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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, April 21, 2007
无奈者 posted at 1:08 AM

as I tried to look u in the face to bid u gdbye this morning, I held out my hand for a handshake for no reason.. perhaps that will make it seem a proper farewell..

as you gave me a hug, I saw the tears flashing in ur eyes, as u rest ur head on my shoulders, my heart ached. I didn't expect that, but it makes me feel like crying..

as I ate the apple that you will cut for me every morning, I knew it is different. This will be the last fruit that you will put nicely in a container with a toothpick for me.. u do that every morning ever since I am watching my diet.. asking me whether I want to bring cut fruit to work..

as I bid you gdbye again on the phone during lunchtime, I knew this may be the last time I will be speaking to you. Thanking u and asking you to take care may be only what I have said at this point of time, but it comes from the bottom of my heart.

thinking back, 3 years of living together had brought you closer to our family.. Still remember vividly when u just came, u cooked lots of Indonesian dishes.. I rmb we said that the mashed potatoes are nice and that became a frequent dish on the dining table frm then on until Mommy taught u more local dishes..

u will never fail to wake me up on time be it naps or every morning as long as Daddy or Mommy instructed u to.. to ensure I am never late for sch or for work..

I was angry with you when I wanted to make egg sandwich and you prepare the last egg to be half-boiled instead of hard-boiled, thus spoiling my sandwich plan..

I seldom buy u things but when u decided to keep ur hair long, I bought u 2 rubber bands..

There was not a word of grumble frm u when you have more work to do, for eg had to fry the seaweed chicken at night after dinner.. when u have to cook instant noodles for supper for both ah di and I.. when I req u have to hand wash most of my clothes..

You will show me a picture of your son happily that u just received in a letter frm ur hometown.. and at the same time, u will also req to develop some of the photos we had taken together to keep as memorto.

how I will ask u how do I look before I leave for work everyday

and I will always look for u when I am in need of stamps but too lazy to go buy myself..

how you will answer the calls like a standard answering machine, giving ur greetings promptly..

how you will open the door, welcoming every friend of ah di and mine with ur cheerful smiles..

although the vegetables u fry are always overcooked, but u still possess good culinery skills, making my clique love the food u cooked..

and not to forget your birthdays, which falls exactly on Valentine's Day.. such a special day..

I will never forget the happiness that is beaming on your face when you tot u r coming back after 3 weeks, telling me how excited u r to see ur son and ur family again..

All these trival things, but things will be different as I will not see u every morning anymore. I will not see u ironing the clothes in the afternoon.. I am sad, after all, 3 years of time is not considered short, but there is not eternity in this world and u shld be going back to your family to where u belong. Perhaps before that, u had already caught the hint that u will not be serving us anymore, perhaps u only know of the decision last minute, let's hope everyone part without too much sadness.. and may life be blissful for u back in your hometown.

Let us all continue the respective journeys of our lives. As angel had said, smile becos fate had bought abt our meeting..

once again, I have realised the importance of my family and friends around me and I will cherish them more than before..