,得先学会做自己的主人

31. 好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事

32. 一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始

Thursday, July 20, 2006
无奈者 posted at 9:26 PM | 0 Noticed Me

sometimes, we really shouldn't expect too much of people.. especially close ones around u.. but ironically, it is human's nature to have expectations of them.. the closer they are, the higher the expectations..lol.. wat a joke..

all along, I have been persuading myself not to hurt ppl's feelings if possible.. cos the hurt u inflicted on them are unremovable scars.. as a result, I beome more and more timid.. As time passes, I even find it hard to express what I really feel.. cos I am afraid what I say will affect XXX or YYY etc.. in the end, they will feel unhappy and I feel guilty.. what for? Now then I realise I had actually lost myself these 2 years.. I find myself silly.. I really dun understand y there are ppl who goes ard inflicting pain on ppl without even feeling sorry.. anyway, what a coward I have been.. maybe I shld be like them too.. not caring too much abt ppl's feelings.. u can't care for them all anyway.. this way, will I be happier? blah..

A phrase came to mind today while I was sorting out my thoughts..

'Fairness exists in the hearts of people but not in the actual world itself..'

Everyone, good or bad know how to measure fairness in their hearts.. just that some of them chose to self-define their fairness and thanks to them, the world had become a monster place.. really.. I wouldn't be so affected if I didn't believe that fairness exist right from the start.... the world is no utopia and it is no use forcing urself to believe it is one..
无奈者 posted at 5:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

GP's markers' report is right, I guess.. the older generation are always the ones having expectations of the younger generation.. that explains comments like "youth nowadays are ungrateful.." or "young people nowadays are unrealistic.." etc.. lol..

I was on 147 just now and there was this 2 guys sitting in front of me.. one is an Indian (Sec3) and the other a Chinese(P5).. and I am sure surprised that they can kick up a conversation.. no generation gap at all (wow..)

They seemed to noe each other ages back but the Indian had forgot all abt it.. So they go..
The Chi boy was sitting right in the front row of the upper deck.. He lifted both of his legs up on the platform in front.. like he very pro like like that.. (er xin.. act big not big)
(Ind for Indian boy, Chi for the Chinese boy)

Ind: So, wat's ur name??
Chi: Wei Jie.. u mean u forget ar?? (the boy says it loudly)
Ind: oh.. Ang Wei Jie!! (the indian boy seems to recall)

ok, so they started talking abt their common friends, the top scorers for their pri sch and go on to touch on PE..
Chi: How's PE like in sec sch?
Ind: Not nice.. They make u run.. got to train for NAFA, not as slack as pri sch where u play a lot of games..
Chi: Really? (the boy seem to believe..lol)
Ind: U noe Miss/ Mrs XXX? (is a teacher is their pri sch)
Chi: Yup.. the one with big boobs rite.. (omg..I am shocked when I hear this.. at my P5 level, I dun have such 'gd' vocab lah)
Ind: Yup yup..
then they continued a bit before going on to remedial..
Ind: Why r u released so late today?
Chi: Huh? I got remedial lah.. and I dun feel like going.. u noe.. my friends were making a 'cheer' using the vulgar words like f**k etc.. (he kept repeating the cheer)
{pls lah.. u tink it is cool scolding vulgar on the bus? think twice kid..}
then not long after, they alighted together..

Throughout the conversation, I turned my head repeatedly to look at them.. the Sec 3 guy was ok.. but the P5 boy really act big.. very disguisting.. he tinks he very pro.. scold vulgar, 'kiao kar'.. nvm.. they will noe how naive and childish they are in a few years time..hohoho.. I rmb my friends like to use vulgar in pri sch.. they tink they r cool.. lol.. actually vulgar only sounds cool when it comes out from a mouth of a sort of matured person under some extreme circumstances.. using them frequently mkes them 'uncool'..lol.. the one more thing.. he wearing ankle socks.. this is a privilege we got only after secondary sch?

maybe there is really generation gap.. lol.. the behaviour a bit absurd.. but at the same time, I thank him for entertaining me with his childishless on my bus ride.. haaz..

Saturday, July 15, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

I feel a sense of guilt towards that somebody.. I dunno how to make it up to her..and I am ashamed of my actions..

watched 4.30 on yesterday.. it is really a movie which I can only understand 60% of it. A lots of parts remained a mystery.. and it is not a gay movie.. I tot it is..lol.. but pretty cool in the sense that the movie protrays a different style which tells us that it is a Singapore production.. Local movies are always worth supporting I guess except for some.. lol..

sometimes, I wonder.. how can some ppl get along and how can some be enemies or dislike the presence of one another? funny isn't it? e.g. I can get along with A and B but A and B can't get along.. yes, they may dun clique.. there aren't such person who can clique with everyone in the 1st place.. but do u need to use the term 'dislike'? is tat a bit too over?

hmm.. come to tink of it, I dun particularly dislike anybody except for 1, I guess.. hahs, dun worry.. she isn't any of us.. She is an adult, is my godma's friend.. I dislike her.. and if I can avoid seeing her, I will.. lol.. ask me y I dun like her.. tink is the first impression she gives.. she lectures me on our first meeting.. and she is the type that will say dun, eating this is not gd for health and at the next moment, she will finish all of the food that kind.. she doesn't have a gd temper, and tink she has the right to scold anybody but nobody had the right to scold her.. yucks.. really can't stand her..

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
无奈者 posted at 9:04 PM | 0 Noticed Me

suddenly.. I miss simin and S.H.I.T.. I am tired again.. JC life is happening but at the same time tiring too.. the heavy workload and all the exams which we can't score..

so they just flashed across my mind when I was lying on my bed.. they r ppl I will never forget I guess. cos they are the ones who inspires me and made me out to be what I am today.. no friends had been such an influence as great as they are..

thinking back.. (actually, I just realised I haven't looked back to the sec sch days for a long time le.. in fact life was abt work and our clique until this tot flashed across) I was very happy in CCHS.. happiness then was so simple.. just a simple praise from ur teacher, high marks for ur tests etc.. these things are enough to make u happy for one whole day..

now, these things still make me happy but not for long.. simply because things that make u unhappy often happen too.. life now is more complicated I guess.. social circle is more complicated, sch life is more tedious, workload is heavier.. and teachers aren't as understanding as in the past.. misunderstandings occurs.. all these are enough to torture us both mentally and physically.. lol..

well, guess we just have to endure the changes and the tiredness.. we have to learn to deal with such situations as we grow bigger and older.. this is just one of the cons of growing up..

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
无奈者 posted at 10:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

maybe I am not a sportsperson, so I dunno much abt the so called sportsmanship.. and I am not a fan of Zidane either.. but seriously after the WC finals, everyone was just talking abt how wrong Zidane was, disgracing the whole team and country.. it is really frustrating to read abt journalists criticising him for the offence and yet nothing bad was said of Materazzi.. are these ppl so unfeeling?? Insults were made and it was so obvious who is in the wrong first. At least have some justice done.. sometimes I really wonder whether the ppl are really his fans when they didn't side with him.. if they are, they should respect the fact that he is sensitive abt his origins.. everyone will have a weakness which they are sensitive abt.. and he takes pride in them, and it is also in his character to where insults are met with instant retribution..that explains the outbreak.. no doubt he left the team in the lurch, no doubt he tarnished his legendary career, but as he sees it, they are just secondary to his family, his origins.. such a person, deserves our respect.. rmb him for the magic..and seriously, it isn't glorious for the italians to win the WC after this incident too. win it if u must with ur capability.. not with underhand means..

my friends, pardon me for grumbling abt this for n times.. this will be the last, I promise..

can there pls be some justice in the world?? The world is so grey..

Sunday, July 09, 2006
无奈者 posted at 5:22 AM | 0 Noticed Me

just finished watching the 3rd/4th placing match.. some updates.. haaz...

Germany vs Portugal: 3 : 1

Scorers: Player 7 Bastian Schweinsteiger (2 goals) + 1 own goal by portugal

lol.. interesting match.. although I expect Germany to win but didn't expect such a victory of 3 goals.. lol.. puay yee finds C. Ronaldo proud.. and he faked injury..lol.. although he is good with football, he seems to be too complacent.. and he seems determined to score for Portugal just now after the 3 goals by Germany.. lol..

I still like Figo the best in Portugal.. Just found out tat he was the 2000 European Footballer of the Year, the 2001 Fifa World Player of the Year, and was named amongst the FIFA 100. He should have come in earlier in the match.. lol.. and it is worth mentioning that after the whole match, Kahn and Figo seemed to be on close terms with one another.. lol.. maybe this is wat called the friendship built up after numerous matches.. they are both the oldest of their teams and this was the last WC for them..so nice.. a friendship built on the battlefield should be pretty solid..

Kahn.. although I find him fierce but he definitely looks nicer when he smiles.. haaz.. he is no doubt a good goalkeeper.. although his face scares ppl off.. lol..

Portugal had performed well this WC as they were out after round 1 in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.. Instead, Germany's position fall from 2nd to 3rd..

done.. gg to catch some slp le.. finals on tonite..lol..

Saturday, July 08, 2006
无奈者 posted at 9:29 PM | 0 Noticed Me

our clique, our memories, our photos.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 9:02 PM | 0 Noticed Me

was reading the book "the 5 ppl u meet in Heaven".. it was a book that Angel loaned me long ago.. it was put aside in a corner of my room and took it out to read today.. pretty interesting I would say, although I am still at pg 62..lol.. inside, there's this phrase..

'Strangers, are just family u have yet to come to know..'

how true is it? I dunno.. dun really understand this phrase.. maybe it is too chim for me..lol.. but u can't possibly have that many family members cos there are billions of strangers out there.. rite??

world cup's 3rd/4th placing on tonite at 2.30am.. I gonna watch!! lol.. and Germany's going to win.. haaz..

Friday, July 07, 2006
无奈者 posted at 11:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

changed a new layout.. hadn't changed mine for months.. lol.. just love my new blogskin.. it is the nicest.. in case u didn't notice.. the colorful border on the rite features a city with buildings and all that.. ( :

life recently is as usual just that it is slightly more tiring than usual due to the giving back of test papers.. can't really comment on my performance cos in the first place, there isn't a concrete target to achieve.. I didn't set any for myself.. just hoped to get all A passes..

dear friends, to all those who had done well or not too well, give urselves a pat on the shoulder as we had all done our best..jct is over and try not to brood over it..time to get down to work again.. let's jiayou together!! Hopefully I can start my revision again soon..

Thursday, July 06, 2006
无奈者 posted at 7:53 PM | 0 Noticed Me



老人快要死了,你首先应该先救他。然而,每个老人最后都只能把死作为他们的终点站, 你先让那个医生上车,因为他救过你,你认为这是个好机会报答他。

同时有些人认为一样可以在将来某个时候去报答他, 但是你一旦错过了这个机会,你可能永远不能遇到一个让你这么心动的人了。

在200个应征者中,只有一个人被雇佣了,他并没有解释他的理由,他只是说了以下的话 “给医生车钥匙,让他带着老人去医院,而我则留下来陪我的梦中情人一起等公车!”






Tuesday, July 04, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:04 PM | 0 Noticed Me

had a fantastic weekend.. stayovers and lots of mahjong and food.. hahaz.. and the weekend really feels more interesting than the one month holiday I just had.. lol.. thanks to both jes and constance!! they had both been great hosts!! woohoo!! hahaz.. however, as the weekend ends and the sch term starts.. it is time to face the music. Honestly, I have no idea how I am going to take the blow.. will I be sad or will I kan de kai and not be too bothered by it? I dunno.. I am pretty ok now.. no stress.. but I noe what is in there for me.. results, results and results..

just read ting's blog.. hmm.. seriously.. I didn't noe most of the whole class disagree or rather are not for the idea of a bbq.. and to be honest, I am feeling quite hurt now cos everytime even if we decide to make an outing from a clique to a class, we really wanted everyone to join in and have fun.. if not, we wouldn't bother informing anyone.. we would save smses and the trouble.. really.. the small grp of ppl can just go enjoy themselves, y didn't they?? but now then I realise not everyone understand our intentions..

I should hold some responsibilty for all this turn of events I guess.. I am really sorry we had to cancel the bbq. I sent out the smses yet the bbq have to be cancelled in the end.. however, it is due to lack of funds.. cos all these planning are too spontaneous.. and it is during the exam period.. nobody had the time to collect the money.. and there were only 1 reply out of all the smses..we all weren't sure who will be going.. it will be hard to estimate the amt of stuff to buy and since there were no funds, it means someone will have to fork out the money first.. and I am sure we dun wish history to repeat itself just like the chalet incident.. therefore, we had to cancel it.. if not, I really tink a bbq is a great idea for gd relaxation and class bonding after the jcts.. this is the truth behind the cancellation of the bbq..

recently, I came to understand that what I deemed as acceptable may not applies to the others.. just that not all of us may not necessarily find the idea of the more the merrier fun.. just like not all us like spontaneous events..just like not all of us may like what is planned ahead for us.. in the past, I tot that if I dun mind certain things, how can anyone mind?? cos I believe everyone sort of think alike..but jc life taught me the opposite..it isn't easy planning a grp outing.. maybe next time, I shouldn't really let the info out so early.. I should go make sure that we are 100% having an outing before informing the ppl involved.. this way, it may really please everybody.. again
对事, 不对人..