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a journey not to be forgotten. ♥

Saturday, August 26, 2006
无奈者 posted at 6:28 AM | 0 Noticed Me

maybe.. I shld look at issues from different angles and perspectives before coming to conclusions.. just as I hated them for jumping to conclusions b4 they see the whole pic, I should too.. give them a chance so that I wun end up like them.. jumping to the wrong conclusions.. maybe I should just do what I should and try not to be bothered by other unnecessary stuff.. this way, I should be happier..

sorry, ppl.. for the small (is it small? I hope it is.. lol) outbreak yesterday.. I flared up easily these few weeks.. and really thanks for all of ur concern.. I am ok.. just that u can't imagine what causes the moody me.. it is just the trival matters.. the matters that doesn't concern me at all..

this morning, I woke up, thankful for what I have.. I was extremely worried abt some issues yesterday.. but when everything clears up, everything just came back to place again.. A mind cleared of worries and anxiety.. will be wat I ask for.. lol..

thanks, ngiam my gui fu gou for the letter and the chocolate.. really thanks k? Honestly, I am very touched.. Memories just kept flowing back when I read the letter.. Just wanna tell u I jusy as glad I found u in the mist of the crowd as my friend, as my beloved ngaim.. u rox, we rox, our clique rox!!

Sunday, August 20, 2006
无奈者 posted at 11:16 PM | 0 Noticed Me

good.. this will be my entry for the day before I succumb to my bed.. lol..

actually want do Maths de.. but in the end ended up watching the Prime Minister's speech show on TV.. yup.. it is just a summary cum update, I suppose.. on the events that happened in the past year and on our future plans.. what it holds for us.. employment, population and the teenagers issues.. it is always this or that..

anyway, the English speech is quite interesting.. compared to the Chinese one.. (yes, I listened to both..lol) and I tot they will be abt the same issues but surprisingly no.. They aren't..lol.. However, I love the 30 mins long (I tink) film on the history of Singapore.. how Singapore started out after independence.. the 1968 parade all that.. and my parents were filling me in on the days when they were little kids.. the kampung, the black/white tv, the color tv and finally the HTB flats days.. lol.. and I didn't noe they actually have so much funny incidents to share and they are sure hilarious! lol..

I realised.. we are all patriotic to a certain extent whether we can or cannot help it.. lol.. there may be ppl deny loving their homeland or rather dun tink they have any feelings for their motherland but actually deep down in their hearts, they do without knowing it.. it is just a simple human feeling I guess.. and it is inborn..

I am so tired now.. zzzzzzzzzzz.................

Sunday, August 13, 2006
无奈者 posted at 3:49 PM | 0 Noticed Me

just finished reading one of my emails..
from now onwards, I am going to try to LIVE my life with an attitude of GRATITUDE..

Even in times when it seems that nothing could be worse, there is always a reason to be grateful. And when you feel a sense of gratitude, you feel a sense of happiness and content.

And there is always this quote to pull me back when I am feeling dissatisfied with my life..
"I once was distraught because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet."

一切的一切, 只因为幸福不是必然的..
无奈者 posted at 1:44 AM | 0 Noticed Me

watched fireworks near esplanade area just now! my 2nd time.. so nice!! haaz.. I am hoping I can post some pics up so have to wait for haoquan le.. haaz..

very tired now.. watched 'Dragon Tiger Gate' with puay yee just now... in case u wanted to noe.. I would rate it 5/10.. The fighting scenes were too fake.. no wonder critics didn't have a gd comment for it.. but only zhen zi dan's fighting scenes are acceptable.. and the last part where they fight the bad guy.. I tot must the 3 of them (shawn yue, nicholas tse and zhen zidan) combine efforts together.. who noes zhen zidan one man show.. killed him.. lol.. ok loh.. that should be the most unexpected part of the movie.. lol.. but still, I didn't regret watching it cos I wanted to watch it all along.. and zhen zi dan's muscles are sure big.. lol..

end of report.. I want go sleep le.. : ) so so tired..

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:24 PM | 0 Noticed Me

NDP is finishing soon.. but I decided to give the remaining a miss.. the fireworks are really beautiful on the TV screen.. bet they will be better at the stadium.. haaz.. NDP this year is pretty much the same.. still the same old order of performances.. we can't do away with the soldiers marching and the singing of patriotic songs for NDP, can we? lol..

Singapore makes me think of..

the Singapore flag which have sweets in it.. I have always wanted that for National Day every year when I was younger.. Every year, I remember hoping someone would buy it for me.. but nobody did.. cos I didn't told anybody I wanted that.. lol..

my kindergarten days when we never failed to have a party and lots of fun on this day.. and I rmb it is pot luck every year.. haaz.. I always contributed chocolates.. cos it is convenient.. keez..

home.. my home sweet home.. I am thankful for the peace and security Singapore had offered to its people all these years. At least I know, there will always be a safe, cosy place with my family waiting for me after every long and tiring day..

fireworks.. cos it is not common here.. we only get to see it once or twice a year during special occasions. and thanks to its rare occurrence, the fireworks had become extremely beautiful..

durian.. the best 'pungent' fruit we can find in the world.. it is heaven if u love it and hell if u hate it.. haaz..

exams and rankings.. although MOE had abolished the school ranking system years ago, we know it is not over yet in the minds of the people.. people are still as concerned as ever over the academic rankings..

Esplanade.. although there are people (like us) who go there not to watch performances but for gatherings, it is still our pride, our first world-class arts theatre.. It signifies our increasing levels of appreciation for arts.

HDB flats.. ppl say it is a must in order to house so many people on such a limited piece of land.. lol..

dengue fever.. lol.. cos it is a tropical illness.. It makes a perfect breeding ground for the mosquitoes with the weather in Singapore..

and lastly, passion.. I hope Singapore can be a place which allows everybody to pursue their passion in future.

Happy Birthday, Singapore!! : )
无奈者 posted at 6:04 AM | 0 Noticed Me

learnt a new chpt of life today.. friendship.. I may have to re-define it again.. There are really people with different personalities out in this world.. some value friendship much to the extent that they can die for their best friend, some see friends as only accquaintances to see u through different periods of time while others just remain neutral.. To me, true friendship is something worth cherishing but family should always hold the most impt place in one's heart.. No doubt it is hard to meet someone who really understands u in the midst of the crowd, but it is harder to be in a family.. we all noe that the love and care that our families gave are incomparable to other types of love.. From another viewpoint, some may simply put family as top priority as an act of self-defence. These people are usually victims of their relationships with people..

How far can u go for frienship? It wasn't simply a test for limits but a matter of how much can we scarifice for our friends.. I can help a friend in need, giving her support if she needs it, covering up for their mistakes if necessary but I dun tink I can go as far as to forgiving their betrayal.. Once broken, everything's gone like a mirror.. It is hard for the 2 friends to get as close again.. One new point: Does scarificing to a larger extent makes u a better friend or a more worthy friend? Logically, it is a no but emotionally and sadly, it would be a yes.. The extent of our scarifice shouldn't be used to measure friendship but we all would love to have these type of friends, won't we? I would want friends to shield me from facing the consequences of my mistake too.. Who wouldn't like to get away scott-free from their mistake?

Just when I thought I am on the road to recovery, I realised there's still a long way to go.. And because of a nightmare, things can never be the same again..

and btw, kudos to cg 2505.. to our our beloved classmates who attended the class lunch yesterday and esp to cindy and li xuan.. Thanks for sending us the photos and they were all fantastic! Have a happy national day, guys! : )

Monday, August 07, 2006
无奈者 posted at 7:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Ting mentioned something abt perfectionist in her blog entry..

The term 'perfectionist'.. reminded me of her again.. She is the 1st perfectionist that ever come into my life I suppose.. and until now, I haven't met her match..lol.. Although we are not in contact now, I still think of her ocassionally when I am reminded by the things around me.. lol.. Her perfectionism, is something I couldn't bear at the point of time when I know her..That broke the friendship up too.. Thinking back, guess we just didn't handle things well.. we often quarelled over both trival and sort of impt matters.. but we are still so close.. however, too much quarrels accumulated over time had strained our friendship unknowingly.. We get irritated with one another.. She is displeased with my 'chim cai'ness and I am annoyed by her perfectionism.. in fact, I feel pressurised by her so called perfectionism.. Everytime when I can't meet her expectations, she will always put on a dissatisfied front.. Similarly, I am upset by her high expectations.. And she always succeeded in making me cry everytime after a big quarrel (she is the only one who can do that till now).. Yet, as time fades, what is left behind of the friendship are memories and tears that made the friendship seem so real.. The friendship shared with her is one truly unforgettable..

I thank her for coming into my life and leaving me the valuable things that can only be exchanged with tears and experience.. Sincerely hope that she is doing well in her life too..

Saturday, August 05, 2006
无奈者 posted at 7:22 PM | 0 Noticed Me

Before I realised, I am losing excitement over national day.. it comes every year without fail but the novelty just wears off.. When I was young, I remember I will hurry my parents home before the parade starts and occupy a seat before the television, watching the live broadcast which I deemed interesting.. I love the national day pop songs, esp Home.. The tune makes me feel comforted whenever I heard it. And at that time, 1 month before national day, the TV will start broadcasting the MTV nearly everyday.. esp before the 6.30 news. No matter what I was doing then, I would dash out into the living room just to watch the music video again.. Later, as years goes by, the publicity for the songs get lesser and lesser.. We rarely get to hear it on TV and as the music industry gets more commercialised, the songs aren't as touching as the first..

In sec sch days, I looked forward to national day.. cos we will have class outings on that day.. haaz.. and the sch celebrations are always so fun.. when we reached the climax of the celebration, that is the singing of the national day songs, the whole class will all stand on the chairs in the audi, holding hands, waving our hands as we sing along.. if not, we will all put our hands on the person in front of u, forming a 'chuchu' train and run around the audi.. everything is so fun, the atmosphere gets so high, the class gets so bonded.. I remember watching the fireworks with JT 2 years back at the esplanade area.. We were all so enthu abt the outing and the fireworks seemed so beautiful at that time cos u have so many people squeezing, watching with u.. I miss those times..

Now, in JC, maybe I just didn't give myself the chance to rekindle the national day memories by attending the collage celebrations, I am just not excited over the coming holiday.. not excited over the celebration, not excited over anything.. The only thing I am looking forward to.. is our class lunch.. lol..

maybe all these are just normal.. as we grow up, holidays will only become a routine and we will only view it as a day to rest or a day to have the time to do our revisions, to catch up on our work..

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
无奈者 posted at 8:35 PM | 0 Noticed Me

ngiam has a new pet.. named 'muah chee'.. : ) Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:34 PM | 0 Noticed Me

haaz.. this pic is hilarious.. lol.. the owner and the 'pet'.. lol.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:34 PM | 0 Noticed Me

woo.. I luv this pic.. the clique all looking in different directions but the camera.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:33 PM | 0 Noticed Me

my turn.. lol.. I am lovin' it.. LOL.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:32 PM | 0 Noticed Me

look at how ngiam is enjoying the 'kisses'..haaz.. so fun.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

ls, li xuan and angel.. supposed to be a pw grp photo I tink.. but with hui xuan missing.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:30 PM | 0 Noticed Me

here's another.. hoho Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:30 PM | 0 Noticed Me

we r all les.. lol.. and there are more to come.. muahahaha.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:29 PM | 0 Noticed Me

lol.. do we look like we r in prison? lol.. hmm.. and where is vera and yt looking? Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:28 PM | 0 Noticed Me

haaz.. with the yellow flag, we look a tour grp touring tj..lol.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:25 PM | 0 Noticed Me

the gals in our clique! Gal power!! : ) Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 8:24 PM | 0 Noticed Me

4 of us.. just b4 photo taking.. haha.. Posted by Picasa
无奈者 posted at 7:26 PM | 0 Noticed Me

CG photo taking TODAY!! hohoho.. very excited.. cos it is our class photo!! Last year is with our respective civics grp.. but then we aren't really close with the ppl in it.. so not as enthu.. haaz.. basically, we had a fun time taking our photos on the track.. after that, we even stayed back to take photos on our own using our hp camera phones :) thanks to the technology nowadays..

and believe me.. we had so much fun posing.. muahahahahas.. the clique had finally taken a pic together.. all the gals.. n the guy.. lol.. and I can't wait to post the pics up!! But have to wait for my bro to come back.. these type of things is he settle de...ooooohhh........so sad....

I will be back with the pics later! Wait for me!! hoho....